Player League Standings

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Number Player Times Played Avg. Gross Avg. Net Low Gross Low Net
1 Dj Koerber 10 38.9 34.0 36.0 31.0
2 Steve Stirneman 4 45.8 40.5 42.0 35.0
3 Bubba Koester 8 36.3 33.3 33.0 30.0
4 Josh Snyder 3 40.7 37.7 39.0 31.0
5 Derrick Voss 12 41.1 34.1 35.0 28.0
6 Jim Hentis 12 41.3 34.0 36.0 28.0
7 Melvin Coop 11 40.8 34.8 36.0 30.0
8 Chris Durbin 9 55.4 42.9 46.0 34.0
9 Gary Birke 10 44.7 31.7 41.0 28.0
10 Dean Schoenbeck 9 41.7 36.2 39.0 33.0
11 Mike Roscow 3 43.3 35.3 42.0 34.0
12 Josh Eckart 11 38.7 35.7 36.0 33.0
13 Brian Guebert 6 44.5 35.5 41.0 32.0
14 Luke Durbin 12 43.9 34.5 37.0 27.0
15 Lenny Colbert 8 42.0 35.0 38.0 31.0
16 Tom Frazier 8 41.3 35.3 38.0 28.0
17 Andrew Stellhorn 11 39.1 35.9 35.0 32.0
18 Joe Deterding 9 44.9 37.8 40.0 32.0
19 Chris Schield 13 36.2 34.2 33.0 31.0
20 Brian Williams 10 43.6 36.4 40.0 33.0
21 Tom Jenkins 7 43.6 36.6 41.0 34.0
22 Larry Ehlers 8 52.4 41.8 44.0 28.0
23 Cody McCarthy 10 42.8 34.9 41.0 33.0
24 Carl Rehmer 9 46.8 37.6 42.0 33.0
25 Willie Maes 12 39.3 34.3 37.0 32.0
26 Norm Roy 11 44.4 37.7 41.0 34.0
27 Gary Benedict 11 36.5 33.5 33.0 30.0
28 Rodney Nevois 12 41.0 35.0 36.0 30.0
29 Mark Vogt 8 46.3 35.9 39.0 29.0
30 Mike Kueker 10 40.4 33.9 36.0 29.0
31 Dave Wittenauer 9 43.7 34.7 40.0 31.0
32 David Snyder 11 36.7 32.3 34.0 29.0
33 Chad Buss 9 43.8 37.4 38.0 32.0
34 Klayton Coop 12 33.8 34.0 31.0 31.0
35 Mike Goodman 9 42.1 36.3 37.0 31.0
36 Zach Rehmer 4 46.8 40.3 41.0 35.0
37 Rich Van Buren 10 46.7 38.6 43.0 35.0
38 Matt Shields 11 39.5 35.0 36.0 30.0
39 Robbie Aubochon 9 40.2 33.2 36.0 29.0
40 Donnie Horrell 3 40.7 36.7 36.0 32.0
41 Craig Stobbs 7 41.6 35.6 37.0 31.0
42 Larry Ingalls 10 45.1 36.1 41.0 32.0
43 Will Harbaugh 7 41.7 36.6 38.0 33.0
44 Wes Salger 8 44.6 38.8 40.0 34.0
45 Doug Herman 7 39.7 36.7 35.0 32.0
46 Craig Wilson 7 45.3 36.3 42.0 33.0
47 Brad Roy 10 42.0 33.0 36.0 27.0
48 Dustin Kueker 7 40.0 36.0 34.0 30.0
49 John Watson 7 41.0 35.0 38.0 32.0
50 Chuck Woosley 8 38.0 32.5 35.0 29.0
51 Jon Tallman 8 50.8 38.3 44.0 31.0
52 Tyler Mueth 8 49.4 37.4 42.0 30.0
53 Quent Stenzel 1 39.0 36.0 39.0 36.0
54 Bart Miller 7 43.1 35.7 38.0 30.0
55 Steve Kueker 9 38.6 34.8 34.0 30.0
56 Charlie Fox 5 42.4 37.2 41.0 35.0
57 Matt Retzer 11 47.2 38.7 40.0 32.0
58 Tim Lowry 9 49.3 35.3 43.0 29.0
59 Dan Crafton 10 45.9 35.9 42.0 32.0
60 Cody Gowler 7 48.6 36.6 42.0 30.0
61 Tim Hollman 10 40.5 36.5 34.0 30.0
62 Claude Easter 10 48.3 35.9 40.0 24.0
63 Luke Horrell 1 39.0 35.0 39.0 35.0
64 Bob Barbeau 5 46.2 37.4 40.0 31.0
65 Tony Esker 8 42.4 37.9 37.0 31.0
66 Merle Kueker 8 39.6 35.6 37.0 33.0
67 Paul Beaston 8 40.8 36.8 38.0 34.0
68 Bruce Bauer 10 45.2 36.8 40.0 30.0
69 Butch Stellhorn1 6 47.0 33.7 45.0 32.0
70 Alex Kueker 6 41.5 33.2 35.0 27.0
71 Glenn Gielow 4 47.8 41.8 44.0 37.0
72 Robert Zipfel 5 38.4 32.4 37.0 31.0
73 Ryan Shubert 3 40.3 36.3 38.0 34.0
74 Matt Stines 4 49.3 36.3 44.0 31.0
75 Butch Stellhorn 1 48.0 37.0 48.0 37.0
76 Vance Porter 1 35.0 33.0 35.0 33.0
77 Heath Kipping 2 34.0 33.0 33.0 32.0
78 Steve Faust 1 43.0 39.0 43.0 39.0
79 Mike Kuhn 2 41.0 33.0 40.0 32.0
80 Scott Shubert 1 45.0 35.0 45.0 35.0
81 Zach Trost 1 54.0 54.0 54.0 54.0
82 Matt Wagner 1 34.0 32.0 34.0 32.0
83 Brian Ruebusch 1 36.0 33.0 36.0 33.0