Fall Finale Pro-Am Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Wed, October 25

Bulle Rock Golf Course
Time Hole Players
Bulle Rock Golf Course
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Al McCormick (4.6) Wht Glen Brook Golf Club
12:30 PM 12 W - '25 Fall Finale Dustin McCormick + Paul Rosetti + Steve Houloose
Alex Epstein (10.4) Blu
12:30 PM 13A B - '25 Fall Finale George Forster + Jason Colantonio + Mark Mickles
Andrew Barbin Blu Chesapeake Bay Golf Club
12:30 PM 18A B - '25 Fall Finale Geoff Shapiro + Jason Edelman + Nolan Ford
Andy Faulkner (16.9) Blu
12:30 PM 14B B - '25 Fall Finale Chris Norton + Chuck Faulkner + Mike Matson
Bill Cardona (13.2) Wht Philadelphia PGA
12:30 PM 11B W - '25 Fall Finale John Stanley + Mike Molino + Mike Tolosi
Bill Cook Sr. (12.5) Blu
12:30 PM 2B B - '25 Fall Finale Chris Gardner + Ken Paz + Will Cook Jr.
Bob Lennon Blu Wilmington Country Club
12:30 PM 4A B - '25 Fall Finale Dave Lunger + Scott Simonton + Tom Burke
Brad Bachman (4.6) Blu
12:30 PM 7 B - '25 Fall Finale Christian Simms + Jack Bondi + Pat Curiale
Brian Buskirk Blu HoneyBrook Golf Club
12:30 PM 5B B - '25 Fall Finale Dan Perry + John Kennedy + Travis Good
Brian Cloud (14.5) Blu
12:30 PM 9A B - '25 Fall Finale Ray Kaiser + Scott Stump + Tom Duetsch
Brian Farrell Blu Brookside Country Club
12:30 PM 2A B - '25 Fall Finale John Brennan + Mike Lenge + Scott Gilroy
Brian Feldschneider Blu Golden Pheasant Country Club
12:30 PM 11A B - '25 Fall Finale Brian Hollins + Dan Britt + Josh Feldschneider
Brian Hollins (+0.5) Blu
12:30 PM 11A B - '25 Fall Finale Brian Feldschneider + Dan Britt + Josh Feldschneider
Brian Stillman (5.9) Blu
12:30 PM 8 B - '25 Fall Finale Joseph Spitaleri + Ken Beard + Tommy Ellison
Brock Kovach (+3.6) Blu
12:30 PM 5A B - '25 Fall Finale John Gobright + Nat Gallen + Tom Michaels
Carlisle Peet (13.6) Blu
12:30 PM 10A B - '25 Fall Finale Jack Peet + Jim VanderWaal + Tom Carpus
Chris Doordan (18.3) Red
12:30 PM 9B R - '25 Fall Finale Connie deJuliis + Kay Raymond + Matt Bonanno
Chris Gardner Blu Bluestone Country Club
12:30 PM 2B B - '25 Fall Finale Bill Cook Sr. + Ken Paz + Will Cook Jr.
Chris Norton (17.6) Blu
12:30 PM 14B B - '25 Fall Finale Andy Faulkner + Chuck Faulkner + Mike Matson
Christian Simms Blu Medford Village Country Club
12:30 PM 7 B - '25 Fall Finale Brad Bachman + Jack Bondi + Pat Curiale
Chuck Faulkner (8.8) Blu
12:30 PM 14B B - '25 Fall Finale Andy Faulkner + Chris Norton + Mike Matson
Cindy Gutzler (18.9) Red
12:30 PM 13B R - '25 Fall Finale Jennifer Keane + Mike Moses + Shan Kollias
Connie deJuliis (17.7) Red
12:30 PM 9B R - '25 Fall Finale Chris Doordan + Kay Raymond + Matt Bonanno
Connor Moore Blu Regents' Glen Country Club
12:30 PM 17 B - '25 Fall Finale Craig Sullivan + John Moore + Tom Sibol
Conor Kerins (+1.2) Blu
12:30 PM 3 B - '25 Fall Finale Frank Palumbo + Mark Hill + Nick Verrecchio
Craig Sullivan (9.9) Wht
12:30 PM 17 W - '25 Fall Finale Connor Moore + John Moore + Tom Sibol
Dale Loeslein Blu Odessa National Golf Club
12:30 PM 15 B - '25 Fall Finale Ed Roncone + Jon Wolfe + Paul Wolfe
Dan Britt (3.7) Blu
12:30 PM 11A B - '25 Fall Finale Brian Feldschneider + Brian Hollins + Josh Feldschneider
Dan Marinelli (6.5) Blu
12:30 PM 6 B - '25 Fall Finale Dylan Chessher + Matthew Miller + Tyler Spielberger
Dan Perry (3.0) Blu
12:30 PM 5B B - '25 Fall Finale Brian Buskirk + John Kennedy + Travis Good
Dave Lunger (29.9)
