Player Roster
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Last Name | First Name | City |
Almond | Logan | St. Paul |
Amundsen | William | Bennington |
Anderson | Jeff | Friend |
Arnold | Sam | Omaha |
Atkinson | Christopher | Gretna |
Baber | Matthew | Omaha |
Baehr | Trey | Beatrice |
Bartee | Owen | Kearney |
Beal | Colin | Bellevue |
Benge | Jackson | Omaha |
Bills | Glenn | Bennington |
Binder | Cameron | Table Rock |
Boor | Jake | Omaha |
Brown | Kolby | Omaha |
Brueggemann | Jayson | Lincoln |
Bryson | Kevin | Lincoln |
Bryson | Thomas | Lincoln |
Buroker | Steve | Bennington |
Burt | Charlie | Omaha |
Christensen | Jonas | Lincoln |
Clare | Patrick | Lincoln |
Clouse | David | Lincoln |
Collins | Casey | Gering |
Copich | Michael | Lincoln |
Cosimano | Jacob | Omaha |
Croker | Michael | Gretna |
Csipkes | Brian | Gretna |
D'Ercole | Drew | Papillion |
D'Ercole | Josh | Papillion |
Davis | Jack | LaVista |
Dawson | Frankie | Lincoln |
Deffley | Darren | Gretna |
Dreifurst | Marshall | Columbus |
Dryak | Cole | Omaha |
Easley | David | Lincoln |
Ehresman | Tyler | Kearney |
Elgert | Miles | Lincoln |
Erickson | John | Omaha |
Erstad | Zack | Lincoln |
Farrell | Alex | Elkhorn |
Feddersen | Cole | Kearney |
Fowler | Brandon | Omaha |
Fox | Bowdie | Grand Island |
Freeman | Calvin | Table Rock |
Gatlin | Thomas | Lincoln |
Geiger | Chad | Lincoln |
Gerch | Andy | Lincoln |
Gerch | Gavin | Lincoln |
Giroux | Blake | Bennington |
Grandfield | Cole | Elkhorn |
Gutschewski | Trevor | Omaha |
Haney | Ben | Lincoln |
Helleberg | Ross | Omaha |
Hellman | Jacob | Omaha |
Heng | Dylan | Omaha |
Hinze | Jaxson | Waco |
Hitchcock | Fischer | Omaha |
Hoffman | Zach | Omaha |
Honnens | Carter | Lincoln |
Huston | Daniel | Elkhorn |
Jabenis | Grant | Omaha |
Johnson | Nolan | Gretna |
Junge | Matthew | Omaha |
Kelley | Tommy | Omaha |
Kildow | Carson | Lincoln |
Knispel | Ryan | Omaha |
Knispel | Spencer | Omaha |
Koch | Peyton | Ralston |
Koebernick | Jackson | Lincoln |
Kontor | Kean | Lincoln |
Kosmicki | Henry | Grand Island |
Kottmeyer | Ben | Lincoln |
Kuhlman | Brock | Columbus |
Lapour | Jackson | Omaha |
Lingelbach | Ryan | Elkhorn |
Malleck | Reed | York |
Mauney | Radley | Hartford |
McCabe | Dylan | Elkhorn |
McDermott | Evan | Lincoln |
Melton | Jimmy | Omaha |
Meuret | Matt | Plainview |
Meyer | Blaine | Pierce |
Miller | Austin | Elkhorn |
Minnick | Jack | Lincoln |
Minzel | Travis | Lincoln |
Moore | Jay | Lincoln |
Moore | Kyle | Omaha |
Morrissey | Andrew | Omaha |
Moss | Max | Lincoln |
Mullin | Rob | Elkhorn |
Mullin | Will | Omaha |
Murray | Hamish | Lincoln |
Nietfeldt | Andrew | Elkhorn |
Nietfeldt | Ryan | Elkhorn |
Nietfeldt | Tyler | Elkhorn |
Nigro | Vincent | Omaha |
Nowaczyk | John | Omaha |
Obal | Marshal | Columbus |
Olson | Jack | Omaha |
Osborn | Zach | Omaha |
Paquette | Andrew | Beatrice |
Peck | Rockney | Wisner |
Peel | Eric | Waterloo |
Peters | Jeff | Elkhorn |
Petersen | Beau | Gretna |
Phelan | Nick | Lincoln |
Pittenger | Trey | Lincoln |
Pocras | Knox | Omaha |
Quandt | Matt | Omaha |
Rhodes | Seth | Lincoln |
Riggins | Jack | Lincoln |
Ringler | David | Lincoln |
Ritzman | Steven | Elkhorn |
Rowe | Brad | Omaha |
Ruge | Trey | Omaha |
Russell | Miles | Omaha |
Sack | Roger | Lincoln |
Sander | Geran | Lincoln |
Schram | Brayden | Hastings |
Shada | Kaden | Phillips |
Shaw | Ethan | Aurora |
Show | Tyler | Fremont |
Silvertrust | Jordan | Lincoln |
Siwa | Mike | Omaha |
Smith | Kirby | Omaha |
Solomon | Kingston | Omaha |
Song | Jack | Omaha |
Song | Tim | Omaha |
Southwick | Graham | Lincoln |
Spangler | Bill | Lincoln |
Steichen | Connor | Omaha |
Strako | Luke | Omaha |
Talcott | Jesse | Ashland |
Taylor | DJ | Pierce |
Tenopir | Hayden | Lincoln |
Thompson | Carter | Lincoln |
Tilford | Travis | Roca |
Todd | Mitch | Plainview |
Topp | Porter | Omaha |
Travis | Brent | Nebraska City |
Tridle | Scott | Lincoln |
Tucker | Owen | Lincoln |
Vandewege | Connor | Lincoln |
Vocelka | Sam | Omaha |
Walters | Cauy | Aurora |
Watkins | Colby | Omaha |
Webert | Justin | Lincoln |
Weddell | Harrison | Elkhorn |
Wells | Sam | Saint Paul |
Whittaker | Andrew | Elkhorn |
Whittle | Christopher | Omaha |
Williams | Johnny | Waterloo |
Woodhead | Danny | Elkhorn |
Wyatt | Ed | Lincoln |
Zach | Tony | Omaha |
Zillig | Alex | Lavista |