75th Herman Sani Tournament Tee Sheet

Round 3 - Sun, August 11

Echo Valley CC - Ridge to Creek
Time Players
Echo Valley CC - Ridge to Creek
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
AJ Sposato Norwalk, Iowa
8:40 AM IGA Green - Sani Cael Schofield + Ty Potter
Adam Fields Council Bluffs, Iowa
9:50 AM IGA Green - Sani Brian Allison + Daniel Anfield
Andrew Johannsen Johnston, Iowa
12:00 PM IGA Green - Sani Grant Smith + Jackson Overton
Anthony Ruthey (p) Port Byron, Illinois
9:30 AM IGA Green - Sani Matt Schlueter + Matthew Jennings
Austin Reynolds (p) West Des Moines, Iowa
8:50 AM IGA Green - Sani Calen Bishop + Cody Britt
Bill Tank Bettendorf, Iowa
7:40 AM IGA Gold - Sani - SprSr Joel Yunek + John Kinsey
Blake Cronin Clive, Iowa
10:20 AM IGA Green - Sani David Combs + Ethan Mechling
Brian Allison Norwalk, Iowa
9:50 AM IGA Green - Sani Adam Fields + Daniel Anfield
Brock Seiser Waukee, Iowa
9:10 AM IGA Green - Sani Cooper Hanson + Ryan Horner
Cael Schofield Albia, Iowa
8:40 AM IGA Green - Sani AJ Sposato + Ty Potter
Cale Leonard Ottumwa, Iowa
8:30 AM IGA Green - Sani Josh Bousman + Michael Takacs
Calen Bishop Johnston, Iowa
8:50 AM IGA Green - Sani Austin Reynolds + Cody Britt
Chad Proehl (p) Urbandale, Iowa
11:50 AM IGA Green - Sani Dennis Bull + Zach Steffen
Charlie Taylor Des Moines, Iowa
7:20 AM IGA Gold - Sani - SprSr Keith Walton
Cody Britt Ames, Iowa
8:50 AM IGA Green - Sani Austin Reynolds + Calen Bishop
Connor Peck Ankeny, Iowa
10:00 AM IGA Green - Sani Hogan Reuter + Nick Luett
Cooper Hanson Pleasant Hill, Iowa
9:10 AM IGA Green - Sani Brock Seiser + Ryan Horner
Curt Burns Des Moines, Iowa
11:00 AM IGA Gold - Sani - SprSr Dan Trerotola + Jim Madsen
Curtis Holck Ankeny, Iowa
11:30 AM IGA White - Sani Sr Joe Palmer + Ron Peterson
Dan Trerotola Des Moines, Iowa
11:00 AM IGA Gold - Sani - SprSr Curt Burns + Jim Madsen
Daniel Anfield Grimes, Iowa
9:50 AM IGA Green - Sani Adam Fields + Brian Allison
Darin Fisher (p) Albia, Iowa
10:10 AM IGA Green - Sani Jay Fjelstul + Mark Devlin
Dave Gaer Des Moines, Iowa
11:10 AM IGA Gold - Sani - SprSr Rob Christensen + Robert Pomerantz
Dave Schurke Buffalo, Iowa
8:00 AM IGA White - Sani Sr J.D. Anderson + Tim McKnight
David Combs West Des Moines, Iowa
10:20 AM IGA Green - Sani Blake Cronin + Ethan Mechling
Dennis Bull Norwalk, Iowa
11:50 AM IGA Green - Sani Chad Proehl + Zach Steffen
Ethan Mechling Des Moines, Iowa
10:20 AM IGA Green - Sani Blake Cronin + David Combs
Gary Ellis Norwalk, Iowa
11:20 AM IGA White - Sani Sr Jeff Collett + Jon Brown
Grant Smith West Des Moines, Iowa
12:00 PM IGA Green - Sani Andrew Johannsen + Jackson Overton
Henry Ferrari West Des Moines, Iowa
9:00 AM IGA Green - Sani Kyle Spence + Will Simpson
Hogan Hansen Waverly, Iowa
11:40 AM IGA Green - Sani Jack Dumas + Roman Roth
Hogan Reuter Farmington, Minnesota
10:00 AM IGA Green - Sani Connor Peck + Nick Luett
Hunter Johnson Ankeny, Iowa
10:30 AM IGA Green - Sani Jake Weissenburger + Lucas Scherf
Isaiah Zoske Solon, Iowa
10:40 AM IGA Green - Sani Steven Ihm + Trent Lindenman
J.D. Anderson Johnston, Iowa
8:00 AM IGA White - Sani Sr Dave Schurke + Tim McKnight
Jack Dumas LeClaire, Iowa
11:40 AM IGA Green - Sani Hogan Hansen + Roman Roth
Jackson Overton Indianola, Iowa
12:00 PM IGA Green - Sani Andrew Johannsen + Grant Smith
Jake Weissenburger Clive, Iowa
10:30 AM IGA Green - Sani Hunter Johnson + Lucas Scherf
Jay Fjelstul Decorah, Iowa
10:10 AM IGA Green - Sani Darin Fisher + Mark Devlin
Jay Goeser Norwalk, Iowa
8:20 AM IGA White - Sani Sr Jim Ihm + Tony Newkirk
Jay Gregory Lineville, Iowa
