7/5/23 Proctor-Pittsford Country Club State Day (Forward Tees Available) Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Wed, July 5
Please send Pace of Play Tee Sheet to Ellen McAndrew @ piquettemcandrew@gmail.com and copy vswgaquestions@gmail.com

Proctor Pittsford Country Club - Archived on 07-23-2024
Time Players
Proctor Pittsford Country Club - Archived on 07-23-2024
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Adams, Melanie
9:50 AM Forward Tee - Gray Devino, Michelle + Mason, Amy + Thibault, Angie
Armstrong, Carol
8:20 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Blackman, Anne Marie + Paquette, Lucille
Barnard, Denise
8:50 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Marshall, Carolyn + Mazut, Donna
Belter, Joyce
9:30 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Sanborn, Nancy + Willis, Claire
Blackman, Anne Marie
8:20 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Armstrong, Carol + Paquette, Lucille
Burlington, Gail
8:40 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Shaw, Jennifer + Walker, Elizabeth
Burns, Rosemary
10:40 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray MacDonald, Shirley + Margiotta, Peg + Tedford, Donna
Cassidy, Dana
11:00 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Herrera, Josie + Magnant, Jayne + Wood, Jena
Clark, Kate
9:20 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Manley, Judith + Penfield, Maryjane
Coutermarsh, Suzy
10:20 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Gregory, Lynda Jo + Richardson, Sherry + Thomas, Sandra
Crossman, Pat
8:10 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Remy, Darlene + Shaeffer, Kristen + Valente, Jojo
Cruickshank, Pam
8:30 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Menduni, Mary Beth + Merrill, Suzanne + Wade, Trish
Denis, Winnie
8:00 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Fothergill, Liz + Lambert, Linda + Murphy, Nancy
Dente, Colette
10:50 AM Forward Tee - Gray Dula, Sue + McNally, Donna + Murray, Harriet
Devino, Michelle
9:50 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Adams, Melanie + Mason, Amy + Thibault, Angie
Dula, Sue
10:50 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Dente, Colette + McNally, Donna + Murray, Harriet
Emmanuel, Sharon
11:40 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Moreno, Kathi + Mosenthal, Kathy + Potwin, Mickey
Ezzo, Sandy
10:10 AM Forward Tee - Gray Jones, Carol + Quinn, Maureen
Field, Alicia
9:10 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Henry, Barbara + Libardoni, Sherryl + Washburn, Rennie
Fothergill, Liz
8:00 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Denis, Winnie + Lambert, Linda + Murphy, Nancy
Fowler, Pat
11:10 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Mitchell, Carolann + Pearson, Thelma + Wylie, Stephanie
Frankenstein, Ute
11:20 AM Forward Tee - Gray Genereaux, Cadence + Mackey, Kathy + Sims, Eileen
Geissler, Judy
9:00 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Heald, Bonnie + Hiller, Edith + Neff, Cathy
Genereaux, Cadence
11:20 AM Forward Tee - Gray Frankenstein, Ute + Mackey, Kathy + Sims, Eileen
Gregory, Lynda Jo
10:20 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Coutermarsh, Suzy + Richardson, Sherry + Thomas, Sandra
Hathorn, Mary
10:30 AM Forward Tee - Gray Holmes, Clarissa + Laraway, Regina
Heald, Bonnie
9:00 AM Forward Tee - Gray Geissler, Judy + Hiller, Edith + Neff, Cathy
Henry, Barbara
9:10 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Field, Alicia + Libardoni, Sherryl + Washburn, Rennie
Herrera, Josie
11:00 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Cassidy, Dana + Magnant, Jayne + Wood, Jena
Hiller, Edith
9:00 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Geissler, Judy + Heald, Bonnie + Neff, Cathy
Holmes, Clarissa
10:30 AM Forward Tee - Gray Hathorn, Mary + Laraway, Regina
Jones, Carol
10:10 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Ezzo, Sandy + Quinn, Maureen
Lambert, Linda
8:00 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Denis, Winnie + Fothergill, Liz + Murphy, Nancy
Laraway, Regina
10:30 AM Forward Tee - Gray Hathorn, Mary + Holmes, Clarissa
Libardoni, Sherryl
9:10 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Field, Alicia + Henry, Barbara + Washburn, Rennie
Luke, Catherine
10:00 AM Forward Tee - Gray Ryan, Patty + Turgeon, Diane
MacDonald, Shirley
10:40 AM Forward Tee - Gray Burns, Rosemary + Margiotta, Peg + Tedford, Donna
Mackey, Kathy
11:20 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Frankenstein, Ute + Genereaux, Cadence + Sims, Eileen
Magnant, Jayne
11:00 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Cassidy, Dana + Herrera, Josie + Wood, Jena
Manley, Judith
9:20 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Clark, Kate + Penfield, Maryjane
Margiotta, Peg
