2024 Sponsorship Packages
The LPGA Amateur Golf Association is a women’s golf community, providing opportunities for all women, connecting over 12,000 members of aspiring and recreational golfers across more than 110 chapters in the US and internationally.
We invite you to BECOME A SPONSOR of our growing community and get your business out in front of a great group of potential customers!
Sponsorship Levels
Eagle Sponsor (Exclusive for 1 sponsor) - $500 – SOLD - Includes:
Your logo on our magnetic golf schedules distributed to all members for the 2023 season!
- One complimentary breakfast & opportunity to address the group plus a table to display products or services at our Spring Kick Off Event; our most highly attended event of the year!
- Opportunity to generate 2 annual e-blasts to the membership of over 110 women
- An article featuring your company in one of our monthly newsletters
- One complimentary invitation and recognition at our annual year-end Final Putt Event
- Your business logo and contact information on our Chapter website
Birdie Sponsor - $300 – Includes:
- One complimentary breakfast & opportunity to address the group plus a table to display products or services at our Spring Kick Off Event; our most highly attended event of the year!
- Opportunity to generate one annual e-blast to the membership of over 110 women
- An article featuring your firm in one of our monthly newsletters
- One complimentary invitation and recognition at our annual year-end Final Putt Event
- Your business logo and contact information on our Chapter website
Par Sponsor - $200 – Includes:
- Introduction and opportunity to address the group at our Spring Kick Off Event
- One complimentary breakfast at our Spring Kick Off
- Your business logo and contact information on our Chapter website
Special Event Exclusive Sponsorships: (may be purchased separately or in addition to the levels listed above)
- Chapter Championship – $250 – (Limited to 2 sponsors) This 1-day event is well attended and an opportunity for competition and fun play for all chapter members. Your sponsorship would give you the opportunity to be featured on any promotional materials leading up to and during the event, such as giveaways, awards, prizes, etc.
- Golfer Girl Getaway - $250 – (Limited to 2 sponsors) This 3-day event provides an opportunity for our members to travel and play courses outside of the Hampton Roads area. The weekend consists of a reception, overnight stays and 2-3 rounds of golf. Your company would be featured on any promotional materials leading up to and during the weekend as well as being promoted on any giveaways, games, awards and prizes.
Contact Marketing Director: Michelle Taylor phone (757) 477-2869 or email Communications@lpgaamateurshamptonroads.com