2023 - 2 Best Ball of 4 - The Aquidneck Club Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Mon, October 2

The Aquidneck Club
Time Hole Players
The Aquidneck Club
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Allison Field Potowomut GC
10:42 AM 4 Red(W) Cecilia Cooper + Deb Cyronak + Susan Wyatt
Andrea Reynolds Button Hole GC
12:12 PM 4 Red(W) Linda Paolozzi + Meg Schlageter + Patti Delvecchio
Ann Iacobucci North Kingstown GC
12:03 PM 4 Red(W) Cindy Fontaine + Joan Rothemich + Linda Bouchard
Barbara Davis Triggs Memorial GC
9:03 AM 4 Red(W) Catherine Parente + Linda Albamonti + Sue Reavey
Barbara Fontaine Triggs Memorial GC
12:21 PM 4 Red(W) Barbara Hamel + Nancy Rehor + Valerie Hamel
Barbara Hamel Button Hole GC
12:21 PM 4 Red(W) Barbara Fontaine + Nancy Rehor + Valerie Hamel
Barbara Keller Green Valley GA
10:33 AM 4 Red(W) Carol Velasco + Elaine Crawford + Suzanne Pettit
Becky Reo Green Valley GA
8:36 AM 4 Red(W) Martha Giarratano + Patty Matthews + Terri Birmingham
Beverly Herter Jamestown GC
12:57 PM 4 Red(W) Carol Santangini + Mary Riley + Sharon McGinnis
Carol Santangini Cranston CC
12:57 PM 4 Red(W) Beverly Herter + Mary Riley + Sharon McGinnis
Carol Velasco Green Valley GA
10:33 AM 4 Red(W) Barbara Keller + Elaine Crawford + Suzanne Pettit
Carolyn Dias Foster CC
11:45 AM 4 Red(W) Jeannine Vachon + JoAnn Bourque + Shirley McGuire
Carolyn Pacheco Triggs Memorial GC
10:06 AM 4 Red(W) Dorothy Murray + Nancy Greer + Robyn Sisti
Catherine Parente Triggs Memorial GC
9:03 AM 4 Red(W) Barbara Davis + Linda Albamonti + Sue Reavey
Cathy Oresman Ledgemont CC
9:30 AM 4 Yellow (W) Debbie Kohl-Benharris + Laurie Given + Mindy Sherwin
Cecilia Cooper Potowomut GC
10:42 AM 4 Red(W) Allison Field + Deb Cyronak + Susan Wyatt
Celeste Fournier Exeter CC
12:30 PM 4 Red(W) Cynthia Cooper + Laura Tingley + Shawna Evans
Cheryl Pryor Green Valley GA
10:24 AM 4 Red(W) MaryAnne Miller Allan + Rosemarie Hayes + susan Korber
Christine Sanders Crestwood Country Club
8:45 AM 4 Red(W) Deborah McMahon + Doreen Grasso + Mj Archambault
Cindy Fontaine West Warwick CC
12:03 PM 4 Red(W) Ann Iacobucci + Joan Rothemich + Linda Bouchard
Cindy Silvia Green Valley GA
11:00 AM 4 Yellow (W) Jackie Booth + Jennifer Hendrick-Mccrory + Robin Ramey
Cynthia Cooper Exeter CC
12:30 PM 4 Red(W) Celeste Fournier + Laura Tingley + Shawna Evans
Cynthia Grzechowiak Green Valley GA
8:18 AM 4 Red(W) Ellen Ford + Karin Coulter + Lisa Steeley
Dawn Giguere Triggs Memorial GC
9:57 AM 4 Red(W) Judy Gravier + Linda Darosa + Pamela Brodeur
Deb Cyronak Potowomut GC
10:42 AM 4 Red(W) Allison Field + Cecilia Cooper + Susan Wyatt
Debbie Kohl-Benharris Ledgemont CC
9:30 AM 4 Yellow (W) Cathy Oresman + Laurie Given + Mindy Sherwin
Deborah McMahon Crestwood CC
8:45 AM 4 Red(W) Christine Sanders + Doreen Grasso + Mj Archambault
Diane Bentley LPGA Amateur GA-RI
11:09 AM 4 Red(W) Joyce Comstock + Robin Gershkoff + Suzette Gervais
