2024 Mixed Championship Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Sat, August 24

Time Players
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Abby Cross Nonesuch River Golf Club
8:30 AM Red - Ladies Hannah Noonan + Josh Johnson + Russell Simms
Abby Flanagan Springbrook Golf Course
8:00 AM Red - Ladies Alexis McCormick + Kellen Adickes + Trevor Flanagan
Alana Pettaway Biddeford-Saco Country Club
9:50 AM Red - Ladies Joshua Lessard + Kevin Lessard + Pam Duranceau
Alex Grant Fogg Brook Resort
12:00 PM White - Men Chrissy Sirois + Lindsay Cote + Sam Sirois
Alexis McCormick Martindale Country Club
8:00 AM Red - Ladies Abby Flanagan + Kellen Adickes + Trevor Flanagan
Allan Litchfield Fairlawn Country Club
11:30 AM Gold - Men Charles "Scott" Johnsen + Elizabeth Ouellette + Paulette Tabb
Andrew Slattery Portland Country Club
9:00 AM White - Men Jeff Cole + Sara Marden + Sydney Caron
Angela Hansen Val Halla Golf Course
12:50 PM Red - Ladies Chris Twombly + Robin Twombly + Tom Hansen
Ann Anthony Biddeford-Saco Country Club
11:50 AM Red - Ladies John Rogers + Stan Sproul + Tracy Johnson
Arielle Derice Woodlands Club
11:40 AM Red - Ladies Corey Poland + Judy Ducharme + Ron Ducharme
Barbara Redmond Western View Golf Club
11:00 AM Red - Ladies Denise Cross + Eric Morin + Gregory Hanna
Becky Kelley Penobscot Valley Country Club
8:10 AM Red - Ladies Jim Thomas + Sherrie Thomas + Stu Kelley
Beth Gillespie Biddeford-Saco Country Club
9:10 AM Red - Ladies Greg Bither + Nancy Bither + Scott Gillespie
Bob Barber Biddeford-Saco Country Club
9:40 AM Gold - Men Mary Pirkola + Michelle Loranger + Paul Roy
Brian Angis Biddeford-Saco Country Club
7:40 AM White - Men Laura Blanchette + Megan Angis + Michael O'Brien
Bruce Wescott Natanis Golf Course
7:30 AM Gold - Men Kathleen Lombardo + Marsha Adams + Scott Russell
Cameron Scott Purpoodock Club
1:10 PM White - Men Jackie Vail + Margo Arnold + Richard Arnold
Carl Poirier Biddeford-Saco Country Club
8:50 AM White - Men Catherine Studley + Danielle Rock + Jace Pearson
Catherine Duranceau Biddeford-Saco Country Club
10:00 AM Red - Ladies Jay Dow + Ruth Lugar + Timothy Lugar
Catherine Keeley Woodlands Club
12:30 PM Red - Ladies David Stonebraker + Leslie Guenther + Patrick Keeley
Catherine Studley Martindale Country Club
8:50 AM Red - Ladies Carl Poirier + Danielle Rock + Jace Pearson
Cathy Leblanc Biddeford-Saco Country Club
1:20 PM Red - Ladies Ingrid Merrill + Scott Cochrane + Todd Demmons
Celeste Ross Val Halla Golf Course
9:20 AM Red - Ladies Greg Chapman + Linda Varrell + Paul Cormier
Charles "Scott" Johnsen Riverside Golf Club
11:30 AM White - Men Allan Litchfield + Elizabeth Ouellette + Paulette Tabb
Cheryl Chapman Lakewood Ladies Golf Associati
10:10 AM Red - Ladies Gail Gibson + Peter Freyer + Richard Plante
Cheryl Frye Rockland Golf Club
9:30 AM Red - Ladies John Frye + Kathleen Labree + Kevin Labree
Chris Twombly Prouts Neck Country Club
12:50 PM Red - Ladies Angela Hansen + Robin Twombly + Tom Hansen
Chrissy Sirois Woodlands Club
12:00 PM Red - Ladies Alex Grant + Lindsay Cote + Sam Sirois
Cindi Kostis Sanford Country Club
10:50 AM Red - Ladies Jeremy Baron + Terry Sullivan + Thomas Sayre
