2024 VSGA Four-Ball/Senior Four-Ball Qualifier | Laurel Hill GC Tee Sheet

Laurel Hill GC - Wed, May 1

Laurel Hill Golf Club - Archived on 07-16-2024
Time Hole Players Hole Players
8:30 AM 1
Mark Somerville Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club
Jeffrey Krashin Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club
Craig Knoll USGA/VSGA GC
James Bradshaw VSGA eClub
Robert Ingram Raspberry Falls Golf & Hunt Club
Kwang Yim The Manor Golf Club
William Fritton Hidden Creek Country Club
Paul Curran Trump National, Washington DC
8:40 AM 1
Rich Rizzo The Federal Club
Jason Logan USGA/VSGA GC
Matthew Carlin Belmont Country Club
Derek Freeman Laurel Hill Golf Club
Robert Im Chantilly National Golf & Country Club
Kenneth Shin Chantilly National Golf & Country Club
Parker Mulholland USGA/VSGA GC
Massimo Bucci USGA/VSGA GC
8:50 AM 1
Jim Weiss Old Hickory Golf Club
Brant Ruskin The Piedmont Club
Samuel Pettit Fort Belvoir Golf Club
Stewart Gray Fort Belvoir Golf Club
Kevin Moore Williamsburg Golf Club
Teymur Aboulhosn USGA/VSGA GC
Reece Fasick Potomac Shores Golf Club
Bruce Fasick Potomac Shores Golf Club
9:00 AM 1
Scott McGuiney Robert Trent Jones Golf Club
Andy Heye Robert Trent Jones Golf Club
Vance Redmond Washington Golf & Country Club
David Forsythe Washington Golf & Country Club
Jack Garvey Washington Golf & Country Club
Jeffrey Constantz Washington Golf & Country Club
Rhett Huff Westwood Country Club
Robert Dowling Westwood Country Club
9:10 AM 1
James Phillips Laurel Hill Golf Club
Bob Kyle Laurel Hill Golf Club
Bradley Love Trump National, Washington DC
Rick Peel Westwood Country Club
Nicholas Furbee Penderbrook Golf Club
Matthew O’Brien 1757 Golf Club
Ryan Walker VSGA eClub
Chase Ginther Keswick Club
9:20 AM 1
Samuel Bailey Stonewall Golf Club
Ronald Bochette Stonewall Golf Club
Daniel Irwin Laurel Hill Golf Club
Michael Needham VSGA eClub
Steven Siveroni Springfield Golf & Country Club
Matt Stallings Springfield Golf & Country Club
Jared Ponmakha VSGA eClub
Jackson Plummer VSGA eClub
9:35 AM 1
Jon Krinn Westfields Golf Club
Wil Fekeci Laurel Hill Golf Club
John Richards Laurel Hill Golf Club
Winston Casey Westfields Golf Club
Ryan McDonnell USGA/VSGA GC
Joe McDonnell Laurel Hill Golf Club
Donald Trahan Laurel Hill Golf Club
David Roehrig Laurel Hill Golf Club
9:45 AM 1
Chris Stout Westwood Country Club
Mark Carlson Westwood Country Club
Sean Peenstra VSGA eClub
Damian Banaszak VSGA eClub
Terry Kim Westfields Golf Club
Mike Cuff Westfields Golf Club
Nathan Wallenfelsz Blue Ridge Shadows Golf Club
Nicholas Mitchell Blue Ridge Shadows Golf Club
9:55 AM 1
David Farrell Westwood Country Club
Tim Krouse Westwood Country Club
John Giuseppe Army Navy Country Club
Scott Salmon Army Navy Country Club
Ross Stegall 1757 Golf Club
Alex Hume Potomac Shores Golf Club
Aaron Snow Laurel Hill Golf Club
10:05 AM 1
Mike Howell International Country Club
Pete Nadanyi International Country Club
Ken Wood The Piedmont Club
Mark Leonard The Piedmont Club
Sam Schmitz Springfield Golf & Country Club
Trey Parrish Springfield Golf & Country Club
David Love Belle Haven Country Club
Tommy Croker Belle Haven Country Club
10:15 AM 1
Pete Johnson Willow Oaks Country Club
Frank Pegram Willow Oaks Country Club
Harry Thomas Washington Golf & Country Club
Ron Clatterbuck Evergreen Country Club
