Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ | Chapter |
Ambrose, Leslie | 17.1 | IL - Chicago Metro Chapter, Association |
Billiter, Robin | 19.4 | IL - Chicago Metro Chapter, Association |
Burns, Kathleen | 33.2 | IL - Chicago Metro Chapter, Association |
Clausing, Julie | 15.7 | IL - Chicago Metro Chapter, Association |
Daniels, Susan | 19.6 | Association, WI - Milwaukee Chapter, FL - Southwest Chapter |
Freeman, Cindy | 16.5 | IL - Chicago Metro Chapter, Association |
Gibbs, Erika | 13.2 | Association, WI - Milwaukee Chapter, WI/IL - Stateline Chapter |
Glueck, Erin | 35.5 | IL - Chicago Metro Chapter, Association |
Horneck, Kim | 32.2 | Association, WI - Milwaukee Chapter |
Kramer-Haag, Ann | 22.7 | Association, WI - Milwaukee Chapter |
Long, Edith | 20.5 | IL - Chicago Metro Chapter, Association, WI - Milwaukee Chapter |
Natzke, Robin | 25.1 | IL - Chicago Metro Chapter, Association |
Palmisano, Barbara | 30.4 | Association, WI - Milwaukee Chapter |
Phillips, Carol Ann | 27.5 | IL - Chicago Metro Chapter, Association |
Pizarek, Amanda | 14.6 | IL - Chicago Metro Chapter, Association, WA - Seattle Chapter |
Storm, Kelly | 19.2 | IL - Chicago Metro Chapter, Association |
Suh, Carolyn | 9.6 | IL - Chicago Metro Chapter, Association |
Suh, Julienne | 16.6 | IL - Chicago Metro Chapter, Association |
Tadeyeske, Sandy | 28.8 | Association, WI - Milwaukee Chapter |
Tynan, Monica | 15.9 | IL - Chicago Metro Chapter, Association |
Valentine, Lauren | 13.0 | IL - Chicago Metro Chapter, Association |
Wilkerson, Kelly | 23.0 | IL - Chicago Metro Chapter, Association, FL - Polk County Chapter |
Wynn, Kim | 29.8 | Association, WI - Milwaukee Chapter |
Zolli, Mary Beth | 24.8 | IL - Chicago Metro Chapter, Association |