95th Massachusetts Women's Four-Ball for the Townshend Cup Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Mon, July 1

Time Players
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Alexandra Deale Brae Burn Country Club
10:50 AM | Cheryl Murtagh | Michele Mathers | Sarah McMurdy
Amy Leveroni Tedesco Country Club
9:20 AM | Connie Hayton | Diane O'Neill | Sally DeGan
Amy Miller Oak Hill Country Club
7:50 AM | Lani DeBonis | Laura Hasenfus | Tara O'Donnell
Amy Sucoff Pine Brook Country Club
8:40 AM | Jill Busny | Lauri Giffin | Meredith Dunn
Annette Obrien Cyprian Keyes Golf Club
11:50 AM | Doreen DiPilato | Kate Hutchinson | Wendy Ustach
Ashley Wayman Brae Burn Country Club
8:10 AM | Christine Butler | Kathryn Cousin | Lori Kelfer
Barb Hecimovich The Tour
10:40 AM | Lynn Scully | Mary Jane Wagner | Mercedese Large
Beth Wohler Walpole Country Club
10:30 AM | Diane Carter | Jenny Ceppi | Lynne M. Smith
Carla Fitzgerald Country Club of New Bedford
11:10 AM | Helen Wright | Jill Mertes | Nicki Demakis
Carmen Madore Beverly Golf & Tennis Club
12:00 PM | Donna Arcudi | Marcia Veale | Rusty Murphy
Carolyn Riley Wayland Country Club
7:30 AM | Gina Gallagher | Terry Durkin | Yiji Starr
Cathy Flatley Presidents Golf Course
8:00 AM | Elizabeth Derwin | Frances Rush | Marilyn Carson
Cathy Sessions Cyprian Keyes Golf Club
10:10 AM | Janet Kim | Marge Peters | Terry Boyce
Cheryl Murtagh Ipswich Country Club
10:50 AM | Alexandra Deale | Michele Mathers | Sarah McMurdy
Chris Fitzpatrick Presidents Golf Course
8:30 AM | Jane Fiste | Kathy Jauron | Kim McDowell
Christine Butler Ferncroft Country Club
8:10 AM | Ashley Wayman | Kathryn Cousin | Lori Kelfer
Christine Coughlin Green Hill Muni Golf Course
10:00 AM | Jill Barres | Mary Gale | Sharon Hayes
Connie Hayton Sagamore Spring Golf Club
9:20 AM | Amy Leveroni | Diane O'Neill | Sally DeGan
Courtney Lee Thorny Lea Golf Club
11:30 AM | Grace Farland | Laura Jean Mann | Victoria Veator
Danielle Gamache Highfields Golf & Country Club
7:40 AM | Kathy Gurskis | Renee LaChapelle | Shelly Hughes
Deb Neipris Woodland Golf Club
8:50 AM | Judy Godino | Karen Morrone | Marty Fox
Debbie Sullivan Marshfield Country Club
9:00 AM | Denise Eddy | Kelley Curley | Krista Fulton
Denise Eddy Marshfield Country Club
9:00 AM | Debbie Sullivan | Kelley Curley | Krista Fulton
Diane Carter Salem Country Club
10:30 AM | Beth Wohler | Jenny Ceppi | Lynne M. Smith
Diane O'Neill Haverhill Golf & Country Club
9:20 AM | Amy Leveroni | Connie Hayton | Sally DeGan
Donna Arcudi Presidents Golf Course
12:00 PM | Carmen Madore | Marcia Veale | Rusty Murphy
Doreen DiPilato Highfields Golf & Country Club
11:50 AM | Annette Obrien | Kate Hutchinson | Wendy Ustach
Elizabeth Derwin The Tour
8:00 AM | Cathy Flatley | Frances Rush | Marilyn Carson
Frances Rush Presidents Golf Course
8:00 AM | Cathy Flatley | Elizabeth Derwin | Marilyn Carson
Gina Gallagher Marlborough Country Club
7:30 AM | Carolyn Riley | Terry Durkin | Yiji Starr
Grace Farland Marlborough Country Club
11:30 AM | Courtney Lee | Laura Jean Mann | Victoria Veator
Helen Wright Cold Spring Country Club
11:10 AM | Carla Fitzgerald | Jill Mertes | Nicki Demakis
Irene Haley Ferncroft Country Club
8:20 AM | Janice Lamb | Kerri McGlynn | Laura Nicholas
