
Player Roster

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Last Name First Name Affiliation H.I.™
Carroll Christine NOGA Club E 9.8
Chupa Dennis Red Tail Golf Club 9.6
Chupa Kristen Red Tail Golf Club 17.4
Deal Jody - 12.0
Deal Kurt Belmont CC 5.1
Hetler Cari Turkeyfoot Lake Golf Links 6.1
Hetler Jeff Turkeyfoot Lake Golf Links 4.2
Klefos Brian NOGA Club E 7.9
Kovach Ty NOGA Club E 1.8
Miano Al Silver Lake Country Club 8.5
Miano Mary Ann Silver Lake Country Club 7.3
Reece Greg Stone Oak Country Club 2.8
Reece Marianne Heather Downs CC 21.8
Rollins Dave Stone Oak Country Club 8.3
Rollins Sherry Stone Oak Country Club 26.6
Rotter Barb Quail Hollow Country Club 19.3
Rotter Charles Quail Hollow Country Club 7.8
Vanasdal Tina Chippewa Golf Club 12.5
Wooddell Linda Stone Oak Country Club 25.6
Wooddell Ralph Stone Oak Country Club 19.3