Beau Kyster Springfield Golf & Country Club
Brandon Luxenburg Springfield Golf & Country Club
Will Harrison Laurel Hill Golf Club
Alex Titus Laurel Hill Golf Club
10:25 AM 1
Danny Ott 1757 Golf Club
Joe Kruper Old Hickory Golf Club
Randy Newsome Evergreen Country Club
Mikeal Johnston Evergreen Country Club
John Carlin VSGA Junior Golf Circuit
Will Carlin VSGA Junior Golf Circuit
Kerry Carrigan USGA/VSGA GC
C.J. Wagner 1757 Golf Club
10:35 AM 1
Jim Nirich Stonewall Golf Club
Dan Hosek Fort Belvoir Golf Club
Vance Welch VSGA eClub
Peter DeTemple VSGA eClub
Logan Reilly Loudoun Golf & Country Club
Nick Alexander Loudoun Golf & Country Club
Ryan Mextorf USGA/VSGA GC
Dan Snyder Belmont Golf Course
Laurel Hill Golf Club - Archived on 07-16-2024
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Aaron Snow Laurel Hill Golf Club
9:55 AM 10 Four-Ball Alex Hume / Eric Snow / Ross Stegall
Alex Hume Potomac Shores Golf Club
9:55 AM 10 Four-Ball Aaron Snow / Eric Snow / Ross Stegall
Alex Titus Laurel Hill Golf Club
10:15 AM 10 Four-Ball Beau Kyster / Brandon Luxenburg / Will Harrison
Andy Heye Robert Trent Jones Golf Club
9:00 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball David Forsythe / Scott McGuiney / Vance Redmond
Beau Kyster Springfield Golf & Country Club
10:15 AM 10 Four-Ball Alex Titus / Brandon Luxenburg / Will Harrison
Bob Kyle Laurel Hill Golf Club
9:10 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Bradley Love / James Phillips / Rick Peel
Bradley Love Trump National, Washington DC
9:10 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Bob Kyle / James Phillips / Rick Peel
Brandon Luxenburg Springfield Golf & Country Club
10:15 AM 10 Four-Ball Alex Titus / Beau Kyster / Will Harrison
Brant Ruskin The Piedmont Club
8:50 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Jim Weiss / Samuel Pettit / Stewart Gray
Bruce Fasick Potomac Shores Golf Club
8:50 AM 10 Four-Ball Kevin Moore / Reece Fasick / Teymur Aboulhosn
C.J. Wagner 1757 Golf Club
10:25 AM 10 Four-Ball John Carlin / Kerry Carrigan / Will Carlin
Chase Ginther Keswick Club
9:10 AM 10 Four-Ball Matthew O’Brien / Nicholas Furbee / Ryan Walker
Chris Stout Westwood Country Club
9:45 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Damian Banaszak / Mark Carlson / Sean Peenstra
Craig Knoll USGA/VSGA GC
8:30 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball James Bradshaw / Jeffrey Krashin / Mark Somerville
Damian Banaszak VSGA eClub
9:45 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Chris Stout / Mark Carlson / Sean Peenstra
Dan Hosek Fort Belvoir Golf Club
10:35 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Jim Nirich / Peter DeTemple / Vance Welch
Dan Snyder Belmont Golf Course
10:35 AM 10 Four-Ball Logan Reilly / Nick Alexander / Ryan Mextorf
Daniel Irwin Laurel Hill Golf Club
9:20 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Michael Needham / Ronald Bochette / Samuel Bailey
Danny Ott 1757 Golf Club
10:25 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Joe Kruper / Mikeal Johnston / Randy Newsome
David Farrell Westwood Country Club
9:55 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball John Giuseppe / Scott Salmon / Tim Krouse
David Forsythe Washington Golf & Country Club
9:00 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Andy Heye / Scott McGuiney / Vance Redmond