Diane Stover North Kingstown GC
11:54 AM 4 Red(W) Linda Sousa + Mimi Oliveira + Winnie Lamothe
Doreen Grasso Crestwood Country Club
8:45 AM 4 Red(W) Christine Sanders + Deborah McMahon + Mj Archambault
Doris Angers Alpine CC
9:39 AM 4 Red(W) Lisa Leite + Nancy Avila + Tena Dameron
Dorothy Murray Triggs Memorial GC
10:06 AM 4 Red(W) Carolyn Pacheco + Nancy Greer + Robyn Sisti
Elaine Crawford Green Valley GA
10:33 AM 4 Red(W) Barbara Keller + Carol Velasco + Suzanne Pettit
Elizabeth Penkala Montaup CC
8:54 AM 4 Red(W) Linda Anderson + Margaret Murphy + Trudy Dufault
Ellen Ford Green Valley GA
8:18 AM 4 Red(W) Cynthia Grzechowiak + Karin Coulter + Lisa Steeley
Jackie Booth Green Valley GA
11:00 AM 4 Yellow (W) Cindy Silvia + Jennifer Hendrick-Mccrory + Robin Ramey
Jacqueline Gagne LPGA Amateur GA-RI
12:48 PM 4 Red(W) Karen Terra + Pamela Brissette + Pamela Romano
Jane Lippincott Wanumetonomy G&CC
8:09 AM 4 Yellow (W) Leony Hartig + Melanie Henderson + Susan Ware
Jane Robinson Pinecrest GC
11:18 AM 4 Red(W) Jen Riley + Kathy Pazera + Tonia Mason
Jean Lemieux Cranston CC
11:36 AM 4 Red(W) Laurie Connors + Linda Kortick + Sue Winter
Jeannine Vachon Foster CC
11:45 AM 4 Red(W) Carolyn Dias + JoAnn Bourque + Shirley McGuire
Jen Riley Button Hole GC
11:18 AM 4 Red(W) Jane Robinson + Kathy Pazera + Tonia Mason
Jennifer Calabro Kirkbrae CC
9:48 AM 4 Yellow (W) Katy Berard + Lisa Corrigan + Sarah Santos
Jennifer Hendrick-Mccrory Exeter CC
11:00 AM 4 Yellow (W) Cindy Silvia + Jackie Booth + Robin Ramey
Jill Albanese LPGA Amateur GA-RI
8:00 AM 4 Yellow (W) Jillian Blanchard + Patricia Ianiere + Wendy Ossman
Jillian Blanchard LPGA Amateur GA-RI
8:00 AM 4 Yellow (W) Jill Albanese + Patricia Ianiere + Wendy Ossman
JoAnn Bourque West Warwick CC
11:45 AM 4 Red(W) Carolyn Dias + Jeannine Vachon + Shirley McGuire
Joan Rothemich North Kingstown GC
12:03 PM 4 Red(W) Ann Iacobucci + Cindy Fontaine + Linda Bouchard
Jodi Block The Aquidneck Club
8:27 AM 4 Red(W) Kimberly Cunningham + Melissa Burton + Nicolina Kelly
Joyce Comstock Triggs Memorial GC
11:09 AM 4 Red(W) Diane Bentley + Robin Gershkoff + Suzette Gervais
Judy Gravier Triggs Memorial GC
9:57 AM 4 Red(W) Dawn Giguere + Linda Darosa + Pamela Brodeur
Karen Terra Montaup CC
12:48 PM 4 Red(W) Jacqueline Gagne + Pamela Brissette + Pamela Romano
Karin Coulter Jamestown GC
8:18 AM 4 Red(W) Cynthia Grzechowiak + Ellen Ford + Lisa Steeley
Kathy Pazera Jamestown GC
11:18 AM 4 Red(W) Jane Robinson + Jen Riley + Tonia Mason
Katy Berard Kirkbrae CC
9:48 AM 4 Yellow (W) Jennifer Calabro + Lisa Corrigan + Sarah Santos
Kimberly Cunningham Montaup CC
8:27 AM 4 Red(W) Jodi Block + Melissa Burton + Nicolina Kelly
Laura Tingley Exeter CC
12:30 PM 4 Red(W) Celeste Fournier + Cynthia Cooper + Shawna Evans
Laurie Connors Cranston CC
11:36 AM 4 Red(W) Jean Lemieux + Linda Kortick + Sue Winter
Laurie Given Pawtucket CC
9:30 AM 4 Yellow (W) Cathy Oresman + Debbie Kohl-Benharris + Mindy Sherwin
