Suspension of Play

For your own safety, please ensure that you read this notice.


Safety on the Course (Note to Rule 6-8b)

When play is suspended for a dangerous situation, e.g. Lightning, if the players in a group are between two holes they shall not resume play before the Committee has ordered a resumption of play.  If they are in the process of playing a hole they shall discontinue play immediately and shall not thereafter resume until the Committee has permitted a resumption of play (See note below ‘Resumption of Play’)

Penalty for breach of condition: Disqualification


Suspension of Play

1 prolonged blast on a klaxon, DANGEROUS SITUATION: discontinue play immediately and follow guidelines below.

3 consecutive blasts on a klaxon SUSPENSION OF PLAY: player’s choice as to whether they mark the ball or continue to play that hole out.

When the warning klaxon is sounded for a dangerous situation, ensure that you move away from your golf clubs and trolley, keep as low as possible and, if necessary, crouch down in the nearest bunker.  It is suggested that you:


Do not shelter under trees or on any high ground.

Do not walk under trees, if at all possible    

Do not use a mobile phone.

Do not put up your umbrella under any circumstances.


Resumption of Play


Resumption of Play will be signalled by two blasts of the Klaxon.  No competitor shall resume play before the two klaxon blasts have been sounded.


*Failure to comply (Rules 6-8b) shall lead to the Competitor being disqualified.