2023 OPGA Elk Ridge GC Pro Am Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Mon, April 24

Elk Ridge Golf Course
Time Hole Players Hole Players
8:00 AM 1
Peccia, Joseph Lake Oswego Municipal Golf Course
George Carlson Vanco Golf Range
Brian Robirds Eastmoreland Golf Course
Ian Stewart Reserve Vineyards & GC
8:10 AM 1
Wik, Anthony Claremont Golf Club
Jim Mattson Claremont Golf Club
Danial Bianchini Willamette Valley Country Club
Hung Tran Orchard Hills Country Club
Wescott, Hunter NW Golf Guys
Grant Beehler Langdon Farms Golf Club
Josh Peterson Langdon Farms Golf Club
Kyle Olsen Indian Creek GC
8:20 AM 1
Sasken, Kellan Chehalem Glenn Golf Course
Grant Mcculloch Chehalem Glenn Golf Course
Jason Daily Willamette Valley Country Club
Mike Buisman Chehalem Glenn Golf Course
Dolin, Daniel Tualatin Country Club
Chuck Sheldon Tualatin Country Club
Jimmy Huebert Tualatin Country Club
Matt Schoenecker Tualatin Country Club
8:30 AM 1
Kukula, Ross Arrowhead Golf Club
Braden Wheeler Arrowhead Golf Club
Jerry Roberts Arrowhead Golf Club
Matt Lepitch Arrowhead Golf Club
Gustafson, Jeffrey Club Green Meadows
Drew Simpson Club Green Meadows
Ty Baker Club Green Meadows
John Furqueron Club Green Meadows
8:40 AM 1
Huff, Nicholas Riverside Golf & Country Club
Brian Carl Rose City Golf Course
Brad Abeson Royal Oaks Country Club
Jason Powell Royal Oaks Country Club
Terry, Chris Quail Valley Golf Course
Kelii Keohokalole Quail Valley Golf Course
Jamie Vandevert Quail Valley Golf Course
Brian Spear Heron Lakes GC
8:50 AM 1
Patterson, David Orchard Hills Country Club
Randy Wilson Orchard Hills Country Club
Mike Connolly Orchard Hills Country Club
Cory Dobak Orchard Hills Country Club
Parker, Michael Tri-Mountain Golf Course
Grayson Karsten Tri-Mountain Golf Course
Bill Miller Tri-Mountain Golf Course
Kevin Thornes Tri-Mountain Golf Course
9:00 AM 1
DeGree, Carrie Royal Oaks Country Club
Sean Boland Royal Oaks Country Club
Chris Pahn Royal Oaks Country Club
Rob Aragon Royal Oaks Country Club
Edmunds, Andrew Willamette Valley Country Club
Rob Edmunds Willamette Valley Country Club
Dick Griffin Willamette Valley Country Club
Blair Snyder Willamette Valley Country Club
9:10 AM 1
Salisbury, Michael Langdon Farms Golf Club
David Thompson NW Golf Guys
Jack Pauley Langdon Farms Golf Club
Dave Leighton NW Golf Guys
Coombs, Kevin Orchard Hills Country Club
Michael Williams Orchard Hills Country Club
Gerry Evin Orchard Hills Country Club
Barbara Gee Orchard Hills Country Club
9:20 AM 1
Roberts, William Orchard Hills Country Club
Randy Croucher Orchard Hills Country Club
Jeremy Henson Orchard Hills Country Club
Paul Oberle Orchard Hills Country Club
Kane, Travis The Dalles Country Club
Michael Hare Indian Creek GC
David Link Indian Creek GC
Ryan Young The Dalles CC
12:20 PM 1
Ebberson, Brad Elk Ridge Golf Course
Steve McKee Elk Ridge Golf Course
Mike Jones Elk Ridge Golf Course
Brad Neely Elk Ridge Golf Course
Crandall, Craig Rock Creek Country Club
Forbes Robinson Rock Creek Country Club
Eddie Krueger Rock Creek Country Club
John Adams Rock Creek Country Club
12:30 PM 1
Bader, James Colwood Golf Center
Dan Dickinson Tri-Mountain Golf Course
Bill Mildfelt Stone Creek Golf Course
Ty Camp Colwood Golf Center
Billings, James Bandon Dunes Golf Resort
Andy Morris Meadow Lake Golf Course
Gary Larsen Juniper Golf Course
Daniel Reisch Juniper Golf Course
12:40 PM 1
Leritz, Scott Royal Oaks Country Club
Tyler Hows Royal Oaks Country Club
Jay Poletiek Columbia Edgewater CC
Mike Sica Columbia Edgewater CC
Gibbons, Robert Arrowhead Golf Club
Bob Sandgren Arrowhead Golf Club
Dan Pokorny Arrowhead Golf Club
Mike Reiner Willamette Valley Country Club
12:50 PM   10
Snodgrass, Chase Wenatchee Golf & Country Club
Ken Schanno The Dalles Country Club
Damian Telles The Dalles Country Club
