2024 LaBonte Four-Ball Tee Sheet

Wed, October 2

Time Hole Players
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Amy Miller Oak Hill Country Club
9:00 AM 1A LaBonte Kim Walecka | Lani DeBonis | Nicki Demakis
Ann O'Connor Bass Rocks Golf Club
9:00 AM 15A LaBonte Jill Barres | Michelle Faulds | Sharon Hayes
Barb Hecimovich Beverly Golf & Tennis Club
9:00 AM 15B LaBonte Carol Goldman | Christine Maguire | Kerry Dolan
Barbara Kellegrew The Bay Pointe Club
9:00 AM 8 LaBonte Elizabeth Denovellis | Gia Hinko | Nancy Wiseman
Becca Eggers Olde Scotland Links
9:00 AM 4B LaBonte Donna Hayden | Grace Montagano | Lynn Cotter
Beth Kidwell Dennis Pines Golf Club
9:00 AM 7B LaBonte Nancy H. Buzby | Rebecca McFall | Velia Pola
Betsy Lamond Cummaquid Golf Club
9:00 AM 9A LaBonte Connie Hayton | Jean Piette | Joan Inglis
Betsy Masse Renaissance
9:00 AM 17B LaBonte Maureen Cawley | Teri Burtoft | Wendy Ustach
Bridget Hippler Cranberry Valley Golf Course
9:00 AM 10B LaBonte Darlene O'Keeffe | Deb Mcneil | Roxanne Comolli
Caren Althauser LPGA Amateurs Boston
9:00 AM 18B LaBonte Christine Torpey | Denise Rondeau | Patti Tanaka
Carol Goldman Nashawtuc Country Club
9:00 AM 15B LaBonte Barb Hecimovich | Christine Maguire | Kerry Dolan
Catherine Zamparelli Fresh Pond Golf Club
9:00 AM 6B LaBonte Gail Sim | Linda Mowles | Linda Younis
Cathy Flatley Presidents Golf Course
9:00 AM 6A LaBonte Elizabeth Derwin | Jillian Blanchard | Leigh Hammontree
Christine Maguire Nashawtuc Country Club
9:00 AM 15B LaBonte Barb Hecimovich | Carol Goldman | Kerry Dolan
Christine Torpey Acushnet River Valley Golf Course
9:00 AM 18B LaBonte Caren Althauser | Denise Rondeau | Patti Tanaka
Claire Hollenbeck Brookline Golf Course
9:00 AM 1B LaBonte Cris Regan | Lynda Brandi | Patricia Granger
Connie Hayton Sagamore Spring Golf Club
9:00 AM 9A LaBonte Betsy Lamond | Jean Piette | Joan Inglis
Cris Regan LPGA Amateurs Boston
9:00 AM 1B LaBonte Claire Hollenbeck | Lynda Brandi | Patricia Granger
Danielle Gamache Highfields Golf & Country Club
9:00 AM 10A LaBonte Gail Keefe | Mary Dunlavey-Hagan | Paula Morgan
Danielle Swain Presidents Golf Course
9:00 AM 12B LaBonte Flora "a" Gaudet | Flora Marie Gaudet | Kim McDowell
Darlene O'Keeffe Quashnet Valley Country Club
9:00 AM 10B LaBonte Bridget Hippler | Deb Mcneil | Roxanne Comolli
Deb Annese Marshfield Country Club
9:00 AM 12A LaBonte Margaret Smoragiewicz | Mary Gale | Mary Jane Wagner
Deb Mcneil Renaissance
9:00 AM 10B LaBonte Bridget Hippler | Darlene O'Keeffe | Roxanne Comolli
Denise Rondeau LPGA Amateurs Boston
9:00 AM 18B LaBonte Caren Althauser | Christine Torpey | Patti Tanaka
Diane Ducie The Ridge Club
9:00 AM 3 LaBonte Kate Hutchinson | Sheila Monterastelli | Wendy Barry
Donna Contardo Dennis Pines Golf Club
9:00 AM 17A LaBonte Jill Rosa | Kate Brown | Sarah Robinson
Donna Hayden Cohasset Golf Club
9:00 AM 4B LaBonte Becca Eggers | Grace Montagano | Lynn Cotter
Elizabeth Denovellis The Bay Pointe Club