Leony Hartig Wanumetonomy G&CC
8:09 AM 4 Yellow (W) Jane Lippincott + Melanie Henderson + Susan Ware
Linda Albamonti Triggs Memorial GC
9:03 AM 4 Red(W) Barbara Davis + Catherine Parente + Sue Reavey
Linda Anderson Montaup CC
8:54 AM 4 Red(W) Elizabeth Penkala + Margaret Murphy + Trudy Dufault
Linda Bouchard North Kingstown GC
12:03 PM 4 Red(W) Ann Iacobucci + Cindy Fontaine + Joan Rothemich
Linda Darosa Triggs Memorial GC
9:57 AM 4 Red(W) Dawn Giguere + Judy Gravier + Pamela Brodeur
Linda Kortick Point Judith CC
11:36 AM 4 Red(W) Jean Lemieux + Laurie Connors + Sue Winter
Linda Paolozzi Country View GC
12:12 PM 4 Red(W) Andrea Reynolds + Meg Schlageter + Patti Delvecchio
Linda Sousa LPGA Amateur GA-RI
11:54 AM 4 Red(W) Diane Stover + Mimi Oliveira + Winnie Lamothe
Lisa Cabral Valley CC
9:12 AM 4 Red(W) Sandra Radcliffe + Trish Labossiere + Yanna Tow
Lisa Corrigan Kirkbrae CC
9:48 AM 4 Yellow (W) Jennifer Calabro + Katy Berard + Sarah Santos
Lisa Leite Kirkbrae CC
9:39 AM 4 Red(W) Doris Angers + Nancy Avila + Tena Dameron
Lisa Steeley Montaup CC
8:18 AM 4 Red(W) Cynthia Grzechowiak + Ellen Ford + Karin Coulter
Louise Thornton Triggs Memorial GC
10:51 AM 4 Red(W) Luann Dias + Sandra Harper + Yung Park
Luann Dias Triggs Memorial GC
10:51 AM 4 Red(W) Louise Thornton + Sandra Harper + Yung Park
Margaret Murphy Montaup CC
8:54 AM 4 Red(W) Elizabeth Penkala + Linda Anderson + Trudy Dufault
Martha Giarratano Green Valley GA
8:36 AM 4 Red(W) Becky Reo + Patty Matthews + Terri Birmingham
Mary Riley Cranston CC
12:57 PM 4 Red(W) Beverly Herter + Carol Santangini + Sharon McGinnis
MaryAnne Miller Allan Green Valley GA
10:24 AM 4 Red(W) Cheryl Pryor + Rosemarie Hayes + susan Korber
Meg Schlageter Cranston CC
12:12 PM 4 Red(W) Andrea Reynolds + Linda Paolozzi + Patti Delvecchio
Melanie Henderson Wanumetonomy G&CC
8:09 AM 4 Yellow (W) Jane Lippincott + Leony Hartig + Susan Ware
Melissa Burton Green Valley GA
8:27 AM 4 Red(W) Jodi Block + Kimberly Cunningham + Nicolina Kelly
Mimi Oliveira LPGA Amateur GA-RI
11:54 AM 4 Red(W) Diane Stover + Linda Sousa + Winnie Lamothe
Mindy Sherwin Ledgemont CC
9:30 AM 4 Yellow (W) Cathy Oresman + Debbie Kohl-Benharris + Laurie Given
Mj Archambault Crestwood CC
8:45 AM 4 Red(W) Christine Sanders + Deborah McMahon + Doreen Grasso
Nancy Avila Crestwood CC
9:39 AM 4 Red(W) Doris Angers + Lisa Leite + Tena Dameron
Nancy Greer Triggs Memorial GC
10:06 AM 4 Red(W) Carolyn Pacheco + Dorothy Murray + Robyn Sisti
Nancy Rehor Button Hole GC
12:21 PM 4 Red(W) Barbara Fontaine + Barbara Hamel + Valerie Hamel
Nicolina Kelly Montaup CC
8:27 AM 4 Red(W) Jodi Block + Kimberly Cunningham + Melissa Burton
Pamela Brissette LPGA Amateur GA-RI
12:48 PM 4 Red(W) Jacqueline Gagne + Karen Terra + Pamela Romano
Pamela Brodeur Triggs Memorial GC
9:57 AM 4 Red(W) Dawn Giguere + Judy Gravier + Linda Darosa
Pamela Romano Montaup CC