Mike Jesch The Dalles Country Club
1:00 PM 1
Giacomini, Taylor Widgi Creek Golf Club
Kyler Beebehiser Gearhart Golf Links
Kyle Peterson Widgi Creek Golf Club
Chris Scotch Widgi Creek Golf Club
Entenman, Michael Arrowhead Golf Club
Bryan Walls Arrowhead Golf Club
Rob Folse Arrowhead Golf Club
Travis Laible Arrowhead Golf Club
1:10 PM 1
Kawasoe, John Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club
Mike Remmers Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club
Daniel Feest Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club
Rick Gielow Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club
Mabry, Nicholas Forest Hills GC
Steve Gannon Forest Hills Golf Course (Cornelius, OR)
Kent Gardner Forest Hills Golf Course (Cornelius, OR)
Nate Braithwaite Forest Hills Golf Course (Cornelius, OR)
1:20 PM 1
Ward, Rick Rock Creek Country Club
Laura Ward Willamette Valley Country Club
Larry Gahr Bend Golf Club
Barb Gahr Bend Golf Club
Gerrish, Katharine Cottage Golf Studio
Arlene Unverzagt Portland Golf Club
Kristina Opsahl Portland Golf Club
Erica Tafavoti Heron Lakes GC
1:30 PM 1
Whitley, Joshua Awbrey Glen Golf Club
Ethan Gray Awbrey Glen Golf Club
Ben Koteen Awbrey Glen Golf Club
Brian Billeter Awbrey Glen Golf Club
1:40 PM 1
Woodward, Ryan Creekside Golf Course
Matthew Johnson Creekside Golf Club
Adam Willcoxen Creekside Golf Club
Ben Widdall Creekside Golf Club
Elk Ridge Golf Course
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Adam Willcoxen Creekside Golf Club
1:40 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Ben Widdall + Matthew Johnson + Woodward, Ryan
Andy Morris Meadow Lake Golf Course
12:30 PM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Billings, James + Daniel Reisch + Gary Larsen
Arlene Unverzagt Portland Golf Club
1:20 PM 10 Red - Pro Am W Erica Tafavoti + Gerrish, Katharine + Kristina Opsahl
Bader, James Colwood Golf Center
12:30 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Bill Mildfelt + Dan Dickinson + Ty Camp
Barb Gahr Bend Golf Club
1:20 PM 1 Red - Pro Am W Larry Gahr + Laura Ward + Ward, Rick
Barbara Gee Orchard Hills Country Club
9:10 AM 10 Red - Pro Am W Coombs, Kevin + Gerry Evin + Michael Williams
Ben Koteen Awbrey Glen Golf Club
1:30 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Brian Billeter + Ethan Gray + Whitley, Joshua
Ben Widdall Creekside Golf Club
1:40 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Adam Willcoxen + Matthew Johnson + Woodward, Ryan
Bill Miller Tri-Mountain Golf Course
8:50 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Grayson Karsten + Kevin Thornes + Parker, Michael
Bill Mildfelt Stone Creek Golf Course
12:30 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Bader, James + Dan Dickinson + Ty Camp
Billings, James Bandon Dunes Golf Resort
12:30 PM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Andy Morris + Daniel Reisch + Gary Larsen
Blair Snyder Willamette Valley Country Club
9:00 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Dick Griffin + Edmunds, Andrew + Rob Edmunds
Bob Sandgren Arrowhead Golf Club
12:40 PM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Dan Pokorny + Gibbons, Robert + Mike Reiner
Brad Abeson Royal Oaks Country Club
8:40 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Brian Carl + Huff, Nicholas + Jason Powell
Brad Neely Elk Ridge Golf Course
12:20 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Ebberson, Brad + Mike Jones + Steve McKee
Braden Wheeler Arrowhead Golf Club
8:30 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Jerry Roberts + Kukula, Ross + Matt Lepitch
Brian Billeter Awbrey Glen Golf Club
1:30 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Ben Koteen + Ethan Gray + Whitley, Joshua
Brian Carl Rose City Golf Course
8:40 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Brad Abeson + Huff, Nicholas + Jason Powell
