Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ |
Alan Newton | 10.4 |
Andrew Laslett | 9.6 |
Asad Babadi | 2.9 |
Bill Barritt | 8.1 |
Bill Carey | 7.3 |
Bob Rickwood | 15.9 |
Chris Galloway | 11.6 |
Colin Green | 15.0 |
David Green | 9.0 |
David Smith | 16.6 |
Graham Ciccone | 13.7 |
Graham Townsend | 17.4 |
Iain Gidman | 10.4 |
Jeremy Grant | 12.3 |
Jim Theaker | 17.8 |
John Harrison | 10.3 |
Julian Sinstadt | 12.6 |
Karl Crimes | 10.1 |
Ken Duguid | 22.1 |
Mark Woodham | 5.7 |
Michael Heard | 12.8 |
Neil Murphy | 4.3 |
Nick Bushell | 9.3 |
Nick Lock | 8.9 |
Paul Copley | 3.5 |
Paul Reed | 20.0 |
Phil Whittaker | 16.9 |
Ray Clarke | 8.5 |
Simon Moore | 24.8 |
Sunjae Kwon | 17.8 |