Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ |
Bob Cossick | 15.3 |
Carl Umpleby | 9.7 |
Chandra Shirashyad | 17.5 |
Chris Wallinger | 13.0 |
Clint Anderson | 13.7 |
Dave Lim | 23.5 |
David Quinones | 9.0 |
Donnie Sammons | 20.4 |
Doug Crane | 9.3 |
Ed Ramirez | 12.2 |
Frank Gosen | 11.3 |
Fred Kroh | 12.9 |
Gene Saracco | 16.2 |
Gregory Rudloff | 15.1 |
Griffin Goudreau | 14.2 |
Jeff Miller | 19.0 |
Jim Goudreau | 17.2 |
Kelly Wiens | 28.7 |
Ken Kaleiki | 10.8 |
Kevin Madej | 17.8 |
Lionel Fernandez | 9.1 |
Mark Emerson | 9.2 |
Mark Silvera | 20.7 |
Mark Willis | 16.0 |
Michael Callahan | 3.3 |
Mike Armstrong | 8.1 |
Mike Dutrow | 15.7 |
Mike Wills | 20.5 |
Pete Rubenis | 20.7 |
San Asuti | 13.9 |
Scott Shepard | 18.2 |
Tan Le | 26.2 |
Tim Garland | 9.2 |
Tim McGuire | 19.5 |
Tom Connor | 27.1 |