Tuesday Night League 2018, Team Standings

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Number Teams Total Points Team Members
1 The Replacements 21.00 Adam Wilgus | Alex Brock | Andy Tillotson | Bryce Wortman | Chris Polski...
2 Disciples of Dr. Death 26.50 Carl Nicholsen | David Clyde | Don Montel | Doug Orton | Jesse Castillo ...
3 Muskrats 26.00 Brian Anderson | Chris Boyum | Dane Butler | Don Brockmann | Evan Scarol...
4 Booze Bros 19.00 Bill Bechen | Brian Woodman | Curt Smith | Floyd Plummer | Greg Nelson |...
5 Lithia 20.00 Brendan Shrieve | David Shrieve | Frank Russell | Jay Klemp | Joe Sawyer...
6 Rennies 21.50 Bob Huffman | David Maeda | David Phillips | Dayne Miller | Jeffery Pass...
7 Sunshine Kids 24.50 Farrukh Raza | Ivan Mombert | John Qualman | Jon Carroll | Jonah Alves |...
8 Sam's Place 26.00 Aaron Beito | David Hixson | Jim White | Scott Larsen | Stacy Solomon
9 Rag Tags 13.50 Donald Fowler | Kelly Coughlin | Ken Reffstrup | Lawrence Johnson | Mark...
10 Vagabonds 17.00 Bob Carlock | Jason Lovewell | Kevin Sweeney | Kono Wong | Mark Johnson ...
11 Brothers 22.50 Corey Gabriel | Kevin Williams | Richie Villalobos | Rick Steiner | Ryan...
12 Feel So Alive 32.50 Brianna Stiller | Dave Eckstine | Fred Scaife | Greg Mott | Kim Wenger |...
Totals: 270.00