Cindy Shaw Natanis Golf Course
7:10 AM Red - Ladies Elizabeth Wiltshire + Joe Shaw + Scott Hunt
Corey Poland Woodlands Club
11:40 AM White - Men Arielle Derice + Judy Ducharme + Ron Ducharme
Dan Letellier Dutch Elm Golf Club
11:20 AM Gold - Men Jocelyn Conley + John J Conley + Tina Letellier
Dana Hevey Dutch Elm Golf Club
7:50 AM Red - Ladies Jeff Hevey + Jeffrey Turgeon + Tina Turgeon
Danielle Rock Martindale Country Club
8:50 AM Red - Ladies Carl Poirier + Catherine Studley + Jace Pearson
Dave Girardin Brunswick Golf Club
8:20 AM White - Men Johanna Olivadoti + Paula Dubois + Ryan Masse
David Stonebraker Mingo Springs Golf Course
12:30 PM Gold - Men Catherine Keeley + Leslie Guenther + Patrick Keeley
Dawna Dumont Dutch Elm Golf Club
7:20 AM Red - Ladies Jeffrey Langlois + John Duross + Prudie Duross
Deborah Lord Western View Golf Club
11:10 AM Red - Ladies Mike Greve + Rita Bettney + Russell Lewis
Denise Cross Western View Golf Club
11:00 AM Red - Ladies Barbara Redmond + Eric Morin + Gregory Hanna
Elizabeth Ouellette Riverside Golf Club
11:30 AM Red - Ladies Allan Litchfield + Charles "Scott" Johnsen + Paulette Tabb
Elizabeth Wiltshire Natanis Golf Course
7:10 AM Red - Ladies Cindy Shaw + Joe Shaw + Scott Hunt
Elliott Spaulding Brunswick Golf Club
1:00 PM White - Men Jade Haylock + Kelsey Richards + Mark Wallace
Eric Morin Augusta Country Club
11:00 AM White - Men Barbara Redmond + Denise Cross + Gregory Hanna
Gail Gibson Lakewood Ladies Golf Associati
10:10 AM Red - Ladies Cheryl Chapman + Peter Freyer + Richard Plante
George Goodspeed Spring Meadows Golf Club
12:20 PM Gold - Men Lisa Dibiase + Rob Harville + Shirley Goodspeed
Greg Bither Biddeford-Saco Country Club
9:10 AM Gold - Men Beth Gillespie + Nancy Bither + Scott Gillespie
Greg Chapman The Meadows Golf Club
9:20 AM White - Men Celeste Ross + Linda Varrell + Paul Cormier
Gregory Hanna Waterville Country Club
11:00 AM White - Men Barbara Redmond + Denise Cross + Eric Morin
Hannah Noonan Portland Country Club
8:30 AM Red - Ladies Abby Cross + Josh Johnson + Russell Simms
Heather Adams Spring Meadows Golf Club
12:10 PM Red - Ladies Micki Meggison + William Meggison + William Webber
Ingrid Merrill Lakewood Ladies Golf Associati
1:20 PM Red - Ladies Cathy Leblanc + Scott Cochrane + Todd Demmons
Jace Pearson Martindale Country Club
8:50 AM White - Men Carl Poirier + Catherine Studley + Danielle Rock
Jackie Vail Purpoodock Club
1:10 PM Red - Ladies Cameron Scott + Margo Arnold + Richard Arnold
Jade Haylock Turner Highlands Country Club
1:00 PM Red - Ladies Elliott Spaulding + Kelsey Richards + Mark Wallace
Jamie Toohey Norway Country Club
10:40 AM Red - Ladies Kevin Toohey + Thomas Bean + Wendy Bean
Jay Dow Biddeford-Saco Country Club
10:00 AM Gold - Men Catherine Duranceau + Ruth Lugar + Timothy Lugar
Jeff Cole Brunswick Golf Club
9:00 AM White - Men Andrew Slattery + Sara Marden + Sydney Caron
Jeff Hevey Dutch Elm Golf Club
7:50 AM White - Men Dana Hevey + Jeffrey Turgeon + Tina Turgeon
Jeffrey Langlois Dutch Elm Golf Club
7:20 AM Gold - Men Dawna Dumont + John Duross + Prudie Duross
Jeffrey Turgeon Dutch Elm Golf Club
