2024 - Best Ball of 2 - The Aquidneck Club Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Mon, September 30

The Aquidneck Club / Red(W)
Time Hole Players
The Aquidneck Club
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Amy Fuller Agawam Hunt
9:21 AM 4 Red(W) Gail Lederman + Jill Lancaster + Julia Bush
Andrea Reynolds Green Valley GA
8:36 AM 4 Red(W) Cindy Silvia + Mary Hayes + Robin Ramey
Angela Brunero Potowomut GC
10:42 AM 4 Red(W) Linda Duffell + Marcia Clayton Maloney + Sharon Volpe
Auring Thornley Melody Hill GC
8:45 AM 4 Red(W) Elizabeth Penkala + Karen Recore + Trudy Dufault
Barbara Davis Triggs Memorial GC
12:03 PM 4 Red(W) Catherine Parente + Linda Albamonti + Sue Reavey
Barbara Keller Green Valley GA
12:30 PM 4 Red(W) Chris Trenholme + Elaine Crawford + Suzanne Pettit
Barbara O'Neil Triggs Memorial GC
10:51 AM 4 Red(W) Claire McCorry + Louise Thornton + Yung Park
Becky Reo Green Valley GA
8:54 AM 4 Red(W) Martha Giarratano + Patty Matthews + Terri Birmingham
Beth Peterson Segregansett Country Club
11:54 AM 4 Red(W) Nancy Smith + Peri Ann Aptaker + Sandy Gertz
Betsy McCoy Wannamoisett CC
11:00 AM 4 Red(W) Diane Ahnell + Lana Hegstrom + Paula Deblois
Bettyjean Shadeck Rolling Greens GC
12:48 PM 4 Red(W) Carol Santangini + Donna Beneduce + Margaret Woods
Brenda Sabbag Wanumetonomy G&CC
8:00 AM 4 Red(W) Kim Schold + Leann Cesario + Nancy Diemoz
Carol Barnabe Kirkbrae CC
11:45 AM 4 Red(W) Doris Angers + Kim Klaubert + Nancy Avila
Carol Santangini Cranston CC
12:48 PM 4 Red(W) Bettyjean Shadeck + Donna Beneduce + Margaret Woods
Carolyn Pacheco Triggs Memorial GC
12:12 PM 4 Red(W) Nancy Greer + Robyn Sisti + Suzette Gervais
Catherine Parente Triggs Memorial GC
12:03 PM 4 Red(W) Barbara Davis + Linda Albamonti + Sue Reavey
Cathy Oresman Ledgemont CC
9:48 AM 4 Red(W) Debbie Kohl-Benharris + Jessica Brier + Mindy Sherwin
Cathy Rocco Button Hole GC
10:24 AM 4 Red(W) Jean Hall + Linda Narkawich + Terri Hawthorne
Cheryl Jason Glocester CC
10:06 AM 4 Red(W) Jean Lemieux + Jill Albanese + Laurie Connors
Chris Trenholme Green Valley GA
12:30 PM 4 Red(W) Barbara Keller + Elaine Crawford + Suzanne Pettit
Christine Provost Montaup CC
9:12 AM 4 Red(W) Deb Fera + Deborah McMahon + Nancy Mendelsohn
Christine Sanders Crestwood Country Club
8:18 AM 4 Red(W) Emma Sanders + Kay Bullock + Marilyn Weigner
Cindy Silvia Green Valley GA
8:36 AM 4 Red(W) Andrea Reynolds + Mary Hayes + Robin Ramey
Claire McCorry Triggs Memorial GC
10:51 AM 4 Red(W) Barbara O'Neil + Louise Thornton + Yung Park
Colleen Brady Button Hole GC
10:33 AM 4 Red(W) Lisa Corrigan + Martha Slaight + Sarah Santos
Dawn Giguere Triggs Memorial GC
9:57 AM 4 Red(W) Judy Gravier + Linda Darosa + Pamela Brodeur
Deb Fera West Warwick CC
9:12 AM 4 Red(W) Christine Provost + Deborah McMahon + Nancy Mendelsohn
Debbie Kohl-Benharris Ledgemont CC
