English Junior Champion Club Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Wed, August 14

Woodhall Spa-Bracken - 2 - Archived on 12-03-2024
Time Players
Woodhall Spa-Bracken - 2 - Archived on 12-03-2024
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Alfie Burr Diss
1:10 PM Yellow - Men Joshua Willey + Oscar Robbins
Alfie Moy East Herts
9:30 AM Yellow - Men Ethan Richards + Oscar Bolton
Anjini Jadav Easthampstead
10:10 AM Red - Ladies Gabby Auld + Holly Macmain
Annika Seward Saltford
11:20 AM Red - Ladies Bobby Brittan + Finley Harvey
Archie Cole Chesterfield
1:20 PM Yellow - Men Jacob Bullock + Thomas McManus
Archie Hall Nene Park
12:20 PM Yellow - Men Kai Dashwood + Xander Thorburn
Archie Jones Rochester and Cobham Park
1:00 PM Yellow - Men Edward Muttitt-Jones + Rayaan Haq
Archie Kilbourne Cosby
9:20 AM Yellow - Men Joel Doubleday + Toby Hankins
Archie Wooliscroft South Bedfordshire
10:30 AM Yellow - Men Harry Burr + Haydn Wood
Austin Rogula Leek
11:30 AM Yellow - Men Ethan Harris + Marcus Thornton
Ben Chesworth Leyland
8:20 AM Yellow - Men Max King + Oscar Teuten
Ben Walker Ferndown
12:40 PM Yellow - Men Charlie Boyes + Charlie Simpson
Bobby Brittan Moor Hall
11:20 AM Yellow - Men Annika Seward + Finley Harvey
Brandon Wright Longhirst Hall
12:50 PM Yellow - Men Freddie Hopkins + Harry Lusher
Charley Evans Leyland
9:40 AM Yellow - Men Harry Stachura + Oliver Worthington
Charlie Boyes Cottesmore
12:40 PM Yellow - Men Ben Walker + Charlie Simpson
Charlie Burnham Chesterfield
8:30 AM Yellow - Men George Ovenden + Sam Waddington
Charlie Hancill Wearside
12:30 PM Yellow - Men Darragh Ballard + Will Rellie
Charlie Simpson South Bedfordshire
12:40 PM Yellow - Men Ben Walker + Charlie Boyes
Darragh Ballard Nene Park
12:30 PM Yellow - Men Charlie Hancill + Will Rellie
Dylan Hayes East Herts
8:50 AM Yellow - Men Jack Bradley + Marcus Potter
Edward Muttitt-Jones Ludlow
1:00 PM Yellow - Men Archie Jones + Rayaan Haq
Ellie Holmes Knowle
1:40 PM Red - Ladies Florrie Coleman + Rebekah Muncer
Ellie Mae Horsted Woodhall Spa
9:10 AM Red - Ladies Grace Gill + Millie Potter
Ethan Harris Garforth
11:30 AM Yellow - Men Austin Rogula + Marcus Thornton
Ethan Richards Colne Valley
9:30 AM Yellow - Men Alfie Moy + Oscar Bolton
Finley Harvey Ferndown
11:20 AM Yellow - Men Annika Seward + Bobby Brittan
Finley Salman West Byfleet
12:00 PM Yellow - Men Joe Manton + Ryan Tissington
Florrie Coleman Cosby
1:40 PM Red - Ladies Ellie Holmes + Rebekah Muncer
Fraser Scott-Herron Lymm
8:00 AM Yellow - Men Freddy Montgomery + Jack Emery
Fred Gill Stoneham
1:50 PM Yellow - Men Harry Watts + Sebastian Wells
Freddie Hopkins Cottesmore
12:50 PM Yellow - Men Brandon Wright + Harry Lusher
Freddy Montgomery Moor Hall
8:00 AM Yellow - Men Fraser Scott-Herron + Jack Emery
Gabby Auld Chesterfield
10:10 AM Red - Ladies Anjini Jadav + Holly Macmain
George Davies Ludlow
10:20 AM Yellow - Men Jake Tipper + Joshua Green
George Emmerson Woodhall Spa
8:10 AM Yellow - Men Josh Stimson + Oliver McDonnell
George Ovenden Longhirst Hall
8:30 AM Yellow - Men Charlie Burnham + Sam Waddington
Grace Gill Garforth
9:10 AM Red - Ladies Ellie Mae Horsted + Millie Potter
Harrison Cannon Pinner Hill
8:40 AM Yellow - Men James Mendoza + Lewis Foxall
Harry Lusher St Mellion
12:50 PM Yellow - Men Brandon Wright + Freddie Hopkins
Harry Odell Northamptonshire County
11:50 AM Yellow - Men Oliver Carter + Ronan McFarlane
Harry Burr Diss
10:30 AM Yellow - Men Archie Wooliscroft + Haydn Wood
Harry Stachura Drayton Park
9:40 AM Yellow - Men Charley Evans + Oliver Worthington
Harry Watts Ludlow
1:50 PM Yellow - Men Fred Gill + Sebastian Wells
Haydn Wood Lymm
10:30 AM Yellow - Men Archie Wooliscroft + Harry Burr
Holly Macmain Northamptonshire County
10:10 AM Red - Ladies Anjini Jadav + Gabby Auld
Hughie Curtis Nene Park