David Love Belle Haven Country Club
10:05 AM 10 Four-Ball Sam Schmitz / Tommy Croker / Trey Parrish
David Roehrig Laurel Hill Golf Club
9:35 AM 10 Four-Ball Donald Trahan / Joe McDonnell / Ryan McDonnell
Derek Freeman Laurel Hill Golf Club
8:40 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Jason Logan / Matthew Carlin / Rich Rizzo
Donald Trahan Laurel Hill Golf Club
9:35 AM 10 Four-Ball David Roehrig / Joe McDonnell / Ryan McDonnell
9:55 AM 10 Four-Ball Aaron Snow / Alex Hume / Ross Stegall
Frank Pegram Willow Oaks Country Club
10:15 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Harry Thomas / Pete Johnson / Ron Clatterbuck
Harry Thomas Washington Golf & Country Club
10:15 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Frank Pegram / Pete Johnson / Ron Clatterbuck
Jack Garvey Washington Golf & Country Club
9:00 AM 10 Four-Ball Jeffrey Constantz / Rhett Huff / Robert Dowling
Jackson Plummer VSGA eClub
9:20 AM 10 Four-Ball Jared Ponmakha / Matt Stallings / Steven Siveroni
James Bradshaw VSGA eClub
8:30 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Craig Knoll / Jeffrey Krashin / Mark Somerville
James Phillips Laurel Hill Golf Club
9:10 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Bob Kyle / Bradley Love / Rick Peel
Jared Ponmakha VSGA eClub
9:20 AM 10 Four-Ball Jackson Plummer / Matt Stallings / Steven Siveroni
Jason Logan USGA/VSGA GC
8:40 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Derek Freeman / Matthew Carlin / Rich Rizzo
Jeffrey Constantz Washington Golf & Country Club
9:00 AM 10 Four-Ball Jack Garvey / Rhett Huff / Robert Dowling
Jeffrey Krashin Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club
8:30 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Craig Knoll / James Bradshaw / Mark Somerville
Jim Nirich Stonewall Golf Club
10:35 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Dan Hosek / Peter DeTemple / Vance Welch
Jim Weiss Old Hickory Golf Club
8:50 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Brant Ruskin / Samuel Pettit / Stewart Gray
Joe Kruper Old Hickory Golf Club
10:25 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Danny Ott / Mikeal Johnston / Randy Newsome
Joe McDonnell Laurel Hill Golf Club
9:35 AM 10 Four-Ball David Roehrig / Donald Trahan / Ryan McDonnell
John Carlin VSGA Junior Golf Circuit
10:25 AM 10 Four-Ball C.J. Wagner / Kerry Carrigan / Will Carlin
John Giuseppe Army Navy Country Club
9:55 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball David Farrell / Scott Salmon / Tim Krouse
John Richards Laurel Hill Golf Club
9:35 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Jon Krinn / Wil Fekeci / Winston Casey
Jon Krinn Westfields Golf Club
9:35 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball John Richards / Wil Fekeci / Winston Casey
Ken Wood The Piedmont Club
10:05 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Mark Leonard / Mike Howell / Pete Nadanyi
Kenneth Shin Chantilly National Golf & Country Club
8:40 AM 10 Senior Four-Ball Massimo Bucci / Parker Mulholland / Robert Im
Kerry Carrigan USGA/VSGA GC
10:25 AM 10 Four-Ball C.J. Wagner / John Carlin / Will Carlin
Kevin Moore Williamsburg Golf Club
8:50 AM 10 Four-Ball Bruce Fasick / Reece Fasick / Teymur Aboulhosn
Kwang Yim The Manor Golf Club