7:50 AM IGA White - Sani Sr John Justus + Marty Fredericks
Jeff Collett Ottumwa, Iowa
11:20 AM IGA White - Sani Sr Gary Ellis + Jon Brown
Jeff Panek Johnston, Iowa
8:10 AM IGA White - Sani Sr John Putbrese + Terry Cook
Jim Ihm Peosta, Iowa
8:20 AM IGA White - Sani Sr Jay Goeser + Tony Newkirk
Jim Madsen Carroll, Iowa
11:00 AM IGA Gold - Sani - SprSr Curt Burns + Dan Trerotola
Joe Palmer Norwalk, Iowa
11:30 AM IGA White - Sani Sr Curtis Holck + Ron Peterson
Joe Ward Polk, Iowa
7:30 AM IGA Gold - Sani - SprSr Stephen Larson
Joel Yunek Mason City, Iowa
7:40 AM IGA Gold - Sani - SprSr Bill Tank + John Kinsey
John Justus Marion, Iowa
7:50 AM IGA White - Sani Sr Jay Gregory + Marty Fredericks
John Kinsey Alleman, Iowa
7:40 AM IGA Gold - Sani - SprSr Bill Tank + Joel Yunek
John Putbrese Des Moines, Iowa
8:10 AM IGA White - Sani Sr Jeff Panek + Terry Cook
Jon Brown Adel, Iowa
11:20 AM IGA White - Sani Sr Gary Ellis + Jeff Collett
Josh Bousman (p) Clinton, Iowa
8:30 AM IGA Green - Sani Cale Leonard + Michael Takacs
Keith Walton Ankeny, Iowa
7:20 AM IGA White - Sani Sr Charlie Taylor
Kirk Macumber Winterset, Iowa
IGA White - Sani Sr Tom Schill
Kyle Spence (p) Coralville, Iowa
9:00 AM IGA Green - Sani Henry Ferrari + Will Simpson
Levi Slings Ankeny, Iowa
9:20 AM IGA Green - Sani Mateo Rascon + Tomas Rascon
Lucas Scherf Pleasant Hill, Iowa
10:30 AM IGA Green - Sani Hunter Johnson + Jake Weissenburger
Mark Devlin Decorah, Iowa
10:10 AM IGA Green - Sani Darin Fisher + Jay Fjelstul
Marty Fredericks West Des Moines, Iowa
7:50 AM IGA White - Sani Sr Jay Gregory + John Justus
Mateo Rascon Burlington, Iowa
9:20 AM IGA Green - Sani Levi Slings + Tomas Rascon
Matt Schlueter Davenport, Iowa
9:30 AM IGA Green - Sani Anthony Ruthey + Matthew Jennings
Matthew Jennings (p) Newton, Iowa
9:30 AM IGA Green - Sani Anthony Ruthey + Matt Schlueter
Michael Takacs Iowa City, Iowa
8:30 AM IGA Green - Sani Cale Leonard + Josh Bousman
Nate Spear Ankeny, Iowa
10:50 AM IGA Green - Sani Sam Vertanen + Willis Gaer
Nick Luett Clive, Iowa
10:00 AM IGA Green - Sani Connor Peck + Hogan Reuter
Rob Christensen Marshalltown, Iowa
11:10 AM IGA Gold - Sani - SprSr Dave Gaer + Robert Pomerantz
Robert Pomerantz Des Moines, Iowa
11:10 AM IGA Gold - Sani - SprSr Dave Gaer + Rob Christensen
Roman Roth Wayland, Iowa
11:40 AM IGA Green - Sani Hogan Hansen + Jack Dumas
Ron Peterson Urbandale, Iowa
11:30 AM IGA White - Sani Sr Curtis Holck + Joe Palmer
Ryan Horner Clive, Iowa
9:10 AM IGA Green - Sani Brock Seiser + Cooper Hanson
Sam Vertanen Ames, Iowa
10:50 AM IGA Green - Sani Nate Spear + Willis Gaer
Stephen Larson Polk City, Iowa
7:30 AM IGA Gold - Sani - SprSr Joe Ward
Steven Ihm (p) Iowa City, Iowa
10:40 AM IGA Green - Sani Isaiah Zoske + Trent Lindenman
Terry Cook Norwalk, Iowa
8:10 AM IGA White - Sani Sr Jeff Panek + John Putbrese
Tim McKnight Indianola, Iowa
8:00 AM IGA White - Sani Sr Dave Schurke + J.D. Anderson
Tom Schill Gowrie, Iowa
IGA Gold - Sani - SprSr Kirk Macumber
Tomas Rascon Burlington, Iowa
9:20 AM IGA Green - Sani Levi Slings + Mateo Rascon
Tony Newkirk Des Moines, Iowa
8:20 AM IGA White - Sani Sr Jay Goeser + Jim Ihm
Trent Lindenman New Sharon, Iowa
10:40 AM IGA Green - Sani Isaiah Zoske + Steven Ihm
Ty Potter Runnells, Iowa
8:40 AM IGA Green - Sani AJ Sposato + Cael Schofield
Will Simpson Pella, Iowa
9:00 AM IGA Green - Sani Henry Ferrari + Kyle Spence
Willis Gaer Des Moines, Iowa
10:50 AM IGA Green - Sani Nate Spear + Sam Vertanen
Zach Steffen (p) West Des Moines, Iowa
11:50 AM IGA Green - Sani Chad Proehl + Dennis Bull