Brian Robirds Eastmoreland Golf Course
8:00 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M George Carlson + Ian Stewart + Peccia, Joseph
Brian Spear Heron Lakes GC
8:40 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Jamie Vandevert + Kelii Keohokalole + Terry, Chris
Bryan Walls Arrowhead Golf Club
1:00 PM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Entenman, Michael + Rob Folse + Travis Laible
Chris Pahn Royal Oaks Country Club
9:00 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M DeGree, Carrie + Rob Aragon + Sean Boland
Chris Scotch Widgi Creek Golf Club
1:00 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Giacomini, Taylor + Kyle Peterson + Kyler Beebehiser
Chuck Sheldon Tualatin Country Club
8:20 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Dolin, Daniel + Jimmy Huebert + Matt Schoenecker
Coombs, Kevin Orchard Hills Country Club
9:10 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Barbara Gee + Gerry Evin + Michael Williams
Cory Dobak Orchard Hills Country Club
8:50 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Mike Connolly + Patterson, David + Randy Wilson
Crandall, Craig Rock Creek Country Club
12:20 PM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Eddie Krueger + Forbes Robinson + John Adams
Damian Telles The Dalles Country Club
12:50 PM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Ken Schanno + Mike Jesch + Snodgrass, Chase
Dan Dickinson Tri-Mountain Golf Course
12:30 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Bader, James + Bill Mildfelt + Ty Camp
Dan Pokorny Arrowhead Golf Club
12:40 PM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Bob Sandgren + Gibbons, Robert + Mike Reiner
Danial Bianchini Willamette Valley Country Club
8:10 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Hung Tran + Jim Mattson + Wik, Anthony
Daniel Feest Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club
1:10 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Kawasoe, John + Mike Remmers + Rick Gielow
Daniel Reisch Juniper Golf Course
12:30 PM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Andy Morris + Billings, James + Gary Larsen
Dave Leighton NW Golf Guys
9:10 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M David Thompson + Jack Pauley + Salisbury, Michael
David Link Indian Creek GC
9:20 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Kane, Travis + Michael Hare + Ryan Young
David Thompson NW Golf Guys
9:10 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Dave Leighton + Jack Pauley + Salisbury, Michael
DeGree, Carrie Royal Oaks Country Club
9:00 AM 1 Red - Pro Am W Chris Pahn + Rob Aragon + Sean Boland
Dick Griffin Willamette Valley Country Club
9:00 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Blair Snyder + Edmunds, Andrew + Rob Edmunds
Dolin, Daniel Tualatin Country Club
8:20 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Chuck Sheldon + Jimmy Huebert + Matt Schoenecker
Drew Simpson Club Green Meadows
8:30 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Gustafson, Jeffrey + John Furqueron + Ty Baker
Ebberson, Brad Elk Ridge Golf Course
12:20 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Brad Neely + Mike Jones + Steve McKee
Eddie Krueger Rock Creek Country Club
12:20 PM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Crandall, Craig + Forbes Robinson + John Adams
Edmunds, Andrew Willamette Valley Country Club
9:00 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Blair Snyder + Dick Griffin + Rob Edmunds
Entenman, Michael Arrowhead Golf Club
1:00 PM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Bryan Walls + Rob Folse + Travis Laible
Erica Tafavoti Heron Lakes GC
1:20 PM 10 Red - Pro Am W Arlene Unverzagt + Gerrish, Katharine + Kristina Opsahl
Ethan Gray Awbrey Glen Golf Club