10:40 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Burns, Rosemary + MacDonald, Shirley + Tedford, Donna
Marshall, Carolyn
8:50 AM Forward Tee - Gray Barnard, Denise + Mazut, Donna
Martin, Pat
11:30 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Parot, Harriet + Powers, Ann + Tuttle, Charlotte
Mason, Amy
9:50 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Adams, Melanie + Devino, Michelle + Thibault, Angie
Mazut, Donna
8:50 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Barnard, Denise + Marshall, Carolyn
McNally, Donna
10:50 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Dente, Colette + Dula, Sue + Murray, Harriet
Menduni, Mary Beth
8:30 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Cruickshank, Pam + Merrill, Suzanne + Wade, Trish
Merrill, Suzanne
8:30 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Cruickshank, Pam + Menduni, Mary Beth + Wade, Trish
Miner, Carol
9:40 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray ODea, Madalene
Mitchell, Carolann
11:10 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Fowler, Pat + Pearson, Thelma + Wylie, Stephanie
Moreno, Kathi
11:40 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Emmanuel, Sharon + Mosenthal, Kathy + Potwin, Mickey
Mosenthal, Kathy
11:40 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Emmanuel, Sharon + Moreno, Kathi + Potwin, Mickey
Murphy, Nancy
8:00 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Denis, Winnie + Fothergill, Liz + Lambert, Linda
Murray, Harriet
10:50 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Dente, Colette + Dula, Sue + McNally, Donna
Neff, Cathy
9:00 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Geissler, Judy + Heald, Bonnie + Hiller, Edith
ODea, Madalene
9:40 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Miner, Carol
Paquette, Lucille
8:20 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Armstrong, Carol + Blackman, Anne Marie
Parot, Harriet
11:30 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Martin, Pat + Powers, Ann + Tuttle, Charlotte
Pearson, Thelma
11:10 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Fowler, Pat + Mitchell, Carolann + Wylie, Stephanie
Penfield, Maryjane
9:20 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Clark, Kate + Manley, Judith
Potwin, Mickey
11:40 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Emmanuel, Sharon + Moreno, Kathi + Mosenthal, Kathy
Powers, Ann
11:30 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Martin, Pat + Parot, Harriet + Tuttle, Charlotte
Quinn, Maureen
10:10 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Ezzo, Sandy + Jones, Carol
Remy, Darlene
8:10 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Crossman, Pat + Shaeffer, Kristen + Valente, Jojo
Richardson, Sherry
10:20 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Coutermarsh, Suzy + Gregory, Lynda Jo + Thomas, Sandra
Ryan, Patty
10:00 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Luke, Catherine + Turgeon, Diane
Sanborn, Nancy
9:30 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Belter, Joyce + Willis, Claire
Shaeffer, Kristen
8:10 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Crossman, Pat + Remy, Darlene + Valente, Jojo
Shaw, Jennifer
8:40 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Burlington, Gail + Walker, Elizabeth
Sims, Eileen
11:20 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Frankenstein, Ute + Genereaux, Cadence + Mackey, Kathy
Tedford, Donna
10:40 AM Forward Tee - Gray Burns, Rosemary + MacDonald, Shirley + Margiotta, Peg
Thibault, Angie
9:50 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Adams, Melanie + Devino, Michelle + Mason, Amy
Thomas, Sandra
10:20 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Coutermarsh, Suzy + Gregory, Lynda Jo + Richardson, Sherry
Turgeon, Diane
10:00 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Luke, Catherine + Ryan, Patty
Tuttle, Charlotte
11:30 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Martin, Pat + Parot, Harriet + Powers, Ann
Valente, Jojo
8:10 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Crossman, Pat + Remy, Darlene + Shaeffer, Kristen
Wade, Trish
8:30 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Cruickshank, Pam + Menduni, Mary Beth + Merrill, Suzanne
Walker, Elizabeth
8:40 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Burlington, Gail + Shaw, Jennifer
Washburn, Rennie
9:10 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Field, Alicia + Henry, Barbara + Libardoni, Sherryl
Willis, Claire
9:30 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Belter, Joyce + Sanborn, Nancy
Wood, Jena
11:00 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Cassidy, Dana + Herrera, Josie + Magnant, Jayne
Wylie, Stephanie
11:10 AM Regular Tee - Red/Gray Fowler, Pat + Mitchell, Carolann + Pearson, Thelma