12:30 PM 4A Green - Men Bob Lennon + Scott Simonton + Tom Burke
Dave O'Brien (4.8) Blu
12:30 PM 10B B - '25 Fall Finale Doug Bushong + Rob Rohrbach + Sean O'Brien
David Milkowski Blu GOLFTEC - Willow Grove
12:30 PM 16B B - '25 Fall Finale Jerry Greenberg + Ray McHale + Tim Simmons
Doug Bushong (17.8) Blu
12:30 PM 10B B - '25 Fall Finale Dave O'Brien + Rob Rohrbach + Sean O'Brien
Dustin McCormick Blu Glen Brook Golf Club
12:30 PM 12 B - '25 Fall Finale Al McCormick + Paul Rosetti + Steve Houloose
Dylan Chessher (2.0) Blu
12:30 PM 6 B - '25 Fall Finale Dan Marinelli + Matthew Miller + Tyler Spielberger
Ed Roncone (6.5) Wht
12:30 PM 15 W - '25 Fall Finale Dale Loeslein + Jon Wolfe + Paul Wolfe
Frank Palumbo Wht Rolling Green Golf Club
12:30 PM 3 W - '25 Fall Finale Conor Kerins + Mark Hill + Nick Verrecchio
Geoff Shapiro (6.3) Blu
12:30 PM 18A B - '25 Fall Finale Andrew Barbin + Jason Edelman + Nolan Ford
George Forster Blu Radnor Valley Country Club
12:30 PM 13A B - '25 Fall Finale Alex Epstein + Jason Colantonio + Mark Mickles
George Griffaton (6.0) Blu
12:30 PM 18B B - '25 Fall Finale Kyle Miller + Rick Custer + Scott Sucoloski
Jack Bondi (8.6) Blu
12:30 PM 7 B - '25 Fall Finale Brad Bachman + Christian Simms + Pat Curiale
Jack Enwright (21.3) Wht
12:30 PM 4B W - '25 Fall Finale Ken Schaefer + Mike Burns + Tom Borsavage
Jack Peet (5.6) Blu
12:30 PM 10A B - '25 Fall Finale Carlisle Peet + Jim VanderWaal + Tom Carpus
Jason Colantonio (6.3) Blu
12:30 PM 13A B - '25 Fall Finale Alex Epstein + George Forster + Mark Mickles
Jason Edelman (5.8) Blu
12:30 PM 18A B - '25 Fall Finale Andrew Barbin + Geoff Shapiro + Nolan Ford
Jeb Boyle Blu Philadelphia PGA
12:30 PM 1B B - '25 Fall Finale Mike McKinney + Paul Nelson + Sam Auker
Jennifer Keane (19.9) Red
12:30 PM 13B R - '25 Fall Finale Cindy Gutzler + Mike Moses + Shan Kollias
Jeri Blechman (26.4) Red
12:30 PM 1A R - '25 Fall Finale Joe West + Mark Blechman + Matt Summers
Jerry Greenberg (18.7) Wht
12:30 PM 16B W - '25 Fall Finale David Milkowski + Ray McHale + Tim Simmons
Jim VanderWaal (11.1) Blu
12:30 PM 10A B - '25 Fall Finale Carlisle Peet + Jack Peet + Tom Carpus
Joe West (18.0) Blu
12:30 PM 1A B - '25 Fall Finale Jeri Blechman + Mark Blechman + Matt Summers
John Brennan (6.4) Blu
12:30 PM 2A B - '25 Fall Finale Brian Farrell + Mike Lenge + Scott Gilroy
John Moore (13.8) Wht
12:30 PM 17 W - '25 Fall Finale Connor Moore + Craig Sullivan + Tom Sibol
John Freidman (11.1) Wht
12:30 PM 16A W - '25 Fall Finale Kobie Swartz + Rick Johnson + Steve Swartz
John Gobright (7.2) Wht
12:30 PM 5A W - '25 Fall Finale Brock Kovach + Nat Gallen + Tom Michaels
John Kennedy (0.2) Blu
12:30 PM 5B B - '25 Fall Finale Brian Buskirk + Dan Perry + Travis Good
John Stanley (9.4) Wht Philadelphia PGA
12:30 PM 11B W - '25 Fall Finale Bill Cardona + Mike Molino + Mike Tolosi
Jon Wolfe (4.0) Blu
12:30 PM 15 B - '25 Fall Finale Dale Loeslein + Ed Roncone + Paul Wolfe
Joseph Spitaleri (3.5) Blu
12:30 PM 8 B - '25 Fall Finale Brian Stillman + Ken Beard + Tommy Ellison
Josh Feldschneider (+0.6) Blu
12:30 PM 11A B - '25 Fall Finale Brian Feldschneider + Brian Hollins + Dan Britt
Kay Raymond (19.1) Red
12:30 PM 9B R - '25 Fall Finale Chris Doordan + Connie deJuliis + Matt Bonanno
Ken Beard (7.7) Wht
12:30 PM 8 W - '25 Fall Finale Brian Stillman + Joseph Spitaleri + Tommy Ellison
Ken Paz (9.4) Blu
12:30 PM 2B B - '25 Fall Finale Bill Cook Sr. + Chris Gardner + Will Cook Jr.
