U.S. Open Local Qualifier Tee Sheet

US Open Local - Mon, May 1

The Country Club of Sioux Falls - Archived on 05-17-2024 / USGA White
Time Players
The Country Club of Sioux Falls - Archived on 05-17-2024
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Aaron Clausen
10:40 AM USGA White Colton Kooima + Matt Bennett
Adam Saban
8:20 AM USGA White Corey Matthey + Randy Gresh
Alex Bradley
10:20 AM USGA White Bennett Lundy + Thomas Strandemo
Andre Metzger
9:00 AM USGA White Reed Malleck + Sam Hallman
Andrew Bauer
8:10 AM USGA White Cameron Chhim + Sam Anderson
Andrew Farrand
8:30 AM USGA White Bill Allcorn + Glenn Walls
Andrew Levitt
12:00 PM USGA White Kayde Bartels + Peter Lansburgh
Andrew Petersen
11:30 AM USGA White Brock Murphy + Jonathan Curran
Andrew Smeal
11:00 AM USGA White Jackson Thompson + Ryan Anema
Andrew Womeldorf
12:30 PM USGA White Luke Kluver + Mats Lund
Andrew Wyatt
11:40 AM USGA White Jacob Otta + Will Mulder
Austin Rene
9:10 AM USGA White Cole Gritton + Tate Olson
Bennett Lundy
10:20 AM USGA White Alex Bradley + Thomas Strandemo
Bill Allcorn
8:30 AM USGA White Andrew Farrand + Glenn Walls
Billy Keane
10:10 AM USGA White Chase Nathe + Peyton Savageau
Blaine Buhr
9:20 AM USGA White Frederick Freddy Bullock + Jon Trasamar
Blake Northagen
10:50 AM USGA White Jeep Patrick + Maxwell Tjoa
Bob West
9:30 AM USGA White Jack Tanner + Mikael Zuidema
Braden Bernaldo
9:50 AM USGA White Chris Gilman + James Green
Brock Murphy
11:30 AM USGA White Andrew Petersen + Jonathan Curran
Caleb Christensen
11:20 AM USGA White Hayden Scott + Liam Sarmiento
Cameron Chhim
8:10 AM USGA White Andrew Bauer + Sam Anderson
Cameron White
8:50 AM USGA White Tom Carlson + Trey Jacobson
Chase Nathe
10:10 AM USGA White Billy Keane + Peyton Savageau
Chris Gilman
9:50 AM USGA White Braden Bernaldo + James Green
Cole Gritton
9:10 AM USGA White Austin Rene + Tate Olson
Cole Harste
8:40 AM USGA White Johnathon Thompson + Nick Voke
Colton Kooima
10:40 AM USGA White Aaron Clausen + Matt Bennett
Corey Matthey
8:20 AM USGA White Adam Saban + Randy Gresh
Craig Flenniken
10:00 AM USGA White Kaden Rylance + Trey Even
Frederick Freddy Bullock
9:20 AM USGA White Blaine Buhr + Jon Trasamar
Glenn Walls
8:30 AM USGA White Andrew Farrand + Bill Allcorn
Gunar Rang
9:40 AM USGA White Parker Schultz + Rylee Reinertson
Hayden Scott
11:20 AM USGA White Caleb Christensen + Liam Sarmiento
Hunter Baum
8:00 AM USGA White Jake Olson + Samuel Storey
Jack Lundin
10:30 AM USGA White Jonathon Murdy + Nicholas Foker
Jack Tanner
9:30 AM USGA White Bob West + Mikael Zuidema
Jackson Thompson
11:00 AM USGA White Andrew Smeal + Ryan Anema
Jacob Otta
11:40 AM USGA White Andrew Wyatt + Will Mulder
Jake Olson
8:00 AM USGA White Hunter Baum + Samuel Storey
James Green
9:50 AM USGA White Braden Bernaldo + Chris Gilman
James Hayes
12:20 PM USGA White Tommy Vining + Ty Lenards
Jeep Patrick
10:50 AM USGA White Blake Northagen + Maxwell Tjoa
Jeff Meyerink
11:50 AM USGA White Travis Ingstad + Wes Buntenbach
Johnathon Thompson
8:40 AM USGA White Cole Harste + Nick Voke
Jon Trasamar
9:20 AM USGA White Blaine Buhr + Frederick Freddy Bullock
Jonathan Curran
11:30 AM USGA White Andrew Petersen + Brock Murphy
Jonathon Murdy
10:30 AM USGA White Jack Lundin + Nicholas Foker
Kaden Rylance
10:00 AM USGA White Craig Flenniken + Trey Even
Kayde Bartels
12:00 PM USGA White Andrew Levitt + Peter Lansburgh
Keith Wade
12:10 PM USGA White Noah Fick + Tyler Krajewski
Liam Sarmiento
11:20 AM USGA White Caleb Christensen + Hayden Scott
Lucas Johnson
11:10 AM USGA White Radley Mauney + Riley Tuffs
Luke Kluver
12:30 PM USGA White Andrew Womeldorf + Mats Lund
Mats Lund
12:30 PM USGA White Andrew Womeldorf + Luke Kluver
Matt Bennett
10:40 AM USGA White Aaron Clausen + Colton Kooima
Maxwell Tjoa
10:50 AM USGA White Blake Northagen + Jeep Patrick
Mikael Zuidema
9:30 AM USGA White Bob West + Jack Tanner
Nicholas Foker
10:30 AM USGA White Jack Lundin + Jonathon Murdy
Nick Voke
8:40 AM USGA White Cole Harste + Johnathon Thompson
Noah Fick
12:10 PM USGA White Keith Wade + Tyler Krajewski
Parker Schultz
9:40 AM USGA White Gunar Rang + Rylee Reinertson
Peter Lansburgh
12:00 PM USGA White Andrew Levitt + Kayde Bartels
Peyton Savageau
10:10 AM USGA White Billy Keane + Chase Nathe
Radley Mauney
11:10 AM USGA White Lucas Johnson + Riley Tuffs
Randy Gresh
8:20 AM USGA White Adam Saban + Corey Matthey
Reed Malleck
9:00 AM USGA White Andre Metzger + Sam Hallman
Riley Tuffs
11:10 AM USGA White Lucas Johnson + Radley Mauney
Ryan Anema
11:00 AM USGA White Andrew Smeal + Jackson Thompson
Rylee Reinertson
9:40 AM USGA White Gunar Rang + Parker Schultz
Sam Anderson
8:10 AM USGA White Andrew Bauer + Cameron Chhim
Sam Hallman
9:00 AM USGA White Andre Metzger + Reed Malleck
Samuel Storey
8:00 AM USGA White Hunter Baum + Jake Olson
Tate Olson
9:10 AM USGA White Austin Rene + Cole Gritton
Thomas Strandemo
10:20 AM USGA White Alex Bradley + Bennett Lundy
Tom Carlson
8:50 AM USGA White Cameron White + Trey Jacobson
Tommy Vining
12:20 PM USGA White James Hayes + Ty Lenards
Travis Ingstad
11:50 AM USGA White Jeff Meyerink + Wes Buntenbach
Trey Even
10:00 AM USGA White Craig Flenniken + Kaden Rylance
Trey Jacobson
8:50 AM USGA White Cameron White + Tom Carlson
Ty Lenards
12:20 PM USGA White James Hayes + Tommy Vining
Tyler Krajewski
12:10 PM USGA White Keith Wade + Noah Fick
Wes Buntenbach
11:50 AM USGA White Jeff Meyerink + Travis Ingstad
Will Mulder
11:40 AM USGA White Andrew Wyatt + Jacob Otta