Welcome to the Masters Event #2 to be held on Monday, June 17th at Piqua Country Club. This page is intended to provide information for Monday's 1pm shotgun start. The Club is located at 9812 N Country Club Rd, Piqua, OH 45356. For directions please CLICK HERE to be taken to Google Maps. If after reviewing the information, you have questions, please email events@mvgolf.org   


  • Event Registration will begin at 11:30 am. (No Lunch Available Prior to Round, Dinner Included Afterwards)


  • The Practice Facility has limited hitting areas. For those wishing to warm up prior to the round it is suggested that you give yourself an additional 15 minutes of time.


  • There is an optional $20 per player, skins game available. Entries will be taken at the registration table prior to teeing off. (Separate divisions for both Net and Gross scores with cash only being accepted for payment).


We look forward to seeing you on Monday!


Conner Lash,   
Senior Tournament Manager  





There will be two ways to return your official scorecard.  Electronic, which is the preferred method, or the printed scorecard.  Scorecards will be accepted for 45 minutes after the first Electronic Scorecard is returned.  Upon which time all scorecards will be certified and results announced.  If you do not have the app, please download the Golf Genius App (Icon to the Left) prior to your arrival.  


To Download the Apple or Google App






The Local Rules and Conditions of Competition have been updated to reflect the current revisions within the rules of golf and our competitions committee has also decided to adopt the Local Rule for a Ball that is Lost or Out of Bounds (E-5) for this event.

This Local Rule does not prevent you from playing a provisional ball and in most cases it is still wise to do so.  This local rule is not available to the first ball when you put a provisional ball into play.

If you have questions on this local rule please see Steve Jurick or Dave Miller on Monday.





For the Net Scores, handicaps will be determined using the Friday June 7th revision. 





11:30am - Practice Area Opens (NO LUNCH AVAILABLE ON SITE)
1pm - Shotgun Start   
After Play - Scoring and Dinner (Dinner Provided and included in Entry Fee)





The Practice Facility has limited hitting areas. For those wishing to warm up prior to the round it is suggested that you give yourself an additional 15 minutes of time.






A ball lying on a CLOSELY MOWN AREA in the general area may be lifted without penalty and cleaned. Before lifting the ball, the player must mark its position. Having lifted the ball, he must place it on a spot within ONE CLUB LENGTH of and not nearer the hole than where it originally lay, that is not in a penalty area or bunker and not on a putting green.




There is an optional $20 per player, skins game available. Entries will be taken at the registration table prior to teeing off. (Separate divisions for both Net and Gross scores with cash only being accepted for payment).