1:30 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Ben Koteen + Brian Billeter + Whitley, Joshua
Forbes Robinson Rock Creek Country Club
12:20 PM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Crandall, Craig + Eddie Krueger + John Adams
Gary Larsen Juniper Golf Course
12:30 PM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Andy Morris + Billings, James + Daniel Reisch
George Carlson Vanco Golf Range
8:00 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Brian Robirds + Ian Stewart + Peccia, Joseph
Gerrish, Katharine Cottage Golf Studio
1:20 PM 10 Red - Pro Am W Arlene Unverzagt + Erica Tafavoti + Kristina Opsahl
Gerry Evin Orchard Hills Country Club
9:10 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Barbara Gee + Coombs, Kevin + Michael Williams
Giacomini, Taylor Widgi Creek Golf Club
1:00 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Chris Scotch + Kyle Peterson + Kyler Beebehiser
Gibbons, Robert Arrowhead Golf Club
12:40 PM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Bob Sandgren + Dan Pokorny + Mike Reiner
Grant Mcculloch Chehalem Glenn Golf Course
8:20 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Jason Daily + Mike Buisman + Sasken, Kellan
Grant Beehler Langdon Farms Golf Club
8:10 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Josh Peterson + Kyle Olsen + Wescott, Hunter
Grayson Karsten Tri-Mountain Golf Course
8:50 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Bill Miller + Kevin Thornes + Parker, Michael
Gustafson, Jeffrey Club Green Meadows
8:30 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Drew Simpson + John Furqueron + Ty Baker
Huff, Nicholas Riverside Golf & Country Club
8:40 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Brad Abeson + Brian Carl + Jason Powell
Hung Tran Orchard Hills Country Club
8:10 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Danial Bianchini + Jim Mattson + Wik, Anthony
Ian Stewart Reserve Vineyards & GC
8:00 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Brian Robirds + George Carlson + Peccia, Joseph
Jack Pauley Langdon Farms Golf Club
9:10 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Dave Leighton + David Thompson + Salisbury, Michael
Jamie Vandevert Quail Valley Golf Course
8:40 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Brian Spear + Kelii Keohokalole + Terry, Chris
Jason Daily Willamette Valley Country Club
8:20 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Grant Mcculloch + Mike Buisman + Sasken, Kellan
Jason Powell Royal Oaks Country Club
8:40 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Brad Abeson + Brian Carl + Huff, Nicholas
Jay Poletiek Columbia Edgewater CC
12:40 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Leritz, Scott + Mike Sica + Tyler Hows
Jeremy Henson Orchard Hills Country Club
9:20 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Paul Oberle + Randy Croucher + Roberts, William
Jerry Roberts Arrowhead Golf Club
8:30 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Braden Wheeler + Kukula, Ross + Matt Lepitch
Jim Mattson Claremont Golf Club
8:10 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Danial Bianchini + Hung Tran + Wik, Anthony
Jimmy Huebert Tualatin Country Club
8:20 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Chuck Sheldon + Dolin, Daniel + Matt Schoenecker
John Adams Rock Creek Country Club
12:20 PM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Crandall, Craig + Eddie Krueger + Forbes Robinson
John Furqueron Club Green Meadows
8:30 AM 10 WHITE - Men Drew Simpson + Gustafson, Jeffrey + Ty Baker
Josh Peterson Langdon Farms Golf Club
8:10 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Grant Beehler + Kyle Olsen + Wescott, Hunter
Kane, Travis The Dalles Country Club