9:00 AM 8 LaBonte Barbara Kellegrew | Gia Hinko | Nancy Wiseman
Elizabeth Derwin The Tour
9:00 AM 6A LaBonte Cathy Flatley | Jillian Blanchard | Leigh Hammontree
Elizabeth Moran Presidents Golf Course
9:00 AM 2 LaBonte Marijke Alsbach | Nancy Hudgins | Pamela Mattson
Elizabeth Wilson Fairway Ladies of Franklin Park
9:00 AM 14 LaBonte Jaclyn Kryzak | Suzanne Bremer | Winnie Cotter
Ellen Lurier Pleasant Valley Country Club
9:00 AM 18A LaBonte Lisa Corrigan | Melissa Strickland | Patricia Catalano
Flora "a" Gaudet Cranberry Valley Golf Course
9:00 AM 12B LaBonte Danielle Swain | Flora Marie Gaudet | Kim McDowell
Flora Marie Gaudet Cranberry Valley Golf Course
9:00 AM 12B LaBonte Danielle Swain | Flora "a" Gaudet | Kim McDowell
Gail Keefe Presidents Golf Course
9:00 AM 10A LaBonte Danielle Gamache | Mary Dunlavey-Hagan | Paula Morgan
Gail Lederman Captains Golf Course
9:00 AM 11 LaBonte Kathy Monahan | Lynn Wahlquist | Mariane Broadhurst
Gail Sim The Bay Pointe Club
9:00 AM 6B LaBonte Catherine Zamparelli | Linda Mowles | Linda Younis
Gia Hinko The Bay Pointe Club
9:00 AM 8 LaBonte Barbara Kellegrew | Elizabeth Denovellis | Nancy Wiseman
Grace Montagano Olde Scotland Links
9:00 AM 4B LaBonte Becca Eggers | Donna Hayden | Lynn Cotter
Jaclyn Kryzak Fresh Pond Golf Club
9:00 AM 14 LaBonte Elizabeth Wilson | Suzanne Bremer | Winnie Cotter
Jayne Patrikas Salem Country Club
9:00 AM 7A LaBonte Kathy Heffernan | Myra Hugg | Rebecca Shore
Jean Piette Cummaquid Golf Club
9:00 AM 9A LaBonte Betsy Lamond | Connie Hayton | Joan Inglis
Jennifer Sullivan Braintree Municipal GC
9:00 AM 13 LaBonte Laura Nicholas | Maria Gay | Peggy Jablonski
Jill Barres Oakley Country Club
9:00 AM 15A LaBonte Ann O'Connor | Michelle Faulds | Sharon Hayes
Jill Rosa Fairway Ladies of Franklin Park
9:00 AM 17A LaBonte Donna Contardo | Kate Brown | Sarah Robinson
Jillian Blanchard Country Club of New Bedford
9:00 AM 6A LaBonte Cathy Flatley | Elizabeth Derwin | Leigh Hammontree
Joan Inglis Sagamore Spring Golf Club
9:00 AM 9A LaBonte Betsy Lamond | Connie Hayton | Jean Piette
Karen Tehan The Golf Club at Turner Hill
9:00 AM 9B LaBonte Kathleen Oelschlager | Mary O'Neill | Paige Ferraguto1
Kate Brown Presidents Golf Course
9:00 AM 17A LaBonte Donna Contardo | Jill Rosa | Sarah Robinson
Kate Hutchinson The Ridge Club
9:00 AM 3 LaBonte Diane Ducie | Sheila Monterastelli | Wendy Barry
Katherine Sullivan Wyantenuck Country Club
9:00 AM 5 LaBonte Kathleen Cunnigham | Sharon Connelly | Susan Gardner
Kathleen Cunnigham Worcester Country Club
9:00 AM 5 LaBonte Katherine Sullivan | Sharon Connelly | Susan Gardner
Kathleen Macedo The Bay Pointe Club
9:00 AM 4A LaBonte Kathleen Partridge | Sandra Devlin | Toni Bailey
Kathleen Oelschlager Captains Golf Course
9:00 AM 9B LaBonte Karen Tehan | Mary O'Neill | Paige Ferraguto1
Kathleen Partridge The Bay Pointe Club
9:00 AM 4A LaBonte Kathleen Macedo | Sandra Devlin | Toni Bailey