7:50 AM Gold - Men Dana Hevey + Jeff Hevey + Tina Turgeon
Jeremy Baron Sanford Country Club
10:50 AM White - Men Cindi Kostis + Terry Sullivan + Thomas Sayre
Jim Thomas Penobscot Valley Country Club
8:10 AM Gold - Men Becky Kelley + Sherrie Thomas + Stu Kelley
Jocelyn Conley Dutch Elm Golf Club
11:20 AM Red - Ladies Dan Letellier + John J Conley + Tina Letellier
Joe Shaw Natanis Golf Course
7:10 AM Gold - Men Cindy Shaw + Elizabeth Wiltshire + Scott Hunt
Johanna Olivadoti Brunswick Golf Club
8:20 AM Red - Ladies Dave Girardin + Paula Dubois + Ryan Masse
John Duross Dutch Elm Golf Club
7:20 AM Gold - Men Dawna Dumont + Jeffrey Langlois + Prudie Duross
John Frye Rockland Golf Club
9:30 AM White - Men Cheryl Frye + Kathleen Labree + Kevin Labree
John J Conley Dutch Elm Golf Club
11:20 AM Gold - Men Dan Letellier + Jocelyn Conley + Tina Letellier
John Rogers Biddeford-Saco Country Club
11:50 AM Gold - Men Ann Anthony + Stan Sproul + Tracy Johnson
Josh Johnson Nonesuch River Golf Club
8:30 AM White - Men Abby Cross + Hannah Noonan + Russell Simms
Joshua Lessard Biddeford-Saco Country Club
9:50 AM White - Men Alana Pettaway + Kevin Lessard + Pam Duranceau
Judy Ducharme Natanis Golf Course
11:40 AM Red - Ladies Arielle Derice + Corey Poland + Ron Ducharme
Kathleen Labree Rockland Golf Club
9:30 AM Red - Ladies Cheryl Frye + John Frye + Kevin Labree
Kathleen Lombardo Western View Golf Club
7:30 AM Red - Ladies Bruce Wescott + Marsha Adams + Scott Russell
Keith Croteau Dunegrass Golf Club
12:40 PM White - Men Megan Croteau + Melissa Dalfonso + Richard Hicks
Kellen Adickes Goose River Golf Club
8:00 AM White - Men Abby Flanagan + Alexis McCormick + Trevor Flanagan
Kelsey Richards Northport Golf Club
1:00 PM Red - Ladies Elliott Spaulding + Jade Haylock + Mark Wallace
Kevin Labree Rockland Golf Club
9:30 AM Gold - Men Cheryl Frye + John Frye + Kathleen Labree
Kevin Lessard Biddeford-Saco Country Club
9:50 AM White - Men Alana Pettaway + Joshua Lessard + Pam Duranceau
Kevin Toohey Norway Country Club
10:40 AM White - Men Jamie Toohey + Thomas Bean + Wendy Bean
Laura Blanchette Biddeford-Saco Country Club
7:40 AM Red - Ladies Brian Angis + Megan Angis + Michael O'Brien
Leo Payne Dutch Elm Golf Club
7:00 AM Gold - Men Marc Chantigny + Sue Chantigny + Suzanne Payne
Leslie Guenther Mingo Springs Golf Course
12:30 PM Red - Ladies Catherine Keeley + David Stonebraker + Patrick Keeley
Linda Varrell Val Halla Golf Course
9:20 AM Red - Ladies Celeste Ross + Greg Chapman + Paul Cormier
Lindsay Cote Fogg Brook Resort
12:00 PM Red - Ladies Alex Grant + Chrissy Sirois + Sam Sirois
Lisa Dibiase Nonesuch River Golf Club
12:20 PM Red - Ladies George Goodspeed + Rob Harville + Shirley Goodspeed
Lou McDonald Dutch Elm Golf Club
10:30 AM Gold - Men Mindy LaRoche + Patrick LaRoche + Patty McDonald
Madolin Fogarty Rockland Golf Club
8:40 AM Red - Ladies Nate Fogarty + Sean Fogarty + Sybil Davis
Marc Chantigny Dutch Elm Golf Club
7:00 AM Gold - Men Leo Payne + Sue Chantigny + Suzanne Payne
Margo Arnold Willowdale Golf Club
1:10 PM Red - Ladies Cameron Scott + Jackie Vail + Richard Arnold
Mark Wallace Northport Golf Club
1:00 PM White - Men Elliott Spaulding + Jade Haylock + Kelsey Richards