9:20 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M David Link + Michael Hare + Ryan Young
Kawasoe, John Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club
1:10 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Daniel Feest + Mike Remmers + Rick Gielow
Kelii Keohokalole Quail Valley Golf Course
8:40 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Brian Spear + Jamie Vandevert + Terry, Chris
Ken Schanno The Dalles Country Club
12:50 PM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Damian Telles + Mike Jesch + Snodgrass, Chase
Kent Gardner Forest Hills Golf Course (Cornelius, OR)
1:10 PM 10 WHITE - Men Mabry, Nicholas + Nate Braithwaite + Steve Gannon
Kevin Thornes Tri-Mountain Golf Course
8:50 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Bill Miller + Grayson Karsten + Parker, Michael
Kristina Opsahl Portland Golf Club
1:20 PM 10 Red - Pro Am W Arlene Unverzagt + Erica Tafavoti + Gerrish, Katharine
Kukula, Ross Arrowhead Golf Club
8:30 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Braden Wheeler + Jerry Roberts + Matt Lepitch
Kyle Peterson Widgi Creek Golf Club
1:00 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Chris Scotch + Giacomini, Taylor + Kyler Beebehiser
Kyle Olsen Indian Creek GC
8:10 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Grant Beehler + Josh Peterson + Wescott, Hunter
Kyler Beebehiser Gearhart Golf Links
1:00 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Chris Scotch + Giacomini, Taylor + Kyle Peterson
Larry Gahr Bend Golf Club
1:20 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Barb Gahr + Laura Ward + Ward, Rick
Laura Ward Willamette Valley Country Club
1:20 PM 1 Red - Pro Am W Barb Gahr + Larry Gahr + Ward, Rick
Leritz, Scott Royal Oaks Country Club
12:40 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Jay Poletiek + Mike Sica + Tyler Hows
Mabry, Nicholas Forest Hills GC
1:10 PM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Kent Gardner + Nate Braithwaite + Steve Gannon
Matt Lepitch Arrowhead Golf Club
8:30 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Braden Wheeler + Jerry Roberts + Kukula, Ross
Matt Schoenecker Tualatin Country Club
8:20 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Chuck Sheldon + Dolin, Daniel + Jimmy Huebert
Matthew Johnson Creekside Golf Club
1:40 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Adam Willcoxen + Ben Widdall + Woodward, Ryan
Michael Hare Indian Creek GC
9:20 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M David Link + Kane, Travis + Ryan Young
Michael Williams Orchard Hills Country Club
9:10 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Barbara Gee + Coombs, Kevin + Gerry Evin
Mike Remmers Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club
1:10 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Daniel Feest + Kawasoe, John + Rick Gielow
Mike Buisman Chehalem Glenn Golf Course
8:20 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Grant Mcculloch + Jason Daily + Sasken, Kellan
Mike Connolly Orchard Hills Country Club
8:50 AM 1 WHITE - Men Cory Dobak + Patterson, David + Randy Wilson
Mike Jesch The Dalles Country Club
12:50 PM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Damian Telles + Ken Schanno + Snodgrass, Chase
Mike Jones Elk Ridge Golf Course
12:20 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Brad Neely + Ebberson, Brad + Steve McKee
Mike Reiner Willamette Valley Country Club
12:40 PM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Bob Sandgren + Dan Pokorny + Gibbons, Robert
Mike Sica Columbia Edgewater CC
12:40 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Jay Poletiek + Leritz, Scott + Tyler Hows
Nate Braithwaite Forest Hills Golf Course (Cornelius, OR)
1:10 PM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Kent Gardner + Mabry, Nicholas + Steve Gannon
Parker, Michael Tri-Mountain Golf Course
