DFW 2 | The Courses at Watters Creek Tee Sheet

Tue, July 30

The Courses at Watters Creek - Archived on 12-12-2024 / 24 TMAQ
Time Players
The Courses at Watters Creek - Archived on 12-12-2024
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Anderson, Marcus
8:51 AM 24 TMAQ Elliott, Jimmy / Miller, Mike
Ball, Christopher
9:18 AM 24 TMAQ Bradley, Jason / Buss, Baron
Baller, Jacob
10:03 AM 24 TMAQ Lopez, Christian / Pritchard, Judd
Banglesdorf, Jake
8:15 AM 24 TMAQ Hutto, Chase / Lovett, Jay
Barfield, Neal
7:39 AM 24 TMAQ Braunstein, Matt / Brown, Bill / Mitchell, John
Berge, Trent
10:57 AM 24 TMAQ Morra, Jason / Robinson, Michael
Blinn, James
10:39 AM 24 TMAQ Funk, Kyle / McGuire, Kevin
Bradley, Jason
9:18 AM 24 TMAQ Ball, Christopher / Buss, Baron
Braswell, Samuel
10:30 AM 24 TMAQ Samp, Michael / Waghorne, Rush
Braunstein, Matt
7:39 AM 24 TMAQ Barfield, Neal / Brown, Bill / Mitchell, John
Broderick, John
10:48 AM 24 TMAQ Jackson, Ray / Williams, Russell
Brown, Bill
7:39 AM 24 TMAQ Barfield, Neal / Braunstein, Matt / Mitchell, John
Buss, Baron
9:18 AM 24 TMAQ Ball, Christopher / Bradley, Jason
Cobb, Chaz
9:54 AM 24 TMAQ Jones, Tyler / ONeil, Mike
Crawford, Kolton
9:00 AM 24 TMAQ Fuller, Clint / Gazi, Ali
Delavaldene, Marc
7:30 AM 24 TMAQ Kellogg, Derek / Sterling, Jay
Dodge, Sam
8:42 AM 24 TMAQ Ezmerlian, Gary / Goff, Michael
Duffy, Grant
7:57 AM 24 TMAQ Froese, Jeff / Lasky, Matt
Dwyer, Michael
9:09 AM 24 TMAQ Gilmour, Marc / Verplank, Bryce
Elliott, Jimmy
8:51 AM 24 TMAQ Anderson, Marcus / Miller, Mike
Ezmerlian, Gary
8:42 AM 24 TMAQ Dodge, Sam / Goff, Michael
Fearing, Zak
10:21 AM 24 TMAQ Flickinger, Austin / Korba, Bryan
Flickinger, Austin
10:21 AM 24 TMAQ Fearing, Zak / Korba, Bryan
Forrest, Craig
8:24 AM 24 TMAQ Sullivan, Matthew / Ward, Kurtis
Froese, Jeff
7:57 AM 24 TMAQ Duffy, Grant / Lasky, Matt
Fuller, Clint
9:00 AM 24 TMAQ Crawford, Kolton / Gazi, Ali
Funk, Kyle
10:39 AM 24 TMAQ Blinn, James / McGuire, Kevin
Gazi, Ali
9:00 AM 24 TMAQ Crawford, Kolton / Fuller, Clint
Gilmour, Marc
9:09 AM 24 TMAQ Dwyer, Michael / Verplank, Bryce
Goff, Michael
8:42 AM 24 TMAQ Dodge, Sam / Ezmerlian, Gary
Goldston, Rawlins
10:12 AM 24 TMAQ Kirk, Chris / McKeown, Jason / Pennington, Robert
Graham, Barrett
7:48 AM 24 TMAQ Leshon, Kyle / Wagoner, Scott
Hutto, Chase
8:15 AM 24 TMAQ Banglesdorf, Jake / Lovett, Jay
Jackson, Ray
10:48 AM 24 TMAQ Broderick, John / Williams, Russell
Jacobson, Bob
9:45 AM 24 TMAQ Tanna, Neel / Woldert, Dan
Jones, Tyler
9:54 AM 24 TMAQ Cobb, Chaz / ONeil, Mike