Kathy Heffernan Brookline Golf Course
9:00 AM 7A LaBonte Jayne Patrikas | Myra Hugg | Rebecca Shore
Kathy Monahan Dennis Pines Golf Club
9:00 AM 11 LaBonte Gail Lederman | Lynn Wahlquist | Mariane Broadhurst
Kerry Dolan The Tour
9:00 AM 15B LaBonte Barb Hecimovich | Carol Goldman | Christine Maguire
Kim McDowell Presidents Golf Course
9:00 AM 12B LaBonte Danielle Swain | Flora "a" Gaudet | Flora Marie Gaudet
Kim Walecka Country Club of New Bedford
9:00 AM 1A LaBonte Amy Miller | Lani DeBonis | Nicki Demakis
Lani DeBonis Oak Hill Country Club
9:00 AM 1A LaBonte Amy Miller | Kim Walecka | Nicki Demakis
Laura Nicholas Braintree Municipal GC
9:00 AM 13 LaBonte Jennifer Sullivan | Maria Gay | Peggy Jablonski
Leigh Hammontree Country Club of New Bedford
9:00 AM 6A LaBonte Cathy Flatley | Elizabeth Derwin | Jillian Blanchard
Linda Mowles The Bay Pointe Club
9:00 AM 6B LaBonte Catherine Zamparelli | Gail Sim | Linda Younis
Linda Younis Falmouth Country Club
9:00 AM 6B LaBonte Catherine Zamparelli | Gail Sim | Linda Mowles
Lisa Corrigan Pleasant Valley Country Club
9:00 AM 18A LaBonte Ellen Lurier | Melissa Strickland | Patricia Catalano
Lynda Brandi Bellevue Golf Club
9:00 AM 1B LaBonte Claire Hollenbeck | Cris Regan | Patricia Granger
Lynn Cotter Cohasset Golf Club
9:00 AM 4B LaBonte Becca Eggers | Donna Hayden | Grace Montagano
Lynn Wahlquist Captains Golf Course
9:00 AM 11 LaBonte Gail Lederman | Kathy Monahan | Mariane Broadhurst
Margaret Smoragiewicz Marshfield Country Club
9:00 AM 12A LaBonte Deb Annese | Mary Gale | Mary Jane Wagner
Maria Gay Captains Golf Course
9:00 AM 13 LaBonte Jennifer Sullivan | Laura Nicholas | Peggy Jablonski
Mariane Broadhurst Dennis Pines Golf Club
9:00 AM 11 LaBonte Gail Lederman | Kathy Monahan | Lynn Wahlquist
Marijke Alsbach Presidents Golf Course
9:00 AM 2 LaBonte Elizabeth Moran | Nancy Hudgins | Pamela Mattson
Mary Dunlavey-Hagan Whitinsville Golf Club
9:00 AM 10A LaBonte Danielle Gamache | Gail Keefe | Paula Morgan
Mary Gale Bedrock Golf Club
9:00 AM 12A LaBonte Deb Annese | Margaret Smoragiewicz | Mary Jane Wagner
Mary Jane Wagner Nashawtuc Country Club
9:00 AM 12A LaBonte Deb Annese | Margaret Smoragiewicz | Mary Gale
Mary O'Neill Beverly Golf & Tennis Club
9:00 AM 9B LaBonte Karen Tehan | Kathleen Oelschlager | Paige Ferraguto1
Maureen Cawley Country Club of Halifax
9:00 AM 17B LaBonte Betsy Masse | Teri Burtoft | Wendy Ustach
Melissa Strickland Pleasant Valley Country Club
9:00 AM 18A LaBonte Ellen Lurier | Lisa Corrigan | Patricia Catalano
Michelle Faulds Rockport Golf Club
9:00 AM 15A LaBonte Ann O'Connor | Jill Barres | Sharon Hayes
Myra Hugg Brookline Golf Course
9:00 AM 7A LaBonte Jayne Patrikas | Kathy Heffernan | Rebecca Shore
Nancy H. Buzby Maynard Golf Course
9:00 AM 7B LaBonte Beth Kidwell | Rebecca McFall | Velia Pola
Nancy Hudgins LPGA Amateurs Boston
9:00 AM 2 LaBonte Elizabeth Moran | Marijke Alsbach | Pamela Mattson
Nancy Wiseman The Bay Pointe Club
