Glendover-Sub List

Monday evening play dates May 6 thru Aug 26. (No play May 27 or Jun 3)

9 holes: First tee time at 5:20 pm. Arrive by 4:50 pm to check in.


The Sub List is shared with registered League members who will contact you directly when they need a sub.


  • If you agree to sub for a league member, you will reimburse her directly.
  • The league member must notify the Manager in advance that you will sub for her.


Only chapter members are eligible for sub. No advance payment is required.


Use the 'Register Now' button to add your name to the Sub List for this league. In the form, enter your

cell phone and select which month(s) you wish to be a sub.


Glendover Golf Club

14015 NE Glisan St., Portland



Subs must reimburse the league member they are subbing for directly. 

Fee assumes walking: $18.50 per play date


Optional: Pay pro shop for riding cart ($10/person) upon arrival.


Questions or To Sign Up As a Drop-In


Contact League Managers:


Cindy Roeser, 503-260-7329


Marcia Norrgard, 503-307-3602