Welcome to the 2024 Medal & Pin Rounds

Day of signup - Make sure to hand in an attested scorecard after your round. 



What are Medal and Pin Rounds?



BC PIN ROUND COMPETITION This is a provincially sponsored stroke play competition played in conjunction with the Golf Canada Pin Round competition. The Club winner is the player with the single lowest net score of the Golf Canada Pin Rounds. Zone Chairs then determine the Zone winners. An award is presented to both the 9-hole and 18-hole Club and Zone winners. The Provincial Award is presented to the lowest Net Handicap Differential of all the Zone winners for the 18-hole competition. Proceeds from this competition go towards junior girls and women’s player development programs.


GOLF CANADA PIN ROUND AWARDS - A Net Competition. This is a nationally sponsored Stroke Play competition, less full handicap (net), to be played on the Member Club Course, 18 holes, or 9 holes, under the same conditions on specific days. In the case of a 9-hole course to be eligible, the members must play the course twice with continuous play for the 18-hole Pin Round Award. Clubs and Groups should arrange for Pin Rounds in their season schedule. These should not exceed ten in number. Due to possible rain out, a minimum of six is recommended. Golf Canada Pins are presented annually to the player returning the lowest aggregate of four net scores, and to the runner-up.