2023 Massachusetts Amateur Qualifier - Springfield CC Tee Sheet

Tue, June 6

SPRINGFIELD COUNTRY CLUB - Archived on 08-08-2023 / |
Time Players
SPRINGFIELD COUNTRY CLUB - Archived on 08-08-2023
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
A.J. Oleksak GreatHorse
8:20 AM | Graham Small | Jack Murphy
Amos Nissenbaum Quaboag Country Club
7:30 AM | Evan Rutherford | Jacob Peterson
Andrew Johnson Gardner Municipal Golf Course
1:40 PM | John Ezekowitz | Keith Regalbuti
Austin Rupp Longmeadow Country Club
11:40 AM | Matthew Borghi | Ryan Blossom
Benjamin Wosky Crestview Country Club
8:50 AM | Chris Suchy | Mark Matza
Brendan Carr Granite Links Golf Club
9:20 AM | Michael Knight
Brian Bak Orchards Golf Club
1:00 PM | Michael Beck | Patrick Martin
Brian Foley Springfield Country Club
8:30 AM | Jonathan Hill | Keith Orlen
Brooks Young The Fliers Club
9:10 AM | Mark Montemagni | Tyler Cudnik
Bryce Piemonte Tekoa Country Club
1:30 PM | David Marseglia | Jim Patterson
Chris Ballard Shaker Hills Country Club
1:20 PM | Jon Wilcox | Matt Castonguay
Chris Bourbeau Country Club of Greenfield
11:00 AM | Nicholas Monfreda | Rick Moreau
Chris Scott Twin Hills Country Club
12:00 PM | David Selbovitz | John Bowen
Chris Suchy Chicopee Country Club
8:50 AM | Benjamin Wosky | Mark Matza
Cole Banning Youth on Course/Mass Golf
12:40 PM | Michael Sosik | Nicholas Li
Colin Dowd Crumpin-Fox Club
8:10 AM | Jake Berkio | Josh Gurman
Connor Phillips Longmeadow Country Club
7:50 AM | Matthew Johnson | Sam Doucette
Damon Lusk Meadow Brook Golf Club
12:50 PM | Joe Brosseau1 | Paul Montecalvo
Dave Smith Springfield Country Club
9:30 AM | Harold Goetsch | Jake Socha
David Holmes Blackstone National Golf Club
11:30 AM | Joseph Lafleur | Michael Altobello
David Marseglia Framingham Country Club
1:30 PM | Bryce Piemonte | Jim Patterson
David Pope Essex County Club
1:10 PM | Pieter Hartman
David Selbovitz Thomson Country Club
12:00 PM | Chris Scott | John Bowen
Doug Briggs Trull Brook Golf Course
12:10 PM | Nick Frigo | Sean Savage
Drew George Springfield Country Club
8:40 AM | Jordan Walker | Ryan Kangas
Eric Tidman Worcester Country Club
10:20 AM | Nathaniel Kabogoh | Sean Gaudette
Evan Boyle GreatHorse
7:40 AM | Kevin Quinn | Matt Dobosh
Evan Rutherford Amherst Golf Club
7:30 AM | Amos Nissenbaum | Jacob Peterson
Graham Small Charter Oak Country Club
8:20 AM | A.J. Oleksak | Jack Murphy
Gunnar Moore Country Club of Greenfield
9:50 AM | Michael Keefe | Robert Carpentier
Harold Goetsch Wedgewood Pines Country Club
9:30 AM | Dave Smith | Jake Socha
Jack Murphy Bradford Country Club
8:20 AM | A.J. Oleksak | Graham Small
Jacob Peterson Orchards Golf Club
7:30 AM | Amos Nissenbaum | Evan Rutherford
Jake Berkio Oak Hill Country Club
8:10 AM | Colin Dowd | Josh Gurman
Jake ORourke Bayberry Hills / Bass River
9:40 AM | Sean Kavanagh
Jake Socha Longmeadow Country Club
9:30 AM | Dave Smith | Harold Goetsch
Jarred Huggins Mount Pleasant Golf Club
11:10 AM | Matt Perry | Peter Mullin
Jed Moller Plymouth Country Club
12:30 PM | Pat Landers | Ted Lyon
Jim Patterson Orchards Golf Club
1:30 PM | Bryce Piemonte | David Marseglia
Joe Brosseau1 GreatHorse
12:50 PM | Damon Lusk | Paul Montecalvo
John Bowen Green Hill Muni Golf Course
12:00 PM | Chris Scott | David Selbovitz
John Ezekowitz Belmont Country Club
1:40 PM | Andrew Johnson | Keith Regalbuti
Jon Wilcox Meadow Brook Golf Club
1:20 PM | Chris Ballard | Matt Castonguay
Jonathan Hill Granite Links Golf Club
8:30 AM | Brian Foley | Keith Orlen
Jordan Walker Worcester Country Club
8:40 AM | Drew George | Ryan Kangas
Joseph Lafleur Ludlow Country Club
11:30 AM | David Holmes | Michael Altobello
Joseph Volk Longmeadow Country Club
11:20 AM | Mickey Foley | Ryan Stacy
Josh Gurman Thorny Lea Golf Club
8:10 AM | Colin Dowd | Jake Berkio
Keith Burch Crumpin-Fox Club
10:10 AM | Michael Mertes
