Player Roster
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Waitlisted Players
Team Id | First Name | Last Name |
118 | Sean | costello |
119 | Paul | Haney |
120 | Mickey | Foley |
121 | Ryan | Kenny |
125 | Marshall | Halpin |
127 | Phil | Caron |
128 | Evan | Couto |
129 | Rich | Gilbride |
130 | Seamus | O'Holleran |
131 | John | Gratton |
133 | Daniel | Falcucci |
136 | Charlie | Gendron |
137 | Josh | Gianotsos |
138 | Patrick | Maloney |
142 | Sam | Athanas |
143 | aidan | Daly |
144 | Stephen | Bermingham |
150 | John | Tassinari |