
Player Roster

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First Name City State H.I.™ Team Id Last Name
Aaron Gig Harbor WA 2.8 58 Cherney
Adam Gig Harbor WA +0.8 46 Barker
Andrew Fox Island WA 2.1 44 Herzog
Austin Mill Creek WA 0.7 20 Beatty
Austin Seattle WA 2.7 18 Estabrooks
Ben Seattle WA +0.7 34 Garrett
Ben Seattle WA +1.7 4 Minyard
Brad Seattle WA +0.4 20 Carey
Brandon Arlington WA +1.3 82 Agnew
Brandon Shoreline WA +0.1 67 Hill
Britten Tacoma WA +0.3 16 Barker
Caleb Bothell WA +1.9 67 An
Casey Seattle WA 0.9 69 Granston
Charles Seattle WA 0.5 14 Mroz
Charlie Bellevue WA +0.5 86 Suh
Collin Seattle WA +0.7 74 Roberts
Colten Kenmore WA +2.3 13 Kleis
Craig Bellingham WA +0.3 46 Roth
Dalton Seattle WA +3.5 24 Conn
Dan Seattle WA 1.6 39 Nelson
Dana Tacoma WA 0.7 11 Christianson
Dane Bellingham WA +1.2 30 Renkert
Daniel Bellingham WA +0.9 83 Blankenburg
Daniel Bothell WA 2.8 24 Schmidt
David Seattle WA 2.4 59 Creed
Erik Seattle WA 1.5 69 Heggelund
Erik Snoqualmie WA +1.4 34 Olson
Ethan Bellingham WA 0.7 29 Potts
George Yakima WA 0.8 57 Pechtel
Haiden Ferndale WA +0.9 83 Rasmussen
Jackson Bellevue WA +2.2 86 Suh
Jacob Seattle WA +0.2 7 Haddock
Jake Oregon City OR 2.3 22 Easterly
Jason Snoqualmie WA +1.1 72 Olmstead
Jason Burlington WA 0.5 31 Welty
Jeff Mill Creek WA 0.5 71 Strickland
Joe Everson WA 2.9 33 Walton
Joseph Tacoma WA 0.0 44 Snope
Kevin Snoqualmie WA 2.6 72 Broyer
Kyle Everett WA +1.3 1 Fish
Larry Sumner WA 2.2 11 Redfield
Logan Lynden WA +2.8 61 Medcalf
Luke Sammamish WA 0.1 20 Bakke
Luke Sammamish WA +0.6 22 Easterly
Luke Mukilteo WA +0.8 82 Strand
Mark Longview WA 0.0 55 Smith
Mark Mukilteo WA +4.0 13 Strickland
Matt Kingston WA 3.7 1 Edwards
Matt Gig Harbor WA 2.1 16 Harnish
Michael Snohomish WA 2.2 18 Coombs
Michael Seattle WA 0.1 39 McClean
Mitch North Bend WA 3.9 59 Reinhart
Nathan Sammamish WA 0.2 7 Eisele
Nathan Bellingham WA 0.3 30 Twining
Nick Everett WA +2.5 61 Ennis
Nick Kennewick WA +1.9 14 Mandell
Nick Bellingham WA +1.7 29 Palewicz
Norm Bellingham WA 0.7 27 Bonnickson
Patrick Olympia WA +2.5 84 Nugent
Rick Vancouver WA +1.3 55 Corkill
Robbie Yakima WA 1.7 57 Goins
Robby Kirkland WA 0.6 74 Hipp
Royce Woodinville WA 1.2 4 Ruch
Russell Seattle WA 2.3 43 Ettinger
Ryan Spokane WA +0.7 31 Hodl
Ryan Gig Harbor WA +0.4 41 Kelly
Shawn Seattle WA 1.3 58 Heidel
Steve Issaquah WA +0.5 43 Drozdowski
Steve Bellingham WA +0.6 33 Kaestner
Sunny Ferndale WA +0.2 27 Park
Travis Olympia WA +2.3 84 Bossio
Tres La Quinta CA 0.8 41 Kirkebo
Tyler Mill Creek WA +0.7 71 Spalti