RBC PGA Scramble Local Qualifier - The Nest Golf Club Tee Sheet

Qualifying Round - Mon, June 10

The Nest Golf Club at Friday Harbour
Time Players
The Nest Golf Club at Friday Harbour
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Adno, Josh
1:50 PM Gold/Blue - Men Bucys, Michael + Horowitz, Jordan + Shore, Bryan
Ashwood, Dave
2:00 PM Gold/Blue - Men Burton, Shea + Leigh, Nick + Soriano, Luis
Beckberger, Kevin
1:00 PM Gold/Blue - Men Bidmead, Corey + Oliver, Matt + Wells, Adam
Benn, Brandon
1:40 PM Gold/Blue - Men McLeod, Cody + Plester, Brendan + Rabishaw, Jesse
Bidmead, Corey
1:00 PM Gold/Blue - Men Beckberger, Kevin + Oliver, Matt + Wells, Adam
Bucys, Michael
1:50 PM Gold/Blue - Men Adno, Josh + Horowitz, Jordan + Shore, Bryan
Burton, Shea
2:00 PM Gold/Blue - Men Ashwood, Dave + Leigh, Nick + Soriano, Luis
DeSchepper, Daniel
1:10 PM Gold/Blue - Men Dilley, Mark + Gerrard, Chris + Mchattie, Robert
Dilley, Mark
1:10 PM Gold/Blue - Men DeSchepper, Daniel + Gerrard, Chris + Mchattie, Robert
Donohue, Sherry
1:30 PM Green/White - Ladies Duggan, Maria + Van Niekerk, Gail + Ward, Sandy
Duggan, Maria
1:30 PM Green/White - Ladies Donohue, Sherry + Van Niekerk, Gail + Ward, Sandy
Durante , Rob
2:20 PM Gold/Blue - Men Leader, Greg + Nykoliation, Michael + Young, Ian
Gerrard, Chris
1:10 PM Gold/Blue - Men DeSchepper, Daniel + Dilley, Mark + Mchattie, Robert
Gomes, Danny
2:10 PM Gold/Blue - Men Leitch, Jason + Lomoro, Chris + Oliveira, Jose
Horowitz, Jordan
1:50 PM Gold/Blue - Men Adno, Josh + Bucys, Michael + Shore, Bryan
Leader, Greg
2:20 PM Gold/Blue - Men Durante , Rob + Nykoliation, Michael + Young, Ian
Leigh, Nick
2:00 PM Gold/Blue - Men Ashwood, Dave + Burton, Shea + Soriano, Luis
Leitch, Jason
2:10 PM Gold/Blue - Men Gomes, Danny + Lomoro, Chris + Oliveira, Jose
Lomoro, Chris
2:10 PM Gold/Blue - Men Gomes, Danny + Leitch, Jason + Oliveira, Jose
McBurney, Sean
1:20 PM Gold/Blue - Men Nanos , David + Rivers , Edward + Shadbolt , Matthew
McLeod, Cody
1:40 PM Gold/Blue - Men Benn, Brandon + Plester, Brendan + Rabishaw, Jesse
Mchattie, Robert
1:10 PM Gold/Blue - Men DeSchepper, Daniel + Dilley, Mark + Gerrard, Chris
Nanos , David
1:20 PM Gold/Blue - Men McBurney, Sean + Rivers , Edward + Shadbolt , Matthew
Nykoliation, Michael
2:20 PM Gold/Blue - Men Durante , Rob + Leader, Greg + Young, Ian
Oliveira, Jose
2:10 PM Gold/Blue - Men Gomes, Danny + Leitch, Jason + Lomoro, Chris
Oliver, Matt
1:00 PM Gold/Blue - Men Beckberger, Kevin + Bidmead, Corey + Wells, Adam
Plester, Brendan
1:40 PM Gold/Blue - Men Benn, Brandon + McLeod, Cody + Rabishaw, Jesse
Rabishaw, Jesse
1:40 PM Gold/Blue - Men Benn, Brandon + McLeod, Cody + Plester, Brendan
Rivers , Edward
1:20 PM Gold/Blue - Men McBurney, Sean + Nanos , David + Shadbolt , Matthew
Shadbolt , Matthew
1:20 PM Gold/Blue - Men McBurney, Sean + Nanos , David + Rivers , Edward
Shore, Bryan
1:50 PM Gold/Blue - Men Adno, Josh + Bucys, Michael + Horowitz, Jordan
Soriano, Luis
2:00 PM Gold/Blue - Men Ashwood, Dave + Burton, Shea + Leigh, Nick
Van Niekerk, Gail
1:30 PM Green/White - Ladies Donohue, Sherry + Duggan, Maria + Ward, Sandy
Ward, Sandy
1:30 PM Green/White - Ladies Donohue, Sherry + Duggan, Maria + Van Niekerk, Gail
Wells, Adam
1:00 PM Gold/Blue - Men Beckberger, Kevin + Bidmead, Corey + Oliver, Matt
Young, Ian
2:20 PM Gold/Blue - Men Durante , Rob + Leader, Greg + Nykoliation, Michael