Marsha Adams Natanis Golf Course
7:30 AM Red - Ladies Bruce Wescott + Kathleen Lombardo + Scott Russell
Mary Pirkola Biddeford-Saco Country Club
9:40 AM Red - Ladies Bob Barber + Michelle Loranger + Paul Roy
Megan Angis Biddeford-Saco Country Club
7:40 AM Red - Ladies Brian Angis + Laura Blanchette + Michael O'Brien
Megan Croteau Spring Meadows Golf Club
12:40 PM Red - Ladies Keith Croteau + Melissa Dalfonso + Richard Hicks
Melissa Dalfonso Val Halla Golf Course
12:40 PM Red - Ladies Keith Croteau + Megan Croteau + Richard Hicks
Michael O'Brien Biddeford-Saco Country Club
7:40 AM Gold - Men Brian Angis + Laura Blanchette + Megan Angis
Michelle Loranger Biddeford-Saco Country Club
9:40 AM Red - Ladies Bob Barber + Mary Pirkola + Paul Roy
Micki Meggison Spring Meadows Golf Club
12:10 PM Red - Ladies Heather Adams + William Meggison + William Webber
Mike Greve Western View Golf Club
11:10 AM White - Men Deborah Lord + Rita Bettney + Russell Lewis
Mindy LaRoche Dutch Elm Golf Club
10:30 AM Red - Ladies Lou McDonald + Patrick LaRoche + Patty McDonald
Nancy Bither Biddeford-Saco Country Club
9:10 AM Red - Ladies Beth Gillespie + Greg Bither + Scott Gillespie
Nate Fogarty Rockland Golf Club
8:40 AM White - Men Madolin Fogarty + Sean Fogarty + Sybil Davis
Pam Duranceau Biddeford-Saco Country Club
9:50 AM Red - Ladies Alana Pettaway + Joshua Lessard + Kevin Lessard
Patrick Keeley Woodlands Club
12:30 PM Gold - Men Catherine Keeley + David Stonebraker + Leslie Guenther
Patrick LaRoche Dutch Elm Golf Club
10:30 AM Gold - Men Lou McDonald + Mindy LaRoche + Patty McDonald
Patty McDonald Dutch Elm Golf Club
10:30 AM Red - Ladies Lou McDonald + Mindy LaRoche + Patrick LaRoche
Paul Cormier Val Halla Golf Course
9:20 AM White - Men Celeste Ross + Greg Chapman + Linda Varrell
Paul Roy Biddeford-Saco Country Club
9:40 AM Gold - Men Bob Barber + Mary Pirkola + Michelle Loranger
Paula Dubois Brunswick Golf Club
8:20 AM Red - Ladies Dave Girardin + Johanna Olivadoti + Ryan Masse
Paulette Tabb Norway Country Club
11:30 AM Red - Ladies Allan Litchfield + Charles "Scott" Johnsen + Elizabeth Ouellette
Peter Freyer Lakewood Golf Association
10:10 AM Gold - Men Cheryl Chapman + Gail Gibson + Richard Plante
Prudie Duross Dutch Elm Golf Club
7:20 AM Red - Ladies Dawna Dumont + Jeffrey Langlois + John Duross
Richard Arnold Willowdale Golf Club
1:10 PM Gold - Men Cameron Scott + Jackie Vail + Margo Arnold
Richard Hicks Riverside Golf Club
12:40 PM White - Men Keith Croteau + Megan Croteau + Melissa Dalfonso
Richard Plante Lakewood Golf Association
10:10 AM Gold - Men Cheryl Chapman + Gail Gibson + Peter Freyer
Rita Bettney Western View Golf Club
11:10 AM Red - Ladies Deborah Lord + Mike Greve + Russell Lewis
Rob Harville Nonesuch River Golf Club
12:20 PM White - Men George Goodspeed + Lisa Dibiase + Shirley Goodspeed
Robin Twombly Prouts Neck Country Club
12:50 PM Red - Ladies Angela Hansen + Chris Twombly + Tom Hansen
Ron Ducharme Natanis Golf Course
11:40 AM Gold - Men Arielle Derice + Corey Poland + Judy Ducharme
Russell Lewis Western View Golf Club
11:10 AM Gold - Men Deborah Lord + Mike Greve + Rita Bettney
Russell Simms Brunswick Golf Club
