Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ |
Allen, Jordan | 10.1 |
Baker-Milne, Janice | 15.4 |
Barbara, Rob | 13.5 |
Blasko , Josh | 21.0 |
Blommestyn, Matt | 10.6 |
Bohdanec, Nick | 0.1 |
Borjeson, Aaron | 14.7 |
Corbin, Pat | 10.0 |
Crowe, Bill | 3.9 |
Crowe, Lynn | 10.9 |
Fountas, Niko | 21.9 |
Fountas, Yianni | 12.9 |
Giffin, Mike | 3.8 |
Gillingham, Brian | 14.1 |
Greene, Dustin | 9.5 |
Gregoire , Kris | 4.2 |
Hancock, Jeff | 15.6 |
Harrison, Allyson | 7.6 |
Harrison, Mark | 14.4 |
Kennelly , Gerald | 25.6 |
Kennelly, Jeremiah | 3.3 |
Megrath, Derek | 9.4 |
Mercer, Jessie | 2.0 |
Nelson, Hugh | 14.2 |
Nelson, Susan | 18.5 |
Persson, Jan | 4.6 |
Revell, Judy | 14.6 |
Rodrigues, Kiley | 1.3 |
Scrutton, Matt | 6.6 |
Stretch, Eric | 8.2 |
Trousdale , David | 1.7 |
Valberg, Judy | 12.2 |