8:30 AM 10 Senior Four-Ball Paul Curran / Robert Ingram / William Fritton
Logan Reilly Loudoun Golf & Country Club
10:35 AM 10 Four-Ball Dan Snyder / Nick Alexander / Ryan Mextorf
Mark Carlson Westwood Country Club
9:45 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Chris Stout / Damian Banaszak / Sean Peenstra
Mark Leonard The Piedmont Club
10:05 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Ken Wood / Mike Howell / Pete Nadanyi
Mark Somerville Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club
8:30 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Craig Knoll / James Bradshaw / Jeffrey Krashin
Massimo Bucci USGA/VSGA GC
8:40 AM 10 Four-Ball Kenneth Shin / Parker Mulholland / Robert Im
Matt Stallings Springfield Golf & Country Club
9:20 AM 10 Four-Ball Jackson Plummer / Jared Ponmakha / Steven Siveroni
Matthew Carlin Belmont Country Club
8:40 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Derek Freeman / Jason Logan / Rich Rizzo
Matthew O’Brien 1757 Golf Club
9:10 AM 10 Four-Ball Chase Ginther / Nicholas Furbee / Ryan Walker
Michael Needham VSGA eClub
9:20 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Daniel Irwin / Ronald Bochette / Samuel Bailey
Mike Cuff Westfields Golf Club
9:45 AM 10 Four-Ball Nathan Wallenfelsz / Nicholas Mitchell / Terry Kim
Mike Howell International Country Club
10:05 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Ken Wood / Mark Leonard / Pete Nadanyi
Mikeal Johnston Evergreen Country Club
10:25 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Danny Ott / Joe Kruper / Randy Newsome
Nathan Wallenfelsz Blue Ridge Shadows Golf Club
9:45 AM 10 Four-Ball Mike Cuff / Nicholas Mitchell / Terry Kim
Nicholas Furbee Penderbrook Golf Club
9:10 AM 10 Four-Ball Chase Ginther / Matthew O’Brien / Ryan Walker
Nicholas Mitchell Blue Ridge Shadows Golf Club
9:45 AM 10 Four-Ball Mike Cuff / Nathan Wallenfelsz / Terry Kim
Nick Alexander Loudoun Golf & Country Club
10:35 AM 10 Four-Ball Dan Snyder / Logan Reilly / Ryan Mextorf
Parker Mulholland USGA/VSGA GC
8:40 AM 10 Four-Ball Kenneth Shin / Massimo Bucci / Robert Im
Paul Curran Trump National, Washington DC
8:30 AM 10 Senior Four-Ball Kwang Yim / Robert Ingram / William Fritton
Pete Johnson Willow Oaks Country Club
10:15 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Frank Pegram / Harry Thomas / Ron Clatterbuck
Pete Nadanyi International Country Club
10:05 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Ken Wood / Mark Leonard / Mike Howell
Peter DeTemple VSGA eClub
10:35 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Dan Hosek / Jim Nirich / Vance Welch
Randy Newsome Evergreen Country Club
10:25 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Danny Ott / Joe Kruper / Mikeal Johnston
Reece Fasick Potomac Shores Golf Club
8:50 AM 10 Four-Ball Bruce Fasick / Kevin Moore / Teymur Aboulhosn
Rhett Huff Westwood Country Club
9:00 AM 10 Four-Ball Jack Garvey / Jeffrey Constantz / Robert Dowling
Rich Rizzo The Federal Club
8:40 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Derek Freeman / Jason Logan / Matthew Carlin
Rick Peel Westwood Country Club
9:10 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Bob Kyle / Bradley Love / James Phillips
Robert Dowling Westwood Country Club
9:00 AM 10 Four-Ball Jack Garvey / Jeffrey Constantz / Rhett Huff