Ken Schaefer (5.5) Blu
12:30 PM 4B B - '25 Fall Finale Jack Enwright + Mike Burns + Tom Borsavage
Kevin Nicholson Blu Sandy Run Country Club
12:30 PM 14A B - '25 Fall Finale Luke Floer + Matt Cameron + Walt Stankus
Kobie Swartz (3.4) Blu
12:30 PM 16A B - '25 Fall Finale John Freidman + Rick Johnson + Steve Swartz
Kyle Miller Blu Bellewood Country Club
12:30 PM 18B B - '25 Fall Finale George Griffaton + Rick Custer + Scott Sucoloski
Luke Floer (7.6) Blu
12:30 PM 14A B - '25 Fall Finale Kevin Nicholson + Matt Cameron + Walt Stankus
Mark Blechman (17.4) Wht
12:30 PM 1A W - '25 Fall Finale Jeri Blechman + Joe West + Matt Summers
Mark Hill (+0.7) Blu
12:30 PM 3 B - '25 Fall Finale Conor Kerins + Frank Palumbo + Nick Verrecchio
Mark Mickles (10.0) Blu
12:30 PM 13A B - '25 Fall Finale Alex Epstein + George Forster + Jason Colantonio
Matt Cameron (3.1) Blu
12:30 PM 14A B - '25 Fall Finale Kevin Nicholson + Luke Floer + Walt Stankus
Matt Bonanno Blu Newark Country Club
12:30 PM 9B B - '25 Fall Finale Chris Doordan + Connie deJuliis + Kay Raymond
Matt Summers Blu Bulle Rock
12:30 PM 1A B - '25 Fall Finale Jeri Blechman + Joe West + Mark Blechman
Matthew Miller (0.2) Blu
12:30 PM 6 B - '25 Fall Finale Dan Marinelli + Dylan Chessher + Tyler Spielberger
Mike Burns (6.9) Blu
12:30 PM 4B B - '25 Fall Finale Jack Enwright + Ken Schaefer + Tom Borsavage
Mike Lenge (7.9) Blu
12:30 PM 2A B - '25 Fall Finale Brian Farrell + John Brennan + Scott Gilroy
Mike Matson Blu The RiverCrest Golf Club and Preserve
12:30 PM 14B B - '25 Fall Finale Andy Faulkner + Chris Norton + Chuck Faulkner
Mike McKinney (11.1) Blu
12:30 PM 1B B - '25 Fall Finale Jeb Boyle + Paul Nelson + Sam Auker
Mike Molino Blu Elmhurst Country Club
12:30 PM 11B B - '25 Fall Finale Bill Cardona + John Stanley + Mike Tolosi
Mike Moses Blu Concord Country Club
12:30 PM 13B B - '25 Fall Finale Cindy Gutzler + Jennifer Keane + Shan Kollias
Mike Tolosi (8.2) Blu Philadelphia PGA
12:30 PM 11B B - '25 Fall Finale Bill Cardona + John Stanley + Mike Molino
Nat Gallen (2.1) Blu
12:30 PM 5A B - '25 Fall Finale Brock Kovach + John Gobright + Tom Michaels
Nick Verrecchio (+3.0) Blu
12:30 PM 3 B - '25 Fall Finale Conor Kerins + Frank Palumbo + Mark Hill
Nolan Ford (17.0) Blu
12:30 PM 18A B - '25 Fall Finale Andrew Barbin + Geoff Shapiro + Jason Edelman
Pat Curiale (2.3) Blu
12:30 PM 7 B - '25 Fall Finale Brad Bachman + Christian Simms + Jack Bondi
Paul Wolfe (7.8) Wht
12:30 PM 15 W - '25 Fall Finale Dale Loeslein + Ed Roncone + Jon Wolfe
Paul Nelson (14.4) Wht
12:30 PM 1B W - '25 Fall Finale Jeb Boyle + Mike McKinney + Sam Auker
Paul Rosetti (15.6) Blu Glen Brook Golf Club
12:30 PM 12 B - '25 Fall Finale Al McCormick + Dustin McCormick + Steve Houloose