9:00 AM 8 LaBonte Barbara Kellegrew | Elizabeth Denovellis | Gia Hinko
Nicki Demakis Country Club of New Bedford
9:00 AM 1A LaBonte Amy Miller | Kim Walecka | Lani DeBonis
Paige Ferraguto1 Captains Golf Course
9:00 AM 9B LaBonte Karen Tehan | Kathleen Oelschlager | Mary O'Neill
Pamela Mattson Shining Rock Golf Club
9:00 AM 2 LaBonte Elizabeth Moran | Marijke Alsbach | Nancy Hudgins
Patricia Catalano Pleasant Valley Country Club
9:00 AM 18A LaBonte Ellen Lurier | Lisa Corrigan | Melissa Strickland
Patricia Granger Bellevue Golf Club
9:00 AM 1B LaBonte Claire Hollenbeck | Cris Regan | Lynda Brandi
Patti Tanaka Acushnet River Valley Golf Course
9:00 AM 18B LaBonte Caren Althauser | Christine Torpey | Denise Rondeau
Patty Marks Quashnet Valley Country Club
9:00 AM 16 LaBonte Sally DeGan | Shari Cooper | Val Casella
Paula Morgan Presidents Golf Course
9:00 AM 10A LaBonte Danielle Gamache | Gail Keefe | Mary Dunlavey-Hagan
Peggy Jablonski Captains Golf Course
9:00 AM 13 LaBonte Jennifer Sullivan | Laura Nicholas | Maria Gay
Rebecca McFall Maynard Golf Course
9:00 AM 7B LaBonte Beth Kidwell | Nancy H. Buzby | Velia Pola
Rebecca Shore Salem Country Club
9:00 AM 7A LaBonte Jayne Patrikas | Kathy Heffernan | Myra Hugg
Roxanne Comolli Renaissance
9:00 AM 10B LaBonte Bridget Hippler | Darlene O'Keeffe | Deb Mcneil
Sally DeGan LPGA Amateurs Boston
9:00 AM 16 LaBonte Patty Marks | Shari Cooper | Val Casella
Sandra Devlin The Bay Pointe Club
9:00 AM 4A LaBonte Kathleen Macedo | Kathleen Partridge | Toni Bailey
Sarah Robinson The Ridge Club
9:00 AM 17A LaBonte Donna Contardo | Jill Rosa | Kate Brown
Shari Cooper Quashnet Valley Country Club
9:00 AM 16 LaBonte Patty Marks | Sally DeGan | Val Casella
Sharon Connelly Wyantenuck Country Club
9:00 AM 5 LaBonte Katherine Sullivan | Kathleen Cunnigham | Susan Gardner
Sharon Hayes Oakley Country Club
9:00 AM 15A LaBonte Ann O'Connor | Jill Barres | Michelle Faulds
Sheila Monterastelli Hopkinton Country Club
9:00 AM 3 LaBonte Diane Ducie | Kate Hutchinson | Wendy Barry
Susan Gardner Sterling Country Club
9:00 AM 5 LaBonte Katherine Sullivan | Kathleen Cunnigham | Sharon Connelly
Suzanne Bremer Fresh Pond Golf Club
9:00 AM 14 LaBonte Elizabeth Wilson | Jaclyn Kryzak | Winnie Cotter
Teri Burtoft Renaissance
9:00 AM 17B LaBonte Betsy Masse | Maureen Cawley | Wendy Ustach
Toni Bailey The Bay Pointe Club
9:00 AM 4A LaBonte Kathleen Macedo | Kathleen Partridge | Sandra Devlin
Val Casella The Tour
9:00 AM 16 LaBonte Patty Marks | Sally DeGan | Shari Cooper
Velia Pola Dennis Pines Golf Club
9:00 AM 7B LaBonte Beth Kidwell | Nancy H. Buzby | Rebecca McFall
Wendy Barry Hopkinton Country Club
9:00 AM 3 LaBonte Diane Ducie | Kate Hutchinson | Sheila Monterastelli
Wendy Ustach White Cliffs Country Club
9:00 AM 17B LaBonte Betsy Masse | Maureen Cawley | Teri Burtoft
Winnie Cotter Fairway Ladies of Franklin Park
9:00 AM 14 LaBonte Elizabeth Wilson | Jaclyn Kryzak | Suzanne Bremer