Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ |
Annie Vanzant | 8.4 |
Betty Minnotte | 15.8 |
Carol Onufro | 12.1 |
Carol Semple Thompson | 6.4 |
Claudette Graham | 11.3 |
Colleen Adams | 10.8 |
Courtney Myhrum | 4.6 |
Ella McRoberts | 4.6 |
Gail Heubel | 9.8 |
Grace Windfelder | 1.1 |
Julie McCormick | 11.7 |
Kathleen Smith | 8.8 |
Kathryn Katawczik | 7.8 |
Katie Miller | +3.3 |
Mary Beth Morrissey | 12.1 |
Mary Pat Bielich | 15.1 |
Michelle Day | 6.2 |
Morgan Byers | 9.9 |
Nina Busch | 3.8 |
Randi Lichtenstein | 5.1 |
Samantha Formeck | +1.2 |
Sandy McKnight | 11.5 |
Sarah White | 0.6 |
Sophia Severns | 6.5 |
Steph Urban | 1.8 |
Stephanie Dewar | 10.7 |
Stephanie Kirsch | 11.0 |