Keith Orlen Framingham Country Club
8:30 AM | Brian Foley | Jonathan Hill
Keith Regalbuti TPC Boston
1:40 PM | Andrew Johnson | John Ezekowitz
Kevin Quinn Charles River Country Club
7:40 AM | Evan Boyle | Matt Dobosh
Kyle Hughes Springfield Country Club
8:00 AM | Michael Small | Zach Carney
Luis Teixeira Ludlow Country Club
10:30 AM | Matthew Hutchinson | Paul Chmura
Mark Matza Granite Links Golf Club
8:50 AM | Benjamin Wosky | Chris Suchy
Mark Montemagni George Wright Golf Course
9:10 AM | Brooks Young | Tyler Cudnik
Matt Castonguay Springfield Country Club
1:20 PM | Chris Ballard | Jon Wilcox
Matt Dobosh Oak Hill Country Club
7:40 AM | Evan Boyle | Kevin Quinn
Matt Perry Springfield Country Club
11:10 AM | Jarred Huggins | Peter Mullin
Matthew Andrade Pine Meadows Golf Club
10:00 AM | Michael Diclemente | Tommy Monteiro
Matthew Borghi Whitinsville Golf Club
11:40 AM | Austin Rupp | Ryan Blossom
Matthew Hutchinson Springfield Country Club
10:30 AM | Luis Teixeira | Paul Chmura
Matthew Johnson Charter Oak Country Club
7:50 AM | Connor Phillips | Sam Doucette
Michael Altobello Wyantenuck Country Club
11:30 AM | David Holmes | Joseph Lafleur
Michael Beck Westover Golf Course
1:00 PM | Brian Bak | Patrick Martin
Michael Diclemente Springfield Country Club
10:00 AM | Matthew Andrade | Tommy Monteiro
Michael Keefe Cold Spring Country Club
9:50 AM | Gunnar Moore | Robert Carpentier
Michael Knight Twin Hills Country Club
9:20 AM | Brendan Carr
Michael Kroll Orchards Golf Club
10:50 AM | Michael Petrick | Ryan Towle
Michael Mertes Wyckoff Country Club
10:10 AM | Keith Burch
Michael Petrick GreatHorse
10:50 AM | Michael Kroll | Ryan Towle
Michael Small Charter Oak Country Club
8:00 AM | Kyle Hughes | Zach Carney
Michael Sosik GreatHorse
12:40 PM | Cole Banning | Nicholas Li
Mickey Foley Springfield Country Club
11:20 AM | Joseph Volk | Ryan Stacy
Nathaniel Kabogoh Trull Brook Golf Course
10:20 AM | Eric Tidman | Sean Gaudette
Ned Dean Hopkinton Country Club
11:50 AM | Nick Demaio | Peter Wurszt
Nicholas Li Five Iron Golf - Boston
12:40 PM | Cole Banning | Michael Sosik
Nicholas Monfreda Pleasant Valley Country Club
11:00 AM | Chris Bourbeau | Rick Moreau
Nick Demaio Springfield Country Club
11:50 AM | Ned Dean | Peter Wurszt
Nick Frigo GreatHorse
12:10 PM | Doug Briggs | Sean Savage
Pat Landers Oak Ridge Golf Club
12:30 PM | Jed Moller | Ted Lyon
Patrick Martin Springfield Country Club
1:00 PM | Brian Bak | Michael Beck
Paul Chmura Orchards Golf Club
10:30 AM | Luis Teixeira | Matthew Hutchinson
Paul Montecalvo The Golf Club at Turner Hill
12:50 PM | Damon Lusk | Joe Brosseau1
Peter Mullin Hyannisport Club
11:10 AM | Jarred Huggins | Matt Perry
Peter Wurszt Country Club of Wilbraham
11:50 AM | Ned Dean | Nick Demaio
Pieter Hartman Orchards Golf Club
1:10 PM | David Pope
Rick Moreau Vesper Country Club
11:00 AM | Chris Bourbeau | Nicholas Monfreda
Robert Carpentier Andover Country Club
9:50 AM | Gunnar Moore | Michael Keefe
Ryan Blossom Falmouth Country Club
11:40 AM | Austin Rupp | Matthew Borghi
Ryan Kangas Taconic Golf Club
8:40 AM | Drew George | Jordan Walker
Ryan Stacy Pleasant Valley Country Club
11:20 AM | Joseph Volk | Mickey Foley
Ryan Towle Tekoa Country Club
10:50 AM | Michael Kroll | Michael Petrick
Sam Doucette Springfield Country Club
7:50 AM | Connor Phillips | Matthew Johnson
Sean Gaudette Granite Links Golf Club
10:20 AM | Eric Tidman | Nathaniel Kabogoh
Sean Kavanagh Springfield Country Club
9:40 AM | Jake ORourke
Sean Savage Winchester Country Club
12:10 PM | Doug Briggs | Nick Frigo
Ted Lyon Winchester Country Club
12:30 PM | Jed Moller | Pat Landers
Tommy Monteiro Country Club of New Bedford
10:00 AM | Matthew Andrade | Michael Diclemente
Tyler Cudnik Country Club of Wilbraham
9:10 AM | Brooks Young | Mark Montemagni
Zach Carney Longmeadow Country Club
8:00 AM | Kyle Hughes | Michael Small