
Sign In or Register to Create Your SDGA Player Profile


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A Player Profile is required to register for SDGA events. Sign-In with your email address and password if you already have a Player Profile. If you have not yet created a Player Profile, please read the information below and then choose Click Here to Register at the bottom of the page. Anyone can create a Player Profile, but only amateur members of the SDGA are eligible for SDGA Championships other than the Adult-Junior Championship. 



SDGA Adult Player Profiles


If you are already an SDGA member please use your GHIN number when you register. If you have a GHIN number but do not remember it, contact the SDGA office at 605-740-7085 or If you are not an SDGA member or need to activate your account, you can join the SDGA online at JOIN /RENEW or pay at your home club.


For team championships, both players must have a Player Profile and an active SDGA membership to register for the event. 



SDGA Junior Tour Player Profiles


Each participant's Player Profile must have a unique email address! If you are registering a child under 13 and do not yet have an email established, please click here to learn more about Creating an Email for Kids Your child can safely learn how to use gmail, or you can keep it private until they are mature enough to use it.


If you are a new Junior Tour member, choose Register at the bottom of this page and then Register Without a GHIN Number on the next page. SDGA Junior Tour members receive a free SDGA junior membership and GHIN number once the membership fee has been paid.


Please call our office at 605-740-7085 or email if you have questions or need further assistance.



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If you are having trouble with your registration, please email, or call (605) 740-7085 for assistance.