9:48 AM 4 Red(W) Cathy Oresman + Jessica Brier + Mindy Sherwin
Deborah McMahon Crestwood CC
9:12 AM 4 Red(W) Christine Provost + Deb Fera + Nancy Mendelsohn
Diane Ahnell Wannamoisett CC
11:00 AM 4 Red(W) Betsy McCoy + Lana Hegstrom + Paula Deblois
Diane Bentley LPGA Amateur GA-RI
11:18 AM 4 Red(W) Joyce Comstock + Luann Dias + Sandra Harper
Donna Beneduce Rolling Greens GC
12:48 PM 4 Red(W) Bettyjean Shadeck + Carol Santangini + Margaret Woods
Doris Angers Alpine CC
11:45 AM 4 Red(W) Carol Barnabe + Kim Klaubert + Nancy Avila
Elaine Carvelli Montaup CC
9:39 AM 4 Red(W) Robin Perry Soto + Susan Barr + Trish Labossiere
Elaine Crawford Green Valley GA
12:30 PM 4 Red(W) Barbara Keller + Chris Trenholme + Suzanne Pettit
Elizabeth Penkala Montaup CC
8:45 AM 4 Red(W) Auring Thornley + Karen Recore + Trudy Dufault
Emma Sanders Crestwood Country Club
8:18 AM 4 Red(W) Christine Sanders + Kay Bullock + Marilyn Weigner
Gail Lederman Wanumetonomy G&CC
9:21 AM 4 Red(W) Amy Fuller + Jill Lancaster + Julia Bush
Hijong DelForno LPGA Amateur GA-RI
8:09 AM 4 Red(W) Jackie Booth + Kerri DeWitt + Yanna Tow
Jackie Booth Green Valley GA
8:09 AM 4 Red(W) Hijong DelForno + Kerri DeWitt + Yanna Tow
Jane Lippincott Wanumetonomy G&CC
8:27 AM 4 Red(W) Leony Hartig + Susan Ware + Trudy Coxe
Jane Robinson Pinecrest GC
11:36 AM 4 Red(W) Kathy Caron + Mary Wiggins + Melodie Hebert
Jean Hall Button Hole GC
10:24 AM 4 Red(W) Cathy Rocco + Linda Narkawich + Terri Hawthorne
Jean Lemieux Cranston CC
10:06 AM 4 Red(W) Cheryl Jason + Jill Albanese + Laurie Connors
Jessica Brier Ledgemont CC
9:48 AM 4 Red(W) Cathy Oresman + Debbie Kohl-Benharris + Mindy Sherwin
Jill Albanese Montaup CC
10:06 AM 4 Red(W) Cheryl Jason + Jean Lemieux + Laurie Connors
Jill Lancaster USGA/RI GC
9:21 AM 4 Red(W) Amy Fuller + Gail Lederman + Julia Bush
Joyce Comstock Triggs Memorial GC
11:18 AM 4 Red(W) Diane Bentley + Luann Dias + Sandra Harper
Joyce Leven Wannamoisett CC
11:09 AM 4 Red(W) Lauren Classey + Maura Thursby + Wendy Martin
Judy Gravier Triggs Memorial GC
9:57 AM 4 Red(W) Dawn Giguere + Linda Darosa + Pamela Brodeur
Julia Bush Agawam Hunt
9:21 AM 4 Red(W) Amy Fuller + Gail Lederman + Jill Lancaster
Karen Recore Button Hole GC
8:45 AM 4 Red(W) Auring Thornley + Elizabeth Penkala + Trudy Dufault
Karen Terra Montaup CC
9:30 AM 4 Red(W) Kimberly Cunningham + Nicolina Kelly + Pamela Romano
Kathy Caron Quidnessett CC
11:36 AM 4 Red(W) Jane Robinson + Mary Wiggins + Melodie Hebert
Kay Bullock Montaup CC
8:18 AM 4 Red(W) Christine Sanders + Emma Sanders + Marilyn Weigner
Kerri DeWitt LPGA Amateur GA-RI
8:09 AM 4 Red(W) Hijong DelForno + Jackie Booth + Yanna Tow
Kim Klaubert Kirkbrae CC
11:45 AM 4 Red(W) Carol Barnabe + Doris Angers + Nancy Avila
Kim Schold Potowomut GC
8:00 AM 4 Red(W) Brenda Sabbag + Leann Cesario + Nancy Diemoz
Kimberly Cunningham Montaup CC
9:30 AM 4 Red(W) Karen Terra + Nicolina Kelly + Pamela Romano
