Ladies London Amateur Foursomes 2023



Burnham Beeches Golf Club

Friday, 24th – Sunday, 26th March 2023



It is with regret, that the prevailing weather and ground conditions have led to a trolley ban which in consequence has forced one quarter of the Clubs entered to withdraw. 

As a result, we have unfortunately taken the difficult decision to cancel this year’s tournament at Burnham Beeches this week. 

We will be in touch with the Clubs in due course with respect to refunding the entry fees.  In the meantime, we will make all efforts to reschedule later in the year if possible.



Sue McKeon

On behalf of the Ladies London Foursomes Committee









Practice Round

Burnham Beeches Golf Club has kindly offered a practice round, at a special rate of £30.00 per competitor, £50 for caddies or non-competitors; to be arranged through the Professionals’ shop: Tel: 01628 661661



Please register in the main lounge in the Clubhouse on arrival. 


Course information

Winter rules may be in play but will be determined by Burnham Beeches GC.  There will be no trolley restrictions.  As there are 54 pairs competing on the first day, it is important that everyone plays without undue delay and there will be roving referees to monitor the pace of play.  Each match has been allotted 3 hours 15 minutes for the first two rounds. 

Players should ensure they are familiar with the following documents.  Please click to view the Pace of Play Condition, the Terms of the Competition, Additional Local Rules and the England Golf Hard Card 


Practice facilities are as follows

There is a Practice Range – Balls £2.00 for a 40-ball basket – available from 07.00hrs.

There is a chipping/short game area/nets/60 yard warm up area.

Practice Putting Green – no chipping



The Clubhouse will be open from 07.00hrs.

Lockers will be available but are limited so please share with your playing partner.


Dress Code: Golf shoes are allowed in the Clubhouse but NOT in the main bar and dining room.


Mobile phones may be left switched on in the Clubhouse (on silent) for internet/text purposes.  Any telephone calls to/from your phone can only be answered/made in the entrance foyer or in the car park.  Using phones for making/answering telephone calls is not permitted elsewhere in the Clubhouse; on the patio & surrounding gardens or out on the Course (except in emergencies).  Use is permitted for scoring purposes.



Bacon rolls etc will be available from 07.00hrs on Friday.  From 11.00hrs on Friday, there will be a variety of food available in the dining room, light meals or packs of sandwiches for those without much time to spare! 

There is a Half-Way House open for drinks and light snacks.




Any changes/cancellations must be reported to Denise Fiori by email before the competition.  Messages must not be left at Burnham Beeches Golf Club. 




On the day please phone Burnham Beeches Golf Club on 01628 661448 or 07903 846326 if you have any problems getting to the course.