Round 1 (Mon, August 28)

The tee sheet has not yet been released to the event portal.

Agnew, Joe
Armstrong, Mike
Bezek, Grant
Borges, Francisco
Boyd, Cary
Bryson, Jim
Corr, Lawrence
Courtney , Mike
Daley, Pete
DeSantis, Wayne
Dooley, Andrew
Faro, Tom
Farrar, Darren
Firman, Scott
Fitzig, Eric
Frederico, Victor
Friel, Chris
Gingrich, Scott
Gray, Chris
Grossbach, Chris
Gulotti, Joe
Handley, Michael
Harvey, Kyle
Haub, Charles
Helcoski, Brad
Heller, Nate
Hong, Andrew
Janzer, Michael
Jensen, Kurt
Johnston, Mike
Kachurak, Michael
Kealy, Brian
Keenan, Greg
Keezer, Kevin
Kinlin, Joe
Lear, Les
Liebsch, Joseph
Linkewich, Michael
Livingston, Daniel
Lubold, Nick
Martin, Nathaniel
McDonnugh, Martin
Mensch, Tim
Miller, Justin
Moore, Ryan
Musser, Scott
Nehila, Dave
Newman, James
O'Brien, Mike
O'Donnell, John
Paulina, Matt
Pfieffer, Dave
Phillips, Herb
Phillips, John
Rae, Doug
Ramina, Paul
Regar, Bill
Rice, Jeffrey
Rider, Randy
Rieth, Justin
Roth, Joe
Rudich, Stephen
Rundstrom, Kevin
Schaeffer, Megan
Schell, David
Schell, Nate
Sharp, Ryan
Shaul, Andrew
Shilling, Rich
Smethurst, Mike
Smith, Roger
Smith, Tim
Stehel, John
Stephens, Steve
Stricker, Gene
Stricker, Geoff
Sujkowski, Nicholas
Surrette, Nick
Sweeney, Rich
Szegda, David
Tansey, Kevin
Tompkins, Anthony
Trainer, Kevin
Turner, Matt
Tyler, Robbie
Wakefield, Zach
Walsh, Dave
Walsh, Jon
Walsh, P. Chet
Walton, Chris
Walton, Jack
Weld, Jeffrey
White, Drew
Wolfe, Katrin
Wolfe, Matt
Wood, Brent
Zurybida, Tim