8:50 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Bill Miller + Grayson Karsten + Kevin Thornes
Patterson, David Orchard Hills Country Club
8:50 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Cory Dobak + Mike Connolly + Randy Wilson
Paul Oberle Orchard Hills Country Club
9:20 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Jeremy Henson + Randy Croucher + Roberts, William
Peccia, Joseph Lake Oswego Municipal Golf Course
8:00 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Brian Robirds + George Carlson + Ian Stewart
Randy Croucher Orchard Hills Country Club
9:20 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Jeremy Henson + Paul Oberle + Roberts, William
Randy Wilson Orchard Hills Country Club
8:50 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Cory Dobak + Mike Connolly + Patterson, David
Rick Gielow Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club
1:10 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Daniel Feest + Kawasoe, John + Mike Remmers
Rob Edmunds Willamette Valley Country Club
9:00 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Blair Snyder + Dick Griffin + Edmunds, Andrew
Rob Aragon Royal Oaks Country Club
9:00 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Chris Pahn + DeGree, Carrie + Sean Boland
Rob Folse Arrowhead Golf Club
1:00 PM 10 WHITE - Men Bryan Walls + Entenman, Michael + Travis Laible
Roberts, William Orchard Hills Country Club
9:20 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Jeremy Henson + Paul Oberle + Randy Croucher
Ryan Young The Dalles CC
9:20 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M David Link + Kane, Travis + Michael Hare
Salisbury, Michael Langdon Farms Golf Club
9:10 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Dave Leighton + David Thompson + Jack Pauley
Sasken, Kellan Chehalem Glenn Golf Course
8:20 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Grant Mcculloch + Jason Daily + Mike Buisman
Sean Boland Royal Oaks Country Club
9:00 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Chris Pahn + DeGree, Carrie + Rob Aragon
Snodgrass, Chase Wenatchee Golf & Country Club
12:50 PM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Damian Telles + Ken Schanno + Mike Jesch
Steve Gannon Forest Hills Golf Course (Cornelius, OR)
1:10 PM 10 WHITE - Men Kent Gardner + Mabry, Nicholas + Nate Braithwaite
Steve McKee Elk Ridge Golf Course
12:20 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Brad Neely + Ebberson, Brad + Mike Jones
Terry, Chris Quail Valley Golf Course
8:40 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Brian Spear + Jamie Vandevert + Kelii Keohokalole
Travis Laible Arrowhead Golf Club
1:00 PM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Bryan Walls + Entenman, Michael + Rob Folse
Ty Baker Club Green Meadows
8:30 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Drew Simpson + Gustafson, Jeffrey + John Furqueron
Ty Camp Colwood Golf Center
12:30 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Bader, James + Bill Mildfelt + Dan Dickinson
Tyler Hows Royal Oaks Country Club
12:40 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Jay Poletiek + Leritz, Scott + Mike Sica
Ward, Rick Rock Creek Country Club
1:20 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Barb Gahr + Larry Gahr + Laura Ward
Wescott, Hunter NW Golf Guys
8:10 AM 10 Blue - Pro Am M Grant Beehler + Josh Peterson + Kyle Olsen
Whitley, Joshua Awbrey Glen Golf Club
1:30 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Ben Koteen + Brian Billeter + Ethan Gray
Wik, Anthony Claremont Golf Club
8:10 AM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Danial Bianchini + Hung Tran + Jim Mattson
Woodward, Ryan Creekside Golf Course
1:40 PM 1 Blue - Pro Am M Adam Willcoxen + Ben Widdall + Matthew Johnson