6/20/23 Mount Anthony Country Club State Day Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Tue, June 20
Please send Pace of Play Tee Sheet to Ellen McAndrew @ piquettemcandrew@gmail.com and copy vswgaquestions@gmail.com

Mt. Anthony Country Club / Yellow - Ladies
Time Players
Mt. Anthony Country Club
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Allsopp, Jo
10:30 AM Yellow - Ladies Fox, Sue + Goodrich, Vicki + Natale, Kathleen
Armstrong, Carol
9:10 AM Yellow - Ladies Blackman, Anne Marie + McGrath, Patty + Paquette, Lucille
Baker, Debbie
9:34 AM Yellow - Ladies Day, Becky + Strand, Cyd + Whittaker, Betsy
Blackman, Anne Marie
9:10 AM Yellow - Ladies Armstrong, Carol + McGrath, Patty + Paquette, Lucille
Clark, Kate
8:38 AM Yellow - Ladies Manley, Judith + Mason, Amy + Scott, Wendy
Crayon, Alice
9:42 AM Yellow - Ladies Preseau, Mary + Stein, Ann + Tuttle, Charlotte
Crossman, Pat
8:46 AM Yellow - Ladies Engel, Pam + Mahar, Trisha + Pulver, Kristin
Day, Becky
9:34 AM Yellow - Ladies Baker, Debbie + Strand, Cyd + Whittaker, Betsy
Denoma, Mimi
8:30 AM Yellow - Ladies Hawley, Connie + Lee, Sarah + Neville, Suzanne
Engel, Pam
8:46 AM Yellow - Ladies Crossman, Pat + Mahar, Trisha + Pulver, Kristin
Ezzo, Sandy
9:26 AM Yellow - Ladies Houghton, Deb + Jones, Carol + Quinn, Maureen
Farrell, Lynne
10:22 AM Yellow - Ladies Kelley, Leslie + Pickielnok, Marion + Rice, Susan
Field, Alicia
9:02 AM Yellow - Ladies Henry, Barbara + Libardoni, Sherryl + Sloan, Tracy
Fox, Sue
10:30 AM Yellow - Ladies Allsopp, Jo + Goodrich, Vicki + Natale, Kathleen
Goodrich, Vicki
10:30 AM Yellow - Ladies Allsopp, Jo + Fox, Sue + Natale, Kathleen
Gregory, Lynda Jo
10:06 AM Yellow - Ladies Meade, Tallu + Parson, Linda Jane + Thomas, Sandra
Hawley, Connie
8:30 AM Yellow - Ladies Denoma, Mimi + Lee, Sarah + Neville, Suzanne
Hendery, Marcia
9:58 AM Yellow - Ladies Johnson, Beth + Leon-Griffin, Maru
Henry, Barbara
9:02 AM Yellow - Ladies Field, Alicia + Libardoni, Sherryl + Sloan, Tracy
Houghton, Deb
9:26 AM Yellow - Ladies Ezzo, Sandy + Jones, Carol + Quinn, Maureen
Johnson, Beth
9:58 AM Yellow - Ladies Hendery, Marcia + Leon-Griffin, Maru
Jones, Carol
9:26 AM Yellow - Ladies Ezzo, Sandy + Houghton, Deb + Quinn, Maureen
Kelley, Leslie
10:22 AM Yellow - Ladies Farrell, Lynne + Pickielnok, Marion + Rice, Susan
Lee, Sarah
8:30 AM Yellow - Ladies Denoma, Mimi + Hawley, Connie + Neville, Suzanne
Leon-Griffin, Maru
9:58 AM Yellow - Ladies Hendery, Marcia + Johnson, Beth
Libardoni, Sherryl
9:02 AM Yellow - Ladies Field, Alicia + Henry, Barbara + Sloan, Tracy
Luke, Catherine