Lana Hegstrom Wannamoisett CC
11:00 AM 4 Red(W) Betsy McCoy + Diane Ahnell + Paula Deblois
Lauren Classey Button Hole GC
11:09 AM 4 Red(W) Joyce Leven + Maura Thursby + Wendy Martin
Laurie Connors Cranston CC
10:06 AM 4 Red(W) Cheryl Jason + Jean Lemieux + Jill Albanese
Leann Cesario Potowomut GC
8:00 AM 4 Red(W) Brenda Sabbag + Kim Schold + Nancy Diemoz
Leony Hartig Wanumetonomy G&CC
8:27 AM 4 Red(W) Jane Lippincott + Susan Ware + Trudy Coxe
Linda Albamonti Triggs Memorial GC
12:03 PM 4 Red(W) Barbara Davis + Catherine Parente + Sue Reavey
Linda Darosa Triggs Memorial GC
9:57 AM 4 Red(W) Dawn Giguere + Judy Gravier + Pamela Brodeur
Linda Duffell Wannamoisett CC
10:42 AM 4 Red(W) Angela Brunero + Marcia Clayton Maloney + Sharon Volpe
Linda Narkawich Button Hole GC
10:24 AM 4 Red(W) Cathy Rocco + Jean Hall + Terri Hawthorne
Linda Sousa LPGA Amateur GA-RI
12:39 PM 4 Red(W) Maureen Mossey + Mimi Oliveira + Victoria Corey
Lisa Corrigan Kirkbrae CC
10:33 AM 4 Red(W) Colleen Brady + Martha Slaight + Sarah Santos
Lori Morse Valley CC
12:21 PM 4 Red(W) Margaret Thomas + Nancy Platt + Tonia Mason
Louise Thornton Triggs Memorial GC
10:51 AM 4 Red(W) Barbara O'Neil + Claire McCorry + Yung Park
Luann Dias Triggs Memorial GC
11:18 AM 4 Red(W) Diane Bentley + Joyce Comstock + Sandra Harper
Marcia Clayton Maloney Potowomut GC
10:42 AM 4 Red(W) Angela Brunero + Linda Duffell + Sharon Volpe
Margaret Thomas Jamestown GC
12:21 PM 4 Red(W) Lori Morse + Nancy Platt + Tonia Mason
Margaret Woods Rolling Greens GC
12:48 PM 4 Red(W) Bettyjean Shadeck + Carol Santangini + Donna Beneduce
Marilyn Weigner Wannamoisett CC
8:18 AM 4 Red(W) Christine Sanders + Emma Sanders + Kay Bullock
Martha Giarratano Green Valley GA
8:54 AM 4 Red(W) Becky Reo + Patty Matthews + Terri Birmingham
Martha Slaight Button Hole GC
10:33 AM 4 Red(W) Colleen Brady + Lisa Corrigan + Sarah Santos
Mary Hayes Green Valley GA
8:36 AM 4 Red(W) Andrea Reynolds + Cindy Silvia + Robin Ramey
Mary Wiggins Glocester CC
11:36 AM 4 Red(W) Jane Robinson + Kathy Caron + Melodie Hebert
Maura Thursby Wannamoisett CC
11:09 AM 4 Red(W) Joyce Leven + Lauren Classey + Wendy Martin
Maureen Mossey North Kingstown GC
12:39 PM 4 Red(W) Linda Sousa + Mimi Oliveira + Victoria Corey
Melodie Hebert Glocester CC
11:36 AM 4 Red(W) Jane Robinson + Kathy Caron + Mary Wiggins
Mimi Oliveira LPGA Amateur GA-RI
12:39 PM 4 Red(W) Linda Sousa + Maureen Mossey + Victoria Corey
Mindy Sherwin Ledgemont CC
9:48 AM 4 Red(W) Cathy Oresman + Debbie Kohl-Benharris + Jessica Brier
Nancy Avila Crestwood CC
11:45 AM 4 Red(W) Carol Barnabe + Doris Angers + Kim Klaubert
Nancy Diemoz Montaup CC
8:00 AM 4 Red(W) Brenda Sabbag + Kim Schold + Leann Cesario
Nancy Greer Triggs Memorial GC
12:12 PM 4 Red(W) Carolyn Pacheco + Robyn Sisti + Suzette Gervais
Nancy Mendelsohn Pinecrest GC
