41st Virginias-Carolinas Junior Boys' Team Matches Tee Sheet

Singles - Sun, August 6

Boonsboro Country Club / Vas-Cas (Foursome and Singles)
Time Players
Boonsboro Country Club
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Connor Warren
8:08 AM Vas-Cas (Foursome and Singles) Tyler Brand
Daniel Boone
8:16 AM Vas-Cas (Foursome and Singles) Xander Goboy
Gabe Schmitz
8:32 AM Vas-Cas (Foursome and Singles) Jonathan McEwen
Hugh Lemonds
8:00 AM Vas-Cas (Foursome and Singles) Ryan Slonaker
Jack Michael
8:40 AM Vas-Cas (Foursome and Singles) Taylor Kuehn
Jonathan McEwen
8:32 AM Vas-Cas (Foursome and Singles) Gabe Schmitz
Kyle Haas
8:48 AM Vas-Cas (Foursome and Singles) Luke Libbey
Logan Reilly
8:56 AM Vas-Cas (Foursome and Singles) Tyler Jones
Luke Libbey
8:48 AM Vas-Cas (Foursome and Singles) Kyle Haas
Maddux Cook
8:24 AM Vas-Cas (Foursome and Singles) Talon Dingledine
Ryan Slonaker
8:00 AM Vas-Cas (Foursome and Singles) Hugh Lemonds
Talon Dingledine
8:24 AM Vas-Cas (Foursome and Singles) Maddux Cook
Taylor Kuehn
8:40 AM Vas-Cas (Foursome and Singles) Jack Michael
Tyler Brand
8:08 AM Vas-Cas (Foursome and Singles) Connor Warren
Tyler Jones
8:56 AM Vas-Cas (Foursome and Singles) Logan Reilly
Xander Goboy
8:16 AM Vas-Cas (Foursome and Singles) Daniel Boone