11th Annual Randy Beaver Cup Match
(46th ASGA vs. PGA) October 24-25, 2020
2019 USGA Rules/Interpretations govern play - All play is match play on the Arlington Course. All matches are worth 1 point – ties after 18 holes will be split.
Tee Markers: Seniors – Blue Super-Seniors – Green All Others – Gold
One Ball Rule is in effect in all formats. In Foursomes, the “side” must play only one brand of ball with identical markings entire match & one team member tees off ODD-numbered holes & other the EVEN-numbered holes. Penalty strokes do not affect the order of play.
Embedded Ball Rule in effect in “general area.” All flower beds on the course are considered ground under repair. Stones in Bunkers are Loose Impediments (L.I.) – Rule 15.1a applies (new rule, if ball moves during removal of L.I., 1 penalty stroke & replace – old rule was no penalty if stones declared “Movable Obstructions”). Electrical Fans/Poles are “temporary immovable obstructions” (TIO) – line of sight relief permitted.
Electronic Measuring Devices (devices that measure distance only) allowed - Out of Bounds is defined by white stakes and bordering fences. Penalty Areas defined by YELLOW & RED
Ground Under Repair – (Rule 16.1b) enclosed white lines. Additionally, rough, rocky or rutted areas directly adjacent to cart path within 1 club-length & new sod/seams in general area.
Amateurs, as defending champions, need 16 points (a tie) to retain the Cup – Pros need 16.5 to win. Ams lead series 33-12. Inaugural match 1-day event at CCLR in 1975 (Pros won 8-7).
Saturday, Oct 24 – Complimentary Plated Breakfast UPSTAIRS 7:30 - 9:00 a.m.
“Plated” Breakfast both days: scrambled eggs, hash browns, bacon/sausage, biscuits & gravy
8 Four-Ball Matches 8:30 – 9:40 Pick up Box Lunch/Drink at Snack Bar behind #17 green –
Tab for soft drinks/snacks/Gatorade – Foursome Matches 1:00 – 2:10
Cocktail Party-HSCC Grill after play (Beer/Wine/Finger Food) – Singles Pairings Announced
Sunday, Oct 25 - Complimentary Breakfast (plated) UPSTAIRS 7:30 – 9:00
Team Photographs @ 8:15 16 Individual Matches 8:30- 9:40
Special thanks to Barry Howard, PGA Dir of Golf/General Manager; Philip Holley, PGA Professional; Trey Rutledge, Supt., the staff, and membership at HSCC for hosting. Please give the course every courtesy by filling divots, repairing ball marks & following the cart rules.
The ASGA & PGA Chapter also owe a HUGE debt of gratitude to Chad Delp, Knox Martin and the entire Fairway & Greene team for providing uniforms to both teams. Fairway & Greene is the official uniform of the ASGA, its staff and volunteers!