Ray Kaiser (7.9) Blu
12:30 PM 9A B - '25 Fall Finale Brian Cloud + Scott Stump + Tom Duetsch
Ray McHale (11.8) Wht
12:30 PM 16B W - '25 Fall Finale David Milkowski + Jerry Greenberg + Tim Simmons
Rick Custer (6.9) Wht
12:30 PM 18B W - '25 Fall Finale George Griffaton + Kyle Miller + Scott Sucoloski
Rick Johnson (9.1) Wht
12:30 PM 16A W - '25 Fall Finale John Freidman + Kobie Swartz + Steve Swartz
Rob Rohrbach Blu Foxchase Golf Club
12:30 PM 10B B - '25 Fall Finale Dave O'Brien + Doug Bushong + Sean O'Brien
Sam Auker (16.0) Wht
12:30 PM 1B W - '25 Fall Finale Jeb Boyle + Mike McKinney + Paul Nelson
Scott Gilroy (11.1) Blu
12:30 PM 2A B - '25 Fall Finale Brian Farrell + John Brennan + Mike Lenge
Scott Simonton (24.9) Wht
12:30 PM 4A W - '25 Fall Finale Bob Lennon + Dave Lunger + Tom Burke
Scott Stump (13.6) Blu
12:30 PM 9A B - '25 Fall Finale Brian Cloud + Ray Kaiser + Tom Duetsch
Scott Sucoloski (10.7) Blu
12:30 PM 18B B - '25 Fall Finale George Griffaton + Kyle Miller + Rick Custer
Sean O'Brien (8.3) Blu
12:30 PM 10B B - '25 Fall Finale Dave O'Brien + Doug Bushong + Rob Rohrbach
Shan Kollias (15.0) Red
12:30 PM 13B R - '25 Fall Finale Cindy Gutzler + Jennifer Keane + Mike Moses
Steve Houloose (9.3) Wht Glen Brook Golf Club
12:30 PM 12 W - '25 Fall Finale Al McCormick + Dustin McCormick + Paul Rosetti
Steve Swartz Blu Carlisle Country Club
12:30 PM 16A B - '25 Fall Finale John Freidman + Kobie Swartz + Rick Johnson
Tim Simmons (4.9) Wht
12:30 PM 16B W - '25 Fall Finale David Milkowski + Jerry Greenberg + Ray McHale
Tom Sibol (4.3) Wht
12:30 PM 17 W - '25 Fall Finale Connor Moore + Craig Sullivan + John Moore
Tom Borsavage Blu Golf Galaxy -Langhorne
12:30 PM 4B B - '25 Fall Finale Jack Enwright + Ken Schaefer + Mike Burns
Tom Burke (2.6) Blu
12:30 PM 4A B - '25 Fall Finale Bob Lennon + Dave Lunger + Scott Simonton
Tom Carpus Blu PGA Tour
12:30 PM 10A B - '25 Fall Finale Carlisle Peet + Jack Peet + Jim VanderWaal
Tom Duetsch Blu Little Mill Country Club
12:30 PM 9A B - '25 Fall Finale Brian Cloud + Ray Kaiser + Scott Stump
Tom Michaels Blu Berkshire Country Club
12:30 PM 5A B - '25 Fall Finale Brock Kovach + John Gobright + Nat Gallen
Tommy Ellison Blu Ed Oliver Golf Club
12:30 PM 8 B - '25 Fall Finale Brian Stillman + Joseph Spitaleri + Ken Beard
Travis Good (4.3) Wht
12:30 PM 5B W - '25 Fall Finale Brian Buskirk + Dan Perry + John Kennedy
Tyler Spielberger Blu Wild Quail Golf & Country Club
12:30 PM 6 B - '25 Fall Finale Dan Marinelli + Dylan Chessher + Matthew Miller
Walt Stankus (4.5) Blu
12:30 PM 14A B - '25 Fall Finale Kevin Nicholson + Luke Floer + Matt Cameron
Will Cook Jr. (10.2) Blu
12:30 PM 2B B - '25 Fall Finale Bill Cook Sr. + Chris Gardner + Ken Paz