Below are guidelines for entering scores and verification of scores using the Golf Genius app.
- Before the round starts, the group decides who will enter the scores into Golf Genius and who will be keeping the scores on a standard paper scorecard.
- After the group finishes either the front nine or back nine holes, the person entering the Golf Genius scores should compare the scores with the person who is keeping the paper scorecard.
- If there are any discrepancies between the two scores, the two people should compare the scores hole by hole to identify where the scoring issue occurred and make the necessary correction(s).
- After all 18 holes are completed, repeat the process done on the first nine holes. Compare the scores between Golf Genius and the paper scorecard; if there are any issues, verify hole by hole scores, make the necessary correction(s), and get agreement with everyone that the scores are correct.
Each player is responsible to make sure their score is correct. Once you leave the golf course or after 2 hours of completing the round, all posted scores are considered to be final.
If an issue with a posted score is identified after all scores are considered to be final, the following steps will be taken:
- The player(s) with incorrect lower score(s) will be disqualified. Note that disqualification is only for a posted incorrect lower score. If the posted incorrect score is higher, the higher score stands and there is no disqualification.
- If the affected player(s) qualified for any flight money, then that money is forfeited.
- If the hole(s) in question affects the payment of a skin(s), then that skin(s) money will be forfeited.