English Schools Team Championship Tee Sheet

Practice Day - Tue, July 9

Woodhall Spa (Bracken)
Time Players
Woodhall Spa (Bracken)
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Adam Haywood Northampton School for Boys, Northamptonshire
11:00 AM Yellow Calum Sainsbury + Jaidon Pham
Alex Gordon St. Robert of Newminster, Durham
1:00 PM Yellow Charlie Hancill + Joshua Willey
Alfie Akers St. Edmund's College, Hertfordshire
12:00 PM Yellow Marcus Abdul-Karim + Ronnie Seagroatt
Alfie Chapman Bodmin College, Cornwall
2:30 PM Yellow Harry Jolliff + Matthew Warren
Amanda Ellis Etonbury Academy, Bedfordshire
1:20 PM Red Amelia Parker + Charlie Parker
Amelia Parker Etonbury Academy, Bedfordshire
1:20 PM Red Amanda Ellis + Charlie Parker
Anay Patel Leicester Grammar, Leicestershire
11:10 AM Yellow Eesha Patel + Noah Williams
Archie Edney Queen Elizabeth Grammar, Horncastle, Lincolnshire
10:10 AM Yellow Henry Price + Neve Begley
Asitha Ashok Boston Spa Academy, Yorkshire
10:20 AM Red Eddie McCormick + Theo McCormick
Ben German Torquay Academy, Devon
2:40 PM Yellow Harry Smith + William Denega
Ben Roberts Rainford High School, Lancashire
12:40 PM Yellow Nathan Grant + Shay Gore
Ben Rose Moulton School, Northamptonshire
10:50 AM Yellow James Millar + Rowan Myles
Ben Warwicker Balcarras School, Gloucestershire
2:10 PM Yellow Freddie Coombe + Sam Ellicott
Callum Wooley Sandbach School, Cheshire
11:50 AM Yellow Oscar Roberts + Tom Atkinson
Calum Sainsbury Northampton School for Boys, Northamptonshire
11:00 AM Yellow Adam Haywood + Jaidon Pham
Charlie Hancill St. Robert of Newminster, Durham
1:00 PM Yellow Alex Gordon + Joshua Willey
Charlie Parker Etonbury Academy, Bedfordshire
1:20 PM Yellow Amanda Ellis + Amelia Parker
Charlotte Whiting King Edward V1, Suffolk
11:40 AM Red Jacob Severn + Rhys Whiting
Cody Kimber Hounsdown School, Hampshire
2:00 PM Yellow Liam Thorne + William Dibden
Doris Thomas Easton College, Norfolk
11:20 AM Red Luke Johnson
Eddie McCormick Boston Spa Academy, Yorkshire
10:20 AM Yellow Asitha Ashok + Theo McCormick
Eesha Patel Leicester Grammar, Leicestershire
11:10 AM Red Anay Patel + Noah Williams
Freddie Coombe Balcarras School, Gloucestershire
2:10 PM Yellow Ben Warwicker + Sam Ellicott
Grace Frodsham Up Holland High, Lancashire
12:50 PM Red Joshua Radcliffe + Max Worthington
Harrison Graham LeAF Studio School, Dorset
2:20 PM Yellow Harry Hancock + Kai Dashwood
Harry Earl Hymers College, Yorkshire
10:40 AM Yellow Hugo Gibbons + Matthew Marshall
Harry Hancock LeAF Studio School, Dorset
2:20 PM Yellow Harrison Graham + Kai Dashwood
Harry Jolliff Bodmin College, Cornwall
2:30 PM Yellow Alfie Chapman + Matthew Warren
Harry Smith Torquay Academy, Devon
2:40 PM Yellow Ben German + William Denega
Henry Price Queen Elizabeth Grammar, Horncastle, Lincolnshire
10:10 AM Yellow Archie Edney + Neve Begley
Holly Hartley Saffron Walden School, Essex
12:30 PM Red Jake Notton + Will Harris
Hugo Gibbons Hymers College, Yorkshire
10:40 AM Yellow Harry Earl + Matthew Marshall
Hugo Green Arthur Terry School, Warwickshire
1:30 PM Yellow Luke Jones + Max Swyers
Jack Healey Kimbolton School, Cambridgeshire
11:30 AM Yellow Oliver Newman + William Smith
Jack Welbourn Queen Elizabeth Grammar, Alford, Lincolnshire
10:00 AM Yellow James Seymour + Rocky Taylor
Jacob Severn King Edward V1, Suffolk
11:40 AM Yellow Charlotte Whiting + Rhys Whiting
Jaidon Pham Northampton School for Boys, Northamptonshire
11:00 AM Yellow Adam Haywood + Calum Sainsbury
Jake Notton Saffron Walden School, Essex
12:30 PM Yellow Holly Hartley + Will Harris
James Millar Moulton School, Northamptonshire
10:50 AM Yellow Ben Rose + Rowan Myles
