
Player Roster

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Handle H.I.™
Aaron Jackson +5.5
Al Delgreco 2.7
Alan Waggoner +2.1
Alex Mahlik +5.9
Alexander Parker +3.5
Anders Jackson 4.8
Anthony Wallen +1.9
Austin Freeman +0.9
Barry Flannery 1.9
Benjamin Channell 4.3
Brady Nelson 0.5
Brant Bishop +0.6
Brett Barwick +4.3
Bryant Cashion 2.5
Caleb Terrell +2.1
Cam Mahathey +1.9
Camden Shields +0.6
Case Hagood +1.4
Chandler Voss +1.4
Chase Kennedy +0.5
Christian Copen +1.4
Christopher Scrip 1.5
Clark Browne 0.1
Clay Tyler 1.0
Cole Lindeman 0.0
Connor Hooper 0.9
Danley Howard +2.2
Dillan Wade 1.3
Dustin Swift 2.5
Easton Agee 1.1
Eli Proctor 3.1
Gavin Swint +2.7
Grant Cavin +1.7
Grant Chandler +2.7
Gus Darnall +2.2
Hayden Smith +1.2
Houston Hart +0.5
Hudson Jeter +0.4
Hunter Rivers 5.6
Iain Griggs +3.7
Isaac Alexander +0.8
Isaac Darracott 0.1
Jack Liles +1.1
Jackson Hill +0.5
Jackson Mitchell +4.7
Jason Davis 1.2
Jason McCain 0.7
Jay Austin 2.1
JB Sandlin 3.1
Jeff Frederick +0.1
Jeremy Williams +3.4
John Dolberry +1.3
John Wright +4.0
Jonathan Nelson +3.5
Jonathan Spann +2.2
Justin Bowie 1.5
Justin Matte 0.8
Justin Vincent 0.6
Kaden Cobbs 2.9
Kin Taylor 2.8
Lance Cabaniss 0.6
Lawson Lee 2.8
Levi Shelton +1.6
Lewis Whitten +1.0
Luke Davis +2.4
Mark Hudgins +0.2
Maxime Faure +0.9
Micah Johnson 0.8
Michael Putman +0.2
Mike Richardson 1.8
Morgan Slaton +2.3
Nicholas Beaty 0.4
Nick Lee +1.7
Noah Graham +1.4
Noah Small +2.3
Nolen Wolfe +0.3
Patrick Butler +1.0
Patrick Newsom +1.4
Peyton Preston +0.2
Riley Partain 2.3
Sam Gargis +1.1
Scott Aldige 3.9
Seth Dodd 0.0
Seth Wallace +0.2
Taylor Jones +1.8
Teagan Miller +3.0
Thomas Regan +1.8
Tristin Wisener +2.6
Tyler Berry 0.4
Wes Spillers +1.3
Will Abernathy +1.8
Will Harrington 1.7
William Dunnivant 0.2
Wilson Schmitz 4.3
Woodard Watkins 3.6