Stableford - Gross - Wheel

1st - Dave Bell - $30

2nd - Brett Winnitoy - $20

Stableford - Net - Wheel

1st - Danny Vrencken - $30

t-2nd - Dave Rumble & Chris Lamanna - $20

Stableford - Gross - Grind

1st - Brandon Styles - $30

2nd - Steve Henry - $20


Stableford - Net - Grind 

1st - Frank Cioffi - $30

2nd - Maroun Achkar - $20


Closest to the Pin - Wheel #7

Rob Holody - $30 - Nine Hole Bandits - $10


Closest to the Pin - Grind #4

Steve Henry - $30 - Nine Hole Bandits - $10


Low Team

Nine Hole Bandits - $30

The Big Dawgs - $20

The High Rollers - $10

The Floppers - $0


Athletic Therapy Lab Hole In One Pot

No Winner - Year End Total - $939