Robert Im Chantilly National Golf & Country Club
8:40 AM 10 Senior Four-Ball Kenneth Shin / Massimo Bucci / Parker Mulholland
Robert Ingram Raspberry Falls Golf & Hunt Club
8:30 AM 10 Senior Four-Ball Kwang Yim / Paul Curran / William Fritton
Ron Clatterbuck Evergreen Country Club
10:15 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Frank Pegram / Harry Thomas / Pete Johnson
Ronald Bochette Stonewall Golf Club
9:20 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Daniel Irwin / Michael Needham / Samuel Bailey
Ross Stegall 1757 Golf Club
9:55 AM 10 Four-Ball Aaron Snow / Alex Hume / Eric Snow
Ryan McDonnell USGA/VSGA GC
9:35 AM 10 Four-Ball David Roehrig / Donald Trahan / Joe McDonnell
Ryan Mextorf USGA/VSGA GC
10:35 AM 10 Four-Ball Dan Snyder / Logan Reilly / Nick Alexander
Ryan Walker VSGA eClub
9:10 AM 10 Four-Ball Chase Ginther / Matthew O’Brien / Nicholas Furbee
Sam Schmitz Springfield Golf & Country Club
10:05 AM 10 Four-Ball David Love / Tommy Croker / Trey Parrish
Samuel Bailey Stonewall Golf Club
9:20 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Daniel Irwin / Michael Needham / Ronald Bochette
Samuel Pettit Fort Belvoir Golf Club
8:50 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Brant Ruskin / Jim Weiss / Stewart Gray
Scott McGuiney Robert Trent Jones Golf Club
9:00 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Andy Heye / David Forsythe / Vance Redmond
Scott Salmon Army Navy Country Club
9:55 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball David Farrell / John Giuseppe / Tim Krouse
Sean Peenstra VSGA eClub
9:45 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Chris Stout / Damian Banaszak / Mark Carlson
Steven Siveroni Springfield Golf & Country Club
9:20 AM 10 Four-Ball Jackson Plummer / Jared Ponmakha / Matt Stallings
Stewart Gray Fort Belvoir Golf Club
8:50 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Brant Ruskin / Jim Weiss / Samuel Pettit
Terry Kim Westfields Golf Club
9:45 AM 10 Four-Ball Mike Cuff / Nathan Wallenfelsz / Nicholas Mitchell
Teymur Aboulhosn USGA/VSGA GC
8:50 AM 10 Four-Ball Bruce Fasick / Kevin Moore / Reece Fasick
Tim Krouse Westwood Country Club
9:55 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball David Farrell / John Giuseppe / Scott Salmon
Tommy Croker Belle Haven Country Club
10:05 AM 10 Four-Ball David Love / Sam Schmitz / Trey Parrish
Trey Parrish Springfield Golf & Country Club
10:05 AM 10 Four-Ball David Love / Sam Schmitz / Tommy Croker
Vance Redmond Washington Golf & Country Club
9:00 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Andy Heye / David Forsythe / Scott McGuiney
Vance Welch VSGA eClub
10:35 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball Dan Hosek / Jim Nirich / Peter DeTemple
Wil Fekeci Laurel Hill Golf Club
9:35 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball John Richards / Jon Krinn / Winston Casey
Will Carlin VSGA Junior Golf Circuit
10:25 AM 10 Four-Ball C.J. Wagner / John Carlin / Kerry Carrigan
Will Harrison Laurel Hill Golf Club
10:15 AM 10 Four-Ball Alex Titus / Beau Kyster / Brandon Luxenburg
William Fritton Hidden Creek Country Club
8:30 AM 10 Senior Four-Ball Kwang Yim / Paul Curran / Robert Ingram
Winston Casey Westfields Golf Club
9:35 AM 1 Senior Four-Ball John Richards / Jon Krinn / Wil Fekeci