Jackie Duffy Barnstable Golf
9:50 AM | Jenny Yoo | Kathy Pingree | Mary Halladay
Jane Fiste Gannon Municipal Golf Course
8:30 AM | Chris Fitzpatrick | Kathy Jauron | Kim McDowell
Janet Kim Sagamore Spring Golf Club
10:10 AM | Cathy Sessions | Marge Peters | Terry Boyce
Janice Lamb Thomson Country Club
8:20 AM | Irene Haley | Kerri McGlynn | Laura Nicholas
Jenny Ceppi Salem Country Club
10:30 AM | Beth Wohler | Diane Carter | Lynne M. Smith
Jenny Yoo Renaissance
9:50 AM | Jackie Duffy | Kathy Pingree | Mary Halladay
Jill Barres Oakley Country Club
10:00 AM | Christine Coughlin | Mary Gale | Sharon Hayes
Jill Busny Pine Brook Country Club
8:40 AM | Amy Sucoff | Lauri Giffin | Meredith Dunn
Jill Mertes Wyckoff Country Club
11:10 AM | Carla Fitzgerald | Helen Wright | Nicki Demakis
Judy Godino Pocasset Golf Club
8:50 AM | Deb Neipris | Karen Morrone | Marty Fox
Karen Morrone Segregansett Country Club
8:50 AM | Deb Neipris | Judy Godino | Marty Fox
Kate Hutchinson The Ridge Club
11:50 AM | Annette Obrien | Doreen DiPilato | Wendy Ustach
Kathryn Cousin Brae Burn Country Club
8:10 AM | Ashley Wayman | Christine Butler | Lori Kelfer
Kathy Gurskis Shining Rock Golf Club
7:40 AM | Danielle Gamache | Renee LaChapelle | Shelly Hughes
Kathy Jauron Gannon Municipal Golf Course
8:30 AM | Chris Fitzpatrick | Jane Fiste | Kim McDowell
Kathy Pingree Renaissance
9:50 AM | Jackie Duffy | Jenny Yoo | Mary Halladay
Kelley Curley Norfolk Golf Club
9:00 AM | Debbie Sullivan | Denise Eddy | Krista Fulton
Kelly Norwood Bayberry Hills / Bass River
9:40 AM | Lynne Brilliant | Maureen Sullivan | Wanda Lukehart
Kerri McGlynn Presidents Golf Course
8:20 AM | Irene Haley | Janice Lamb | Laura Nicholas
Kerry Dolan The Tour
9:30 AM | Meg Watson | Sharon Woodward | Suzanne Rebeiro
Kim McDowell Presidents Golf Course
8:30 AM | Chris Fitzpatrick | Jane Fiste | Kathy Jauron
Kim Walecka Country Club of New Bedford
11:20 AM | Nancy Slocum | Stacey Freda | Temple Mitchell
Kim Zenisky TPC Boston
10:20 AM | Kristen Henderson | Marion Maney | Natalie Galligan
Krista Fulton Fairway Ladies of Franklin Park
9:00 AM | Debbie Sullivan | Denise Eddy | Kelley Curley
Kristen Henderson The Tour
10:20 AM | Kim Zenisky | Marion Maney | Natalie Galligan
Lani DeBonis Oak Hill Country Club
7:50 AM | Amy Miller | Laura Hasenfus | Tara O'Donnell
Laura Hasenfus Needham Golf Club
7:50 AM | Amy Miller | Lani DeBonis | Tara O'Donnell
Laura Jean Mann Thorny Lea Golf Club
11:30 AM | Courtney Lee | Grace Farland | Victoria Veator
Laura Nicholas Braintree Municipal GC
8:20 AM | Irene Haley | Janice Lamb | Kerri McGlynn
Lauri Giffin Walpole Country Club
8:40 AM | Amy Sucoff | Jill Busny | Meredith Dunn
Lori Kelfer Ferncroft Country Club
8:10 AM | Ashley Wayman | Christine Butler | Kathryn Cousin
Lynn Scully Taconic Golf Club
10:40 AM | Barb Hecimovich | Mary Jane Wagner | Mercedese Large
Lynne Brilliant Presidents Golf Course
9:40 AM | Kelly Norwood | Maureen Sullivan | Wanda Lukehart
Lynne M. Smith Walpole Country Club
10:30 AM | Beth Wohler | Diane Carter | Jenny Ceppi
Marcia Veale Wenham Country Club
12:00 PM | Carmen Madore | Donna Arcudi | Rusty Murphy
Marge Peters Sagamore Spring Golf Club
10:10 AM | Cathy Sessions | Janet Kim | Terry Boyce