10:14 AM Yellow - Ladies Ryan, Patty
Mahar, Trisha
8:46 AM Yellow - Ladies Crossman, Pat + Engel, Pam + Pulver, Kristin
Manley, Judith
8:38 AM Yellow - Ladies Clark, Kate + Mason, Amy + Scott, Wendy
Mason, Amy
8:38 AM Yellow - Ladies Clark, Kate + Manley, Judith + Scott, Wendy
McGrath, Patty
9:10 AM Yellow - Ladies Armstrong, Carol + Blackman, Anne Marie + Paquette, Lucille
Meade, Tallu
10:06 AM Yellow - Ladies Gregory, Lynda Jo + Parson, Linda Jane + Thomas, Sandra
Morris, Nancy
9:50 AM Yellow - Ladies Phillips, Kim
Natale, Kathleen
10:30 AM Yellow - Ladies Allsopp, Jo + Fox, Sue + Goodrich, Vicki
Neville, Suzanne
8:30 AM Yellow - Ladies Denoma, Mimi + Hawley, Connie + Lee, Sarah
ODea, Madalene
8:54 AM Yellow - Ladies Rees, Sue + Shaw, Jennifer
Olcott, Leslie
9:18 AM Yellow - Ladies Rhyne, Sabine + Scholl, Marilyn + Washburn, Rennie
Paquette, Lucille
9:10 AM Yellow - Ladies Armstrong, Carol + Blackman, Anne Marie + McGrath, Patty
Parson, Linda Jane
10:06 AM Yellow - Ladies Gregory, Lynda Jo + Meade, Tallu + Thomas, Sandra
Phillips, Kim
9:50 AM Yellow - Ladies Morris, Nancy
Pickielnok, Marion
10:22 AM Yellow - Ladies Farrell, Lynne + Kelley, Leslie + Rice, Susan
Preseau, Mary
9:42 AM Yellow - Ladies Crayon, Alice + Stein, Ann + Tuttle, Charlotte
Pulver, Kristin
8:46 AM Yellow - Ladies Crossman, Pat + Engel, Pam + Mahar, Trisha
Quinn, Maureen
9:26 AM Yellow - Ladies Ezzo, Sandy + Houghton, Deb + Jones, Carol
Rees, Sue
8:54 AM Yellow - Ladies ODea, Madalene + Shaw, Jennifer
Rhyne, Sabine
9:18 AM Yellow - Ladies Olcott, Leslie + Scholl, Marilyn + Washburn, Rennie
Rice, Susan
10:22 AM Yellow - Ladies Farrell, Lynne + Kelley, Leslie + Pickielnok, Marion
Ryan, Patty
10:14 AM Yellow - Ladies Luke, Catherine
Scholl, Marilyn
9:18 AM Yellow - Ladies Olcott, Leslie + Rhyne, Sabine + Washburn, Rennie
Scott, Wendy
8:38 AM Yellow - Ladies Clark, Kate + Manley, Judith + Mason, Amy
Shaw, Jennifer
8:54 AM Yellow - Ladies ODea, Madalene + Rees, Sue
Sloan, Tracy
9:02 AM Yellow - Ladies Field, Alicia + Henry, Barbara + Libardoni, Sherryl
Stein, Ann
9:42 AM Yellow - Ladies Crayon, Alice + Preseau, Mary + Tuttle, Charlotte
Strand, Cyd
9:34 AM Yellow - Ladies Baker, Debbie + Day, Becky + Whittaker, Betsy
Thomas, Sandra
10:06 AM Yellow - Ladies Gregory, Lynda Jo + Meade, Tallu + Parson, Linda Jane
Tuttle, Charlotte
9:42 AM Yellow - Ladies Crayon, Alice + Preseau, Mary + Stein, Ann
Washburn, Rennie
9:18 AM Yellow - Ladies Olcott, Leslie + Rhyne, Sabine + Scholl, Marilyn
Whittaker, Betsy
9:34 AM Yellow - Ladies Baker, Debbie + Day, Becky + Strand, Cyd