16th Parent/Child-Middle Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Thu, June 8

Bala Golf Club - Archived on 12-20-2023 / Parent Child
Time Players
Bala Golf Club - Archived on 12-20-2023
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Dzwonczyk , Thomas Country Club of Scranton
9:50 AM Parent Child Dzwonczyk, Thomas + Speake, Jack + Speake, Jim
Dzwonczyk, Thomas Country Club of Scranton
9:50 AM Parent Child Dzwonczyk , Thomas + Speake, Jack + Speake, Jim
Fant, Jake Chester Valley Golf Club
9:20 AM Parent Child Fant, Terry + Reilly, Jeffrey + Reilly, Jeffrey1
Fant, Terry Chester Valley Golf Club
9:20 AM Parent Child Fant, Jake + Reilly, Jeffrey + Reilly, Jeffrey1
Fazio, Bryce Huntingdon Valley Country Club
10:30 AM Parent Child Fazio, Michael + Isztwan, Andy + Isztwan, Patrick
Fazio, Michael Huntingdon Valley Country Club
10:30 AM Parent Child Fazio, Bryce + Isztwan, Andy + Isztwan, Patrick
Finn, Patrick DuPont Country Club
10:50 AM Parent Child Finn, Tom + Gillespie, James + Gillespie, James1
Finn, Tom DuPont Country Club
10:50 AM Parent Child Finn, Patrick + Gillespie, James + Gillespie, James1
Gillespie, James Concord Country Club
10:50 AM Parent Child Finn, Patrick + Finn, Tom + Gillespie, James1
Gillespie, James1 Concord Country Club
10:50 AM Parent Child Finn, Patrick + Finn, Tom + Gillespie, James
Griffaton, Benjamin Bellewood Country Club
11:00 AM Parent Child Griffaton, George + Matteo, Christopher + Matteo, Nicholas
Griffaton, George Bellewood Country Club
11:00 AM Parent Child Griffaton, Benjamin + Matteo, Christopher + Matteo, Nicholas
Hollander, Jeff Kennett Square Golf & Country Club
10:40 AM Parent Child Hollander, Taylor + McNamara, Sean + McNamara, Steve
Hollander, Taylor Kennett Square Golf & Country Club
10:40 AM Parent Child Hollander, Jeff + McNamara, Sean + McNamara, Steve
Hurchalla, Charlie The Springhaven Club
8:40 AM Parent Child Hurchalla, Greg + Lorenson, George + Lorenson, Tommy
Hurchalla, Greg The Springhaven Club
8:40 AM Parent Child Hurchalla, Charlie + Lorenson, George + Lorenson, Tommy
Isztwan, Andy Huntingdon Valley Country Club
10:30 AM Parent Child Fazio, Bryce + Fazio, Michael + Isztwan, Patrick
Isztwan, Patrick Huntingdon Valley Country Club
10:30 AM Parent Child Fazio, Bryce + Fazio, Michael + Isztwan, Andy
Kantor, Eli The Peninsula Golf and Country Club
8:50 AM Parent Child Kantor, Michael + Stewart, Glenn + Stewart, Patrick
Kantor, Michael The Peninsula Golf & Country Club
8:50 AM Parent Child Kantor, Eli + Stewart, Glenn + Stewart, Patrick
Kelly, Kevin Philadelphia Cricket Club
9:40 AM Parent Child Kelly, Ryan + Roberts, Gary + Roberts, Kevin
Kelly, Ryan Philadelphia Cricket Club
9:40 AM Parent Child Kelly, Kevin + Roberts, Gary + Roberts, Kevin
LaRosa, Christopher Cedarbrook Country Club
8:20 AM Parent Child LaRosa, David + Smith, Greg + Smith, Matt
LaRosa, David Cedarbrook Country Club
8:20 AM Parent Child LaRosa, Christopher + Smith, Greg + Smith, Matt
Lafond, Dan Commonwealth National Golf Club
8:10 AM Parent Child Lafond, Eric + Lafond, Mark + Lafond, Matt
Lafond, Eric Commonwealth National Golf Club
8:10 AM Parent Child Lafond, Dan + Lafond, Mark + Lafond, Matt
Lafond, Mark Blue Bell Country Club
8:10 AM Parent Child Lafond, Dan + Lafond, Eric + Lafond, Matt
Lafond, Matt Blue Bell Country Club
8:10 AM Parent Child Lafond, Dan + Lafond, Eric + Lafond, Mark
Lorenson, George Bluestone Country Club
8:40 AM Parent Child Hurchalla, Charlie + Hurchalla, Greg + Lorenson, Tommy
Lorenson, Tommy Bluestone Country Club
8:40 AM Parent Child Hurchalla, Charlie + Hurchalla, Greg + Lorenson, George
Marshalek, John Coatesville Country Club
8:30 AM Parent Child Marshalek, Stephen + Ross, Derek + Ross, Marc
Marshalek, Stephen Philadelphia Publinks Golf Association
8:30