This was the final tune-up for the Masters and if the scores are indicative to the readiness of the players who played in this event, most of them will need a complete overhaul. Country Place showed its teeth and took a big bite of the Houston Golf League. Contributing to the ineptitude of the players was the fact that 70% of the league handicap is now in place, those 65 days are over. Two over par won this tournament shot by rookie Jose Carisales his 74 was just good enough to edge out his good friend Jose Sanchez by one stroke. Congratulation Jose, you got your ticket punched to the Players Championship in November.


The B Flight was a one man race with Andrew Patrick lapping the small field as if he was in the Indianapolis 500. His 10 shot victory is the largest in league history, actually crushing Chris Sawyer 6 shot margin of victory at Greatwood back in 2015. The B Flight has always been interesting, very complexed, with its different dynamics from competitiveness to dominance, to greatness, to mediocrity. The state in which it finds itself now is probably due to the new handicap system some players being bounced around from flight to flight. Right now because of the unstable ability of only having a few rounds in the system, once the players have more rounds it will be more accurate and less fluctuating on the handicaps. Also, the cutoff point that separate the flights will be adjusted to give more balance between the flights. Andrew Patrick, you are now in the history books of the Houston Golf League on a record that may never be broken Congratulations on your kick-ass win. You can kiss the bricks and drink your milk!