Below are guidelines for Pace of Play with our club.


  1. The Bear Creek Golf Complex has established a playing time for the Bear Course of 4 hours under normal playing conditions.
  2. Your group is expected to keep up with the group in front of you.
  3. If your group is not keeping up with the group in front of you and is out of position, then do any or all the following to get back in position:
    • Play ready golf.  For stroke play, this means that a player may hit their golf ball out of turn.
    • Don't wait for everyone to putt out on the green.  Once a player is done and has putted out, that player or players should head to the next hole and tee off while the others are still putting out.
    • You only have 3 minutes to find a lost ball.  If this is an ongoing issue hole after hole, the player needs to shorten their search time and consider dropping a ball, taking a 2-stroke penalty, and continue to play.
  4. If the Bear Creek ranger approaches your group to address a gap in position, please be courteous, and comply with any instructions given and do not argue.  If any member has an issue with the ranger, they should talk to the Bear Creek Golf Complex Management.  Do not cause a scene out on the golf course.
  5. If the Bear Creek ranger approaches your group multiple times to address a gap in position, the ranger has the right to take any of the following actions:
    • 1st Incident: The group is issued a warning that they are out of position and need to catch up.
    • 2nd Incident: The group is officially put on the clock and given 10 minutes to catch up.
    • 3rd Incident: Everyone in the group is assessed a 2-stroke penalty for slow play and given 10 minutes to catch up.
    • 4th Incident:  Everyone in the group is asked to pick up their balls, forfeit the hole(s), and go to the hole they tell you to move to. 


We are the Bear Creek Men’s Golf Club; we DO NOT own the course.  We are allowed to play golf as a club because management allows us to.