All Girls Divisions:

Scorecard/Rules Sheet Pick Up: These materials will be distributed in the Donald Ross Room starting at 8:45am. The player must pick up the scorecard and rules sheet prior to the shotgun start.

Transportation: We will have a shuttle by the first tee of Course No. 1 to transport players to their starting holes, there will be no carts staged. Parents who have purchased a spectator cart are encouraged to bring their child to their starting hole as well. Begin play once the horn to start play sounds.

Scoring: This will take place in the Donald Ross Room after play, the scoring area will be defined as inside the resort clubhouse.

Boys 15-18 Division:

Scorecard/Rules Sheet Pick Up: These materials will be distributed in the Donald Ross Room starting at 8:45am. The player must pick up the scorecard and rules sheet prior to the shotgun start.

Transportation: There will be carts staged in front of the scoreboard with player’s names and hole assignments. The players will be driving to their starting holes, then they must leave the golf carts off to the side, and begin play once the horn to start play sounds. Parents who purchase a spectator cart from the main golf shop will be encouraged to ride with the player in their designated cart, and once the players have moved the cart to the side, they may use that cart.

Scoring: This will take place in the Donald Ross Room after play, the scoring area will be defined as inside the resort clubhouse.

Boys 12-14 Division:

Scorecard/Rules Sheet Pick Up: These materials will be on the staged golf cart with the respective player’s name and hole assignment at Course No. 8. There is no need to come to the Main Club in the morning.

Transportation: There will be carts staged in front of the club house with player’s names and hole assignments. Due to the age range of the players, it is highly recommended that a parent drives them to their starting hole, if there is no parent available, we will have staff to transport players to their starting hole.  Players starting on holes 1, 4, 9, 10, 11 and 4 should walk to their starting hole.

Scoring: This will take place in the No. 8 Clubhouse after play, the scoring area will be defined as inside the No. 8 Clubhouse as well as the outside back patio.

Boys 11&Under Division:

Scorecard/Rules Sheet Pick Up: These materials will be distributed in the Donald Ross Room starting at 8:45am. The player must pick up the scorecard and rules sheet prior to the shotgun start.

Transportation: Parents who have purchased a spectator cart in the main golf shop are encouraged to bring their child to their starting hole. A shuttle and staff will be available to help get players to their starting hole as well.

Scoring: This will take place in the Donald Ross Room after play, the scoring area will be defined as inside the resort clubhouse.