Stableford - Gross - Grist

t-1st Tyler Clements - 18 points - $16.67

t-1st - Steve Henry - 18 points - $16.67

t-1st - Brandon Styles - 18 points - $16.67


Stableford - Gross - Wheel

1st - Ray Auld - 19 points - $25

2nd- Derek Dolan - 16 points - $15

3rd - Steve Park - 14 points - $10


Stableford - Net - Grist

1st - Joe Genua - 24 points - $25

t-2nd - Frank Cioffi - 23 points - $8.33

t-2nd - Jeff Benedetto - 23 points - $8.33

t-2nd - Evan Jackson - 23 points - $8.33


Stableford - Net - Wheel

t-1st - Garry Gall - 22 points - $16.67

t-1st - Maroun Achkar - 22 points - $16.67

t-1st - Dave Bell - 22 points - $16.67


Low Team

Nine Hole Bandits - $15

The High Rollers - $10

The Floppers - $5

The Big Dawgs - $0


Closest to the Pin - Grist #3

Rob Stokes - $15 - The Floppers - $5
Closest to the Pin - Wheel #7

Ryan Troy - $15 - The High Rollers - $5


One Shot Shootout Winner

Michael Sugrue


Athletic Therapy Lab Hole in One Pot

No Winner - New Pot Total - $546.50