8:30 AM White - Men Abby Cross + Hannah Noonan + Josh Johnson
Ruth Lugar Biddeford-Saco Country Club
10:00 AM Red - Ladies Catherine Duranceau + Jay Dow + Timothy Lugar
Ryan Masse Brunswick Golf Club
8:20 AM White - Men Dave Girardin + Johanna Olivadoti + Paula Dubois
Sam Sirois Woodlands Club
12:00 PM White - Men Alex Grant + Chrissy Sirois + Lindsay Cote
Sara Marden Val Halla Golf Course
9:00 AM Red - Ladies Andrew Slattery + Jeff Cole + Sydney Caron
Scott Cochrane Biddeford-Saco Country Club
1:20 PM Gold - Men Cathy Leblanc + Ingrid Merrill + Todd Demmons
Scott Gillespie Biddeford-Saco Country Club
9:10 AM Gold - Men Beth Gillespie + Greg Bither + Nancy Bither
Scott Hunt Natanis Golf Course
7:10 AM White - Men Cindy Shaw + Elizabeth Wiltshire + Joe Shaw
Scott Russell The Meadows Golf Club
7:30 AM White - Men Bruce Wescott + Kathleen Lombardo + Marsha Adams
Sean Fogarty Rockland Golf Club
8:40 AM White - Men Madolin Fogarty + Nate Fogarty + Sybil Davis
Sherrie Thomas Penobscot Valley Country Club
8:10 AM Red - Ladies Becky Kelley + Jim Thomas + Stu Kelley
Shirley Goodspeed Spring Meadows Golf Club
12:20 PM Red - Ladies George Goodspeed + Lisa Dibiase + Rob Harville
Stan Sproul Sheepscot Links Golf Club
11:50 AM Gold - Men Ann Anthony + John Rogers + Tracy Johnson
Starter's Time
10:20 AM White - Men
Stu Kelley Penobscot Valley Country Club
8:10 AM Gold - Men Becky Kelley + Jim Thomas + Sherrie Thomas
Sue Chantigny Dutch Elm Golf Club
7:00 AM Red - Ladies Leo Payne + Marc Chantigny + Suzanne Payne
Suzanne Payne Dutch Elm Golf Club
7:00 AM Red - Ladies Leo Payne + Marc Chantigny + Sue Chantigny
Sybil Davis Rockland Golf Club
8:40 AM Red - Ladies Madolin Fogarty + Nate Fogarty + Sean Fogarty
Sydney Caron Biddeford-Saco Country Club
9:00 AM Red - Ladies Andrew Slattery + Jeff Cole + Sara Marden
Terry Sullivan Sanford Country Club
10:50 AM Red - Ladies Cindi Kostis + Jeremy Baron + Thomas Sayre
Thomas Bean Nonesuch River Golf Club
10:40 AM Gold - Men Jamie Toohey + Kevin Toohey + Wendy Bean
Thomas Sayre Sanford Country Club
10:50 AM White - Men Cindi Kostis + Jeremy Baron + Terry Sullivan
Timothy Lugar Biddeford-Saco Country Club
10:00 AM Gold - Men Catherine Duranceau + Jay Dow + Ruth Lugar
Tina Letellier Dutch Elm Golf Club
11:20 AM Red - Ladies Dan Letellier + Jocelyn Conley + John J Conley
Tina Turgeon Dutch Elm Golf Club
7:50 AM Red - Ladies Dana Hevey + Jeff Hevey + Jeffrey Turgeon
Todd Demmons Lakewood Golf Association
1:20 PM Gold - Men Cathy Leblanc + Ingrid Merrill + Scott Cochrane
Tom Hansen Val Halla Golf Course
12:50 PM Gold - Men Angela Hansen + Chris Twombly + Robin Twombly
Tracy Johnson Sheepscot Links Golf Club
11:50 AM Red - Ladies Ann Anthony + John Rogers + Stan Sproul
Trevor Flanagan Springbrook Golf Course
8:00 AM White - Men Abby Flanagan + Alexis McCormick + Kellen Adickes
Wendy Bean Riverside Golf Club
10:40 AM Red - Ladies Jamie Toohey + Kevin Toohey + Thomas Bean
William Meggison Spring Meadows Golf Club
12:10 PM White - Men Heather Adams + Micki Meggison + William Webber
William Webber Toddy Brook Golf Course
12:10 PM White - Men Heather Adams + Micki Meggison + William Meggison