Local Rules and Terms of Competition for 2024

Rochester District Golf Association Tournaments


The Rules of Golf as approved by the United States Golf Association and R&A Rules Limited govern play.  The RDGA Code of Conduct and the following Local Rules are in effect for all RDGA Tournaments. See Notice to Player and entry application for modifications or additions to these Local Rules and Terms of Competition.   Players shall disregard local rules printed on local scorecards.  Complete text of the Rules and Local Rules may be found in the Official Guide to the Rules of Golf, effective January2023. 

Unless otherwise noted, the penalty for breach of a Local Rule is the general penalty.
 - All players must play without unreasonable delay [Rule 5.6]. Players are expected to maintain the pace of play as allotted on the official scorecard. In the absence of mitigating circumstances, any group exceeding the allotted time and, in the case of second or subsequent groups, out of position, may be warned or subject to penalty. Individual players in the group contributing to the group’s slow play may be subject to penalty. 
       In the sole discretion of a Rules Official, the individual players in a group that are out of position may be timed. A player whose turn it is to play must play his stroke within 40 seconds of the point in time when he has reached his ball in play and the way ahead is clear.  The starting of the 40-second timing interval shall be at the sole discretion of the Rules Official. 
       Out of Position - In the absence of mitigating circumstances, the first group to start will be considered out of position if, at any time during the round, the group is behind its allotted time. 
       Any following group will be considered out of position if it (a) is taking more than the allotted time to play AND (b) arrives at the tee of a par 3 hole and the hole is clear, or fails to clear the tee of a par 4 hole before the preceding group clears the putting green, or all players in the group arrives at the teeing ground of a par 5 hole when the preceding group have already reached the putting green. 
Penalty - The penalty for undue delay of play or failing to maintain the pace of play:                                                                 
                                1st offense ---------------------1 stroke                    
                                2nd offense -------------------  General Penalty                    
                                3rd offense -------------------  Disqualification         


GROUND UNDER REPAIR - Defined by White Lines. Rule 16 applies. 
French Drains are deemed to be Ground Under Repair even if not so marked.  Areas marked as Ground Under Repair that are immediately adjacent to cart paths are deemed to be part of the cart path and relief may be taken under Rule 16.1 (Abnormal Course Condition).


WOOD CHIPS, MULCH and GRAVEL - Are loose impediments.


NO PLAY ZONES - All flower beds and ornamental plantings are deemed to be Ground Under Repair, No Play Zones, even if not so marked.  Play is prohibited from all such areas.  Players are required to take relief under Rule 16.1f. 


IMMOVABLE OBSTRUCTION CLOSE TO PUTTING GREEN - Model Local Rule F-5.2 as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect.  “Relief from interference by an immovable obstruction may be taken under Rule16.1.  The player also has these extra options to take relief when such immovable obstructions are close to the putting green and on the line of play:  Ball in General Area.  The player may take relief under Rule 16.1b if an immovable obstruction is: On the line of play, and is: within two club-lengths of the putting green, and within two club-lengths of the ball.  But complete relief must be taken, which includes both physical and line of play interference.  This Local Rule only applies when both the ball and the obstruction are in part of the general area cut to fairway height or less.  Exception - No Relief If Line of Play Clearly Unreasonable.  There is no relief under this Local Rule if the player chooses a line of play that is clearly unreasonable.”


FOOTWEAR – Model Local Rule G-7 as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect.  “During a round, a player must not wear shoes with traditional spikes having single or multiple points designed to penetrate deeply into the surface of the ground (regardless of whether made of metal, ceramic, plastic or other materials) or spikes of any design that are entirely or partially made of metal, if such metal may come in contact with the course.”


BALL HITS POWER LINE - Model Local Rule E-11 as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect.  If it is known or virtually certain that a player’s ball hit a power line or tower or a wire or pole supporting a power line, the player must replay the stroke by playing the original ball or another ball from the spot where the stroke was made (see Rule 14.6).

If the player replays the stroke but does so from a wrong place, they get the general penalty under Rule 14.7.  If the player does not replay the stroke, they get the general penalty and the stroke counts, but the player has not played from a wrong place.