Marilyn Carson Marlborough Country Club
8:00 AM | Cathy Flatley | Elizabeth Derwin | Frances Rush
Marion Maney New England Country Club
10:20 AM | Kim Zenisky | Kristen Henderson | Natalie Galligan
Marty Fox Segregansett Country Club
8:50 AM | Deb Neipris | Judy Godino | Karen Morrone
Mary Gale Bedrock Golf Club
10:00 AM | Christine Coughlin | Jill Barres | Sharon Hayes
Mary Halladay Marion Golf Club
9:50 AM | Jackie Duffy | Jenny Yoo | Kathy Pingree
Mary Jane Wagner Nashawtuc Country Club
10:40 AM | Barb Hecimovich | Lynn Scully | Mercedese Large
Maureen Sullivan Renaissance
9:40 AM | Kelly Norwood | Lynne Brilliant | Wanda Lukehart
Meg Watson The Tour
9:30 AM | Kerry Dolan | Sharon Woodward | Suzanne Rebeiro
Megan Buck Thorny Lea Golf Club
11:40 AM | Michelle Foard | Shannon Johnson | Sue Curtin
Mercedese Large Taconic Golf Club
10:40 AM | Barb Hecimovich | Lynn Scully | Mary Jane Wagner
Meredith Dunn Walpole Country Club
8:40 AM | Amy Sucoff | Jill Busny | Lauri Giffin
Michele Mathers Ipswich Country Club
10:50 AM | Alexandra Deale | Cheryl Murtagh | Sarah McMurdy
Michelle Foard Longmeadow Country Club
11:40 AM | Megan Buck | Shannon Johnson | Sue Curtin
Nancy Slocum Nehoiden Golf Club
11:20 AM | Kim Walecka | Stacey Freda | Temple Mitchell
Natalie Galligan Pocasset Golf Club
10:20 AM | Kim Zenisky | Kristen Henderson | Marion Maney
Nicki Demakis Country Club of New Bedford
11:10 AM | Carla Fitzgerald | Helen Wright | Jill Mertes
Renee LaChapelle Highfields Golf & Country Club
7:40 AM | Danielle Gamache | Kathy Gurskis | Shelly Hughes
Rusty Murphy Presidents Golf Course
12:00 PM | Carmen Madore | Donna Arcudi | Marcia Veale
Sally DeGan LPGA Amateurs Boston
9:20 AM | Amy Leveroni | Connie Hayton | Diane O'Neill
Sarah McMurdy Weathervane Golf Club
10:50 AM | Alexandra Deale | Cheryl Murtagh | Michele Mathers
Shannon Johnson Thorny Lea Golf Club
11:40 AM | Megan Buck | Michelle Foard | Sue Curtin
Sharon Hayes Oakley Country Club
10:00 AM | Christine Coughlin | Jill Barres | Mary Gale
Sharon Woodward Acushnet River Valley Golf Course
9:30 AM | Kerry Dolan | Meg Watson | Suzanne Rebeiro
Shelly Hughes Shining Rock Golf Club
7:40 AM | Danielle Gamache | Kathy Gurskis | Renee LaChapelle
Stacey Freda Andover Country Club
11:20 AM | Kim Walecka | Nancy Slocum | Temple Mitchell
Sue Curtin Boston Golf Club
11:40 AM | Megan Buck | Michelle Foard | Shannon Johnson
Suzanne Rebeiro Acushnet River Valley Golf Course
9:30 AM | Kerry Dolan | Meg Watson | Sharon Woodward
Tara O'Donnell Concord Country Club
7:50 AM | Amy Miller | Lani DeBonis | Laura Hasenfus
Temple Mitchell Allendale Country Club
11:20 AM | Kim Walecka | Nancy Slocum | Stacey Freda
Terry Boyce Country Club of Greenfield
10:10 AM | Cathy Sessions | Janet Kim | Marge Peters
Terry Durkin Marlborough Country Club
7:30 AM | Carolyn Riley | Gina Gallagher | Yiji Starr
Victoria Veator Plymouth Country Club
11:30 AM | Courtney Lee | Grace Farland | Laura Jean Mann
Wanda Lukehart Charter Oak Country Club
9:40 AM | Kelly Norwood | Lynne Brilliant | Maureen Sullivan
Wendy Ustach White Cliffs Country Club
11:50 AM | Annette Obrien | Doreen DiPilato | Kate Hutchinson
Yiji Starr Wayland Country Club
7:30 AM | Carolyn Riley | Gina Gallagher | Terry Durkin