1:30 PM Yellow - Men Kaiden Wright + Samuel Wilkinson
Imogen Potter Diss
12:10 PM Red - Ladies Scarlett Thorp + Sophia Harris
Isaac Khan South Bedfordshire
9:50 AM Yellow - Men Noah Crowdell + Oliver Smith
Jack Bradley Oakmere
8:50 AM Yellow - Men Dylan Hayes + Marcus Potter
Jack Emery Woodhall Spa
8:00 AM Yellow - Men Fraser Scott-Herron + Freddy Montgomery
Jacob Bullock St Mellion
1:20 PM Yellow - Men Archie Cole + Thomas McManus
Jake Tipper Gaudet Luce
10:20 AM Yellow - Men George Davies + Joshua Green
James Mendoza West Byfleet
8:40 AM Yellow - Men Harrison Cannon + Lewis Foxall
Joe Manton Moor Hall
12:00 PM Yellow - Men Finley Salman + Ryan Tissington
Joel Doubleday Lymm
9:20 AM Yellow - Men Archie Kilbourne + Toby Hankins
Josh Stimson West Byfleet
8:10 AM Yellow - Men George Emmerson + Oliver McDonnell
Joshua Willey Wearside
1:10 PM Yellow - Men Alfie Burr + Oscar Robbins
Joshua Green Oakmere
10:20 AM Yellow - Men George Davies + Jake Tipper
Kai Dashwood Ferndown
12:20 PM Yellow - Men Archie Hall + Xander Thorburn
Kaiden Wright Longhirst Hall
1:30 PM Yellow - Men Hughie Curtis + Samuel Wilkinson
Lewis Foxall Leek
8:40 AM Yellow - Men Harrison Cannon + James Mendoza
Luke Moulder Staddon Heights
10:00 AM Yellow - Men Oban Webber + Thomas Sneddon
Marcus Thornton Easthampstead
11:30 AM Yellow - Men Austin Rogula + Ethan Harris
Marcus Karim East Herts
9:00 AM Yellow - Men Maxime Chan + Thomas Moulder
Marcus Potter Chippenham
8:50 AM Yellow - Men Dylan Hayes + Jack Bradley
Max King Chippenham
8:20 AM Yellow - Men Ben Chesworth + Oscar Teuten
Maxime Chan Easthampstead
9:00 AM Yellow - Men Marcus Karim + Thomas Moulder
Millie Potter Chippenham
9:10 AM Red - Ladies Ellie Mae Horsted + Grace Gill
Nathan Wood Gaudet Luce
11:40 AM Yellow - Men Oscar O'Connor + Vinnie James
Noah Crowdell Cosby
9:50 AM Yellow - Men Isaac Khan + Oliver Smith
Oban Webber St Mellion
10:00 AM Yellow - Men Luke Moulder + Thomas Sneddon
Oliver Smith Stoneham
9:50 AM Yellow - Men Isaac Khan + Noah Crowdell
Oliver Carter Leek
11:50 AM Yellow - Men Harry Odell + Ronan McFarlane
Oliver McDonnell Rochester and Cobham Park
8:10 AM Yellow - Men George Emmerson + Josh Stimson
Oliver Worthington Oakmere
9:40 AM Yellow - Men Charley Evans + Harry Stachura
Oscar Teuten Cottesmore
8:20 AM Yellow - Men Ben Chesworth + Max King
Oscar Bolton Drayton Park
9:30 AM Yellow - Men Alfie Moy + Ethan Richards
Oscar O'Connor Wearside
11:40 AM Yellow - Men Nathan Wood + Vinnie James
Oscar Robbins Northamptonshire County
1:10 PM Yellow - Men Alfie Burr + Joshua Willey
Rayaan Haq Pinner Hill
1:00 PM Yellow - Men Archie Jones + Edward Muttitt-Jones
Rebekah Muncer Saltford
1:40 PM Red - Ladies Ellie Holmes + Florrie Coleman
Ronan McFarlane Pinner Hill
11:50 AM Yellow - Men Harry Odell + Oliver Carter
Ryan Tissington Colne Valley
12:00 PM Yellow - Men Finley Salman + Joe Manton
Sam Waddington Leyland
8:30 AM Yellow - Men Charlie Burnham + George Ovenden
Samuel Wilkinson Garforth
1:30 PM Yellow - Men Hughie Curtis + Kaiden Wright
Scarlett Thorp Saltford
12:10 PM Red - Ladies Imogen Potter + Sophia Harris
Sebastian Wells Stoneham
1:50 PM Yellow - Men Fred Gill + Harry Watts
Sophia Harris Gaudet Luce
12:10 PM Red - Ladies Imogen Potter + Scarlett Thorp
Thomas McManus Rochester and Cobham Park
1:20 PM Yellow - Men Archie Cole + Jacob Bullock
Thomas Moulder Staddon Heights
9:00 AM Yellow - Men Marcus Karim + Maxime Chan
Thomas Sneddon Knowle
10:00 AM Yellow - Men Luke Moulder + Oban Webber
Toby Hankins Colne Valley
9:20 AM Yellow - Men Archie Kilbourne + Joel Doubleday
Vinnie James Drayton Park
11:40 AM Yellow - Men Nathan Wood + Oscar O'Connor
Will Rellie Knowle
12:30 PM Yellow - Men Charlie Hancill + Darragh Ballard
Xander Thorburn Staddon Heights
12:20 PM Yellow - Men Archie Hall + Kai Dashwood