James Seymour Queen Elizabeth Grammar, Alford, Lincolnshire
10:00 AM Yellow Jack Welbourn + Rocky Taylor
Joshua Radcliffe Up Holland High, Lancashire
12:50 PM Yellow Grace Frodsham + Max Worthington
Joshua Willey St. Robert of Newminster, Durham
1:00 PM Yellow Alex Gordon + Charlie Hancill
Kai Dashwood LeAF Studio School, Dorset
2:20 PM Yellow Harrison Graham + Harry Hancock
Liam Thorne Hounsdown School, Hampshire
2:00 PM Yellow Cody Kimber + William Dibden
Luca Rogers Brookfield Community School, Derbyshire
10:30 AM Yellow Olivia Barker-Sabido + Sam Sheppard
Lucas Searle Bristol Grammar, Avon
1:10 PM Yellow Luke Colling + Sonny Hancock
Luke Colling Bristol Grammar, Avon
1:10 PM Yellow Lucas Searle + Sonny Hancock
Luke Johnson Easton College, Norfolk
11:20 AM Yellow Doris Thomas
Luke Jones Arthur Terry School, Warwickshire
1:30 PM Yellow Hugo Green + Max Swyers
Marcus Abdul-Karim St. Edmund's College, Hertfordshire
12:00 PM Yellow Alfie Akers + Ronnie Seagroatt
Matthew Marshall Hymers College, Yorkshire
10:40 AM Yellow Harry Earl + Hugo Gibbons
Matthew Warren Bodmin College, Cornwall
2:30 PM Yellow Alfie Chapman + Harry Jolliff
Max Swyers Arthur Terry School, Warwickshire
1:30 PM Yellow Hugo Green + Luke Jones
Max Worthington Up Holland High, Lancashire
12:50 PM Yellow Grace Frodsham + Joshua Radcliffe
Miles Jarmak Holcombe Grammar, Kent
1:50 PM Yellow Olive Urquhart + Teddy Urquhart
Nathan Grant Rainford High School, Lancashire
12:40 PM Yellow Ben Roberts + Shay Gore
Nevaeh Kirwan Thomas Telford, Shropshire
1:40 PM Red Oliver Cook + Sophie Brothwood
Neve Begley Queen Elizabeth Grammar, Horncastle, Lincolnshire
10:10 AM Red Archie Edney + Henry Price
Noah Williams Leicester Grammar, Leicestershire
11:10 AM Yellow Anay Patel + Eesha Patel
Olive Urquhart Holcombe Grammar, Kent
1:50 PM Red Miles Jarmak + Teddy Urquhart
Oliver Cook Thomas Telford, Shropshire
1:40 PM Yellow Nevaeh Kirwan + Sophie Brothwood
Oliver Newman Kimbolton School, Cambridgeshire
11:30 AM Yellow Jack Healey + William Smith
Olivia Barker-Sabido Brookfield Community School, Derbyshire
10:30 AM Red Luca Rogers + Sam Sheppard
Oscar Roberts Sandbach School, Cheshire
11:50 AM Yellow Callum Wooley + Tom Atkinson
Rhys Whiting King Edward V1, Suffolk
11:40 AM Yellow Charlotte Whiting + Jacob Severn
Rocky Taylor Queen Elizabeth Grammar, Alford, Lincolnshire
10:00 AM Yellow Jack Welbourn + James Seymour
Ronnie Seagroatt St. Edmund's College, Hertfordshire
12:00 PM Yellow Alfie Akers + Marcus Abdul-Karim
Rowan Myles Moulton School, Northamptonshire
10:50 AM Yellow Ben Rose + James Millar
Sam Ellicott Balcarras School, Gloucestershire
2:10 PM Yellow Ben Warwicker + Freddie Coombe
Sam Sheppard Brookfield Community School, Derbyshire
10:30 AM Yellow Luca Rogers + Olivia Barker-Sabido
Shay Gore Rainford High School, Lancashire
12:40 PM Yellow Ben Roberts + Nathan Grant
Sonny Hancock Bristol Grammar, Avon
1:10 PM Yellow Lucas Searle + Luke Colling
Sophie Brothwood Thomas Telford, Shropshire
1:40 PM Red Nevaeh Kirwan + Oliver Cook
Teddy Urquhart Holcombe Grammar, Kent
1:50 PM Yellow Miles Jarmak + Olive Urquhart
Theo McCormick Boston Spa Academy, Yorkshire
10:20 AM Yellow Asitha Ashok + Eddie McCormick
Tom Atkinson Sandbach School, Cheshire
11:50 AM Yellow Callum Wooley + Oscar Roberts
Will Harris Saffron Walden School, Essex
12:30 PM Yellow Holly Hartley + Jake Notton
William Denega Torquay Academy, Devon
2:40 PM Yellow Ben German + Harry Smith
William Dibden Hounsdown School, Hampshire
2:00 PM Yellow Cody Kimber + Liam Thorne
William Smith Kimbolton School, Cambridgeshire
11:30 AM Yellow Jack Healey + Oliver Newman