INTERFERENCE FROM SOD SEAM - Model Local Rule F-7 as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect.  “If a player’s ball lies in or touches a seam of cut turf or a seam interferes with the player’s area of intended swing:  (a) Ball in General Area, the player may take relief under 16.1b.  (b) Ball on Putting Green, the player may take relief under Rule 16.1d.  BUT interference does not exist if seam only interferes with the player’s stance.  All seams within the area of cut turf are treated as the same seam in taking relief.  This means that if a player has interference from any seam after dropping the ball, the player must proceed as required under Rule 14.3c(2) even when the ball is still within one club-length of the reference point.”


ELECTRONIC DEVICES – Model Local Rule G-8 as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect.  “Rule 4.3a(4) is modified in this way:  During a round, a player must not listen to or watch content of any nature on a personal audio or video device.”  Therefore, the use of cellular [“smart”] phones, IPODS, radios, and all other electronic devices is prohibited during a round. Penalty for first breach:  General Penalty.  Penalty for second breach:  Disqualification.   (Exceptions:  Electronic devices, including cell phones, for score keeping; measuring distance only are permitted and phones otherwise may be used only to report a medical emergency, to obtain weather information, or to obtain information on the Rules of Golf.)”


SUSPENSION OF PLAY - Model Local Rule J-1 as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect.  “A suspension of play for a dangerous situation will be signalled by one long blast (horn or siren).  All other suspensions will be signalled by three short blasts.  In either case, resumption of play will be signalled by two short blasts (horn or siren)”. 

In case of suspension for a dangerous situation, mark your ball and proceed immediately to the Clubhouse or shelter.  All practice areas are closed until opened by the Committee.
  When play is discontinued, the player may leave his ball in place OR mark its location before lifting it. 
Resume Play — two short blasts on air horn or siren; repeated. Players must resume play immediately from the spot where it was discontinued.  If the player had lifted his original ball when play was suspended, he must place a ball on the spot from which his original ball was lifted. If a player’s ball or its marker has been moved during the suspension of play (including by wind or water), a ball or ball marker must be placed on the spot where the original ball lay at the time of suspension.  If that spot cannot be determined, it must be estimated and a ball placed on the estimated spot.

SCORING In stroke play only, upon completion of the competition round, the player must check the accuracy of the hole-by-hole entries on his scorecard and settle any doubtful points with the Committee. The player must then ensure that his card is certified by his marker(s) and himself, and returned to the Committee in the Scoring Area. The card is deemed to be returned when the player has left the scoring area without possession of his scorecard.  Scorecards provided by the Committee supersede electronic scoring unless otherwise noted on the Notice to Player.  Digital scorecards - Follow the instructions for scoring as provided on the handout sheet. Players must resolve any differences in scoring on the Golf Genius app and must confer with scoring officials at the scorer’s table immediately after conclusion of play.

SCORECARDS SUBMITTED WITHOUT CERTIFICATION - Model Local Rule L-1 as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect.  Rule 3.3b(2) is modified in this way:  If a player returns a scorecard without the hole scores being certified either by the player, the marker or both, the player gets the general penalty (two penalty strokes).  The penalty applies to the last hole of the player’s round.


TRANSPORTATION - The following restrictions are in effect during a tournament permitting the use of motorized golf carts unless otherwise noted on the Notice to Player:  The maximum number of carts for each group is two (2); Either the player or caddie may ride in the cart except both are not permitted to ride at the same time.  The caddie must walk while the player is riding or the player must walk while the caddie is riding.  Exception:  When play is suspended due to a dangerous situation or during other suspensions of play, both player and caddie may ride at the same time to seek shelter or to evacuate the course.  During the round both may ride together from green just completed to the tee of the next hole.  Additionally, the RDGA reserves the right to limit or suspend the use of golf carts due to inclement weather, unsafe use of the golf cart or circumstances where use of the golf cart would present a hazard to others, course officials and the golf course or for other unforeseen circumstances.  Repeated violation of the transportation policy may result in disqualification as adopted in the 2024 RDGA Code of Conduct. 


CLOSE OF COMPETITION — The competition is deemed to be closed when all results are posted and the Winner(s) has (have) been announced.


CLICK HERE for a printable PDF of the 2024 RDGA Local Rules & Terms of Competition