12:48 PM 4 Red(W) Jacqueline Gagne + Karen Terra + Pamela Brissette
Patricia Ianiere LPGA Amateur GA-RI
8:00 AM 4 Yellow (W) Jill Albanese + Jillian Blanchard + Wendy Ossman
Patti Delvecchio Foster CC
12:12 PM 4 Red(W) Andrea Reynolds + Linda Paolozzi + Meg Schlageter
Patty Matthews Green Valley GA
8:36 AM 4 Red(W) Becky Reo + Martha Giarratano + Terri Birmingham
Robin Gershkoff Triggs Memorial GC
11:09 AM 4 Red(W) Diane Bentley + Joyce Comstock + Suzette Gervais
Robin Ramey Green Valley GA
11:00 AM 4 Yellow (W) Cindy Silvia + Jackie Booth + Jennifer Hendrick-Mccrory
Robyn Sisti Triggs Memorial GC
10:06 AM 4 Red(W) Carolyn Pacheco + Dorothy Murray + Nancy Greer
Rosemarie Hayes The Aquidneck Club
10:24 AM 4 Red(W) Cheryl Pryor + MaryAnne Miller Allan + susan Korber
Sandra Harper Triggs Memorial GC
10:51 AM 4 Red(W) Louise Thornton + Luann Dias + Yung Park
Sandra Radcliffe Agawam Hunt
9:12 AM 4 Red(W) Lisa Cabral + Trish Labossiere + Yanna Tow
Sarah Santos Kirkbrae CC
9:48 AM 4 Yellow (W) Jennifer Calabro + Katy Berard + Lisa Corrigan
Sharon McGinnis Jamestown GC
12:57 PM 4 Red(W) Beverly Herter + Carol Santangini + Mary Riley
Shawna Evans USGA/RI GC
12:30 PM 4 Red(W) Celeste Fournier + Cynthia Cooper + Laura Tingley
Shirley McGuire Foster CC
11:45 AM 4 Red(W) Carolyn Dias + Jeannine Vachon + JoAnn Bourque
Sue Reavey Triggs Memorial GC
9:03 AM 4 Red(W) Barbara Davis + Catherine Parente + Linda Albamonti
Sue Winter Point Judith CC
11:36 AM 4 Red(W) Jean Lemieux + Laurie Connors + Linda Kortick
Susan Ware Wanumetonomy G&CC
8:09 AM 4 Yellow (W) Jane Lippincott + Leony Hartig + Melanie Henderson
Susan Wyatt Potowomut GC
10:42 AM 4 Red(W) Allison Field + Cecilia Cooper + Deb Cyronak
Suzanne Pettit Green Valley GA
10:33 AM 4 Red(W) Barbara Keller + Carol Velasco + Elaine Crawford
Suzette Gervais Triggs Memorial GC
11:09 AM 4 Red(W) Diane Bentley + Joyce Comstock + Robin Gershkoff
Tena Dameron Kirkbrae CC
9:39 AM 4 Red(W) Doris Angers + Lisa Leite + Nancy Avila
Terri Birmingham Green Valley GA
8:36 AM 4 Red(W) Becky Reo + Martha Giarratano + Patty Matthews
Tonia Mason Triggs Memorial GC
11:18 AM 4 Red(W) Jane Robinson + Jen Riley + Kathy Pazera
Trish Labossiere Triggs Memorial GC
9:12 AM 4 Red(W) Lisa Cabral + Sandra Radcliffe + Yanna Tow
Trudy Dufault Montaup CC
8:54 AM 4 Red(W) Elizabeth Penkala + Linda Anderson + Margaret Murphy
Valerie Hamel Button Hole GC
12:21 PM 4 Red(W) Barbara Fontaine + Barbara Hamel + Nancy Rehor
Wendy Ossman Ledgemont CC
8:00 AM 4 Yellow (W) Jill Albanese + Jillian Blanchard + Patricia Ianiere
Winnie Lamothe Jamestown GC
11:54 AM 4 Red(W) Diane Stover + Linda Sousa + Mimi Oliveira
Yanna Tow LPGA Amateur GA-RI
9:12 AM 4 Red(W) Lisa Cabral + Sandra Radcliffe + Trish Labossiere
Yung Park Triggs Memorial GC
10:51 AM 4 Red(W) Louise Thornton + Luann Dias + Sandra Harper
susan Korber Ledgemont CC
10:24 AM 4 Red(W) Cheryl Pryor + MaryAnne Miller Allan + Rosemarie Hayes