Kellogg, Derek
7:30 AM 24 TMAQ Delavaldene, Marc / Sterling, Jay
Kirk, Chris
10:12 AM 24 TMAQ Goldston, Rawlins / McKeown, Jason / Pennington, Robert
Korba, Bryan
10:21 AM 24 TMAQ Fearing, Zak / Flickinger, Austin
Lasky, Matt
7:57 AM 24 TMAQ Duffy, Grant / Froese, Jeff
Leshon, Kyle
7:48 AM 24 TMAQ Graham, Barrett / Wagoner, Scott
Lopez, Christian
10:03 AM 24 TMAQ Baller, Jacob / Pritchard, Judd
Lovett, Jay
8:15 AM 24 TMAQ Banglesdorf, Jake / Hutto, Chase
Matherne, Matt
8:33 AM 24 TMAQ McMacken, Scott / Ruchlin, Jonathan
Matthews, True
9:36 AM 24 TMAQ Minahan, James / Stephenson, Bobby
McGuire, Kevin
10:39 AM 24 TMAQ Blinn, James / Funk, Kyle
McKeown, Jason
10:12 AM 24 TMAQ Goldston, Rawlins / Kirk, Chris / Pennington, Robert
McMacken, Scott
8:33 AM 24 TMAQ Matherne, Matt / Ruchlin, Jonathan
Miller, Mike
8:51 AM 24 TMAQ Anderson, Marcus / Elliott, Jimmy
Minahan, James
9:36 AM 24 TMAQ Matthews, True / Stephenson, Bobby
Mitchell, John
7:39 AM 24 TMAQ Barfield, Neal / Braunstein, Matt / Brown, Bill
Morra, Jason
10:57 AM 24 TMAQ Berge, Trent / Robinson, Michael
ONeil, Mike
9:54 AM 24 TMAQ Cobb, Chaz / Jones, Tyler
Pennington, Robert
10:12 AM 24 TMAQ Goldston, Rawlins / Kirk, Chris / McKeown, Jason
Pettit, Christian
8:06 AM 24 TMAQ Quigley, Brandon / Schnittman, David
Phelps, Brad
9:27 AM 24 TMAQ Schaefer, John / Tubbs, Greg
Pritchard, Judd
10:03 AM 24 TMAQ Baller, Jacob / Lopez, Christian
Quigley, Brandon
8:06 AM 24 TMAQ Pettit, Christian / Schnittman, David
Robinson, Michael
10:57 AM 24 TMAQ Berge, Trent / Morra, Jason
Ruchlin, Jonathan
8:33 AM 24 TMAQ Matherne, Matt / McMacken, Scott
Samp, Michael
10:30 AM 24 TMAQ Braswell, Samuel / Waghorne, Rush
Schaefer, John
9:27 AM 24 TMAQ Phelps, Brad / Tubbs, Greg
Schnittman, David
8:06 AM 24 TMAQ Pettit, Christian / Quigley, Brandon
Stephenson, Bobby
9:36 AM 24 TMAQ Matthews, True / Minahan, James
Sterling, Jay
7:30 AM 24 TMAQ Delavaldene, Marc / Kellogg, Derek
Sullivan, Matthew
8:24 AM 24 TMAQ Forrest, Craig / Ward, Kurtis
Tanna, Neel
9:45 AM 24 TMAQ Jacobson, Bob / Woldert, Dan
Tubbs, Greg
9:27 AM 24 TMAQ Phelps, Brad / Schaefer, John
Verplank, Bryce
9:09 AM 24 TMAQ Dwyer, Michael / Gilmour, Marc
Waghorne, Rush
10:30 AM 24 TMAQ Braswell, Samuel / Samp, Michael
Wagoner, Scott
7:48 AM 24 TMAQ Graham, Barrett / Leshon, Kyle
Ward, Kurtis
8:24 AM 24 TMAQ Forrest, Craig / Sullivan, Matthew
Williams, Russell
10:48 AM 24 TMAQ Broderick, John / Jackson, Ray
Woldert, Dan
9:45 AM 24 TMAQ Jacobson, Bob / Tanna, Neel