9:12 AM 4 Red(W) Christine Provost + Deb Fera + Deborah McMahon
Nancy Platt Valley CC
12:21 PM 4 Red(W) Lori Morse + Margaret Thomas + Tonia Mason
Nancy Smith Segregansett Country Club
11:54 AM 4 Red(W) Beth Peterson + Peri Ann Aptaker + Sandy Gertz
Nicolina Kelly Montaup CC
9:30 AM 4 Red(W) Karen Terra + Kimberly Cunningham + Pamela Romano
Pamela Brodeur Triggs Memorial GC
9:57 AM 4 Red(W) Dawn Giguere + Judy Gravier + Linda Darosa
Pamela Romano Montaup CC
9:30 AM 4 Red(W) Karen Terra + Kimberly Cunningham + Nicolina Kelly
Patty Matthews Green Valley GA
8:54 AM 4 Red(W) Becky Reo + Martha Giarratano + Terri Birmingham
Paula Deblois Wannamoisett CC
11:00 AM 4 Red(W) Betsy McCoy + Diane Ahnell + Lana Hegstrom
Peri Ann Aptaker Wanumetonomy G&CC
11:54 AM 4 Red(W) Beth Peterson + Nancy Smith + Sandy Gertz
Robin Perry Soto Montaup CC
9:39 AM 4 Red(W) Elaine Carvelli + Susan Barr + Trish Labossiere
Robin Ramey Green Valley GA
8:36 AM 4 Red(W) Andrea Reynolds + Cindy Silvia + Mary Hayes
Robyn Sisti Triggs Memorial GC
12:12 PM 4 Red(W) Carolyn Pacheco + Nancy Greer + Suzette Gervais
Sandra Harper Triggs Memorial GC
11:18 AM 4 Red(W) Diane Bentley + Joyce Comstock + Luann Dias
Sandy Gertz Alpine CC
11:54 AM 4 Red(W) Beth Peterson + Nancy Smith + Peri Ann Aptaker
Sarah Santos Kirkbrae CC
10:33 AM 4 Red(W) Colleen Brady + Lisa Corrigan + Martha Slaight
Sharon Volpe Wannamoisett CC
10:42 AM 4 Red(W) Angela Brunero + Linda Duffell + Marcia Clayton Maloney
Sue Reavey Triggs Memorial GC
12:03 PM 4 Red(W) Barbara Davis + Catherine Parente + Linda Albamonti
Susan Barr Beaver River GC
9:39 AM 4 Red(W) Elaine Carvelli + Robin Perry Soto + Trish Labossiere
Susan Ware Wanumetonomy G&CC
8:27 AM 4 Red(W) Jane Lippincott + Leony Hartig + Trudy Coxe
Suzanne Pettit Green Valley GA
12:30 PM 4 Red(W) Barbara Keller + Chris Trenholme + Elaine Crawford
Suzette Gervais Triggs Memorial GC
12:12 PM 4 Red(W) Carolyn Pacheco + Nancy Greer + Robyn Sisti
Terri Birmingham Green Valley GA
8:54 AM 4 Red(W) Becky Reo + Martha Giarratano + Patty Matthews
Terri Hawthorne Button Hole GC
10:24 AM 4 Red(W) Cathy Rocco + Jean Hall + Linda Narkawich
Tonia Mason Triggs Memorial GC
12:21 PM 4 Red(W) Lori Morse + Margaret Thomas + Nancy Platt
Trish Labossiere Triggs Memorial GC
9:39 AM 4 Red(W) Elaine Carvelli + Robin Perry Soto + Susan Barr
Trudy Coxe Wanumetonomy G&CC
8:27 AM 4 Red(W) Jane Lippincott + Leony Hartig + Susan Ware
Trudy Dufault Montaup CC
8:45 AM 4 Red(W) Auring Thornley + Elizabeth Penkala + Karen Recore
Victoria Corey North Kingstown GC
12:39 PM 4 Red(W) Linda Sousa + Maureen Mossey + Mimi Oliveira
Wendy Martin USGA/RI GC
11:09 AM 4 Red(W) Joyce Leven + Lauren Classey + Maura Thursby
Yanna Tow LPGA Amateur GA-RI
8:09 AM 4 Red(W) Hijong DelForno + Jackie Booth + Kerri DeWitt
Yung Park Triggs Memorial GC
10:51 AM 4 Red(W) Barbara O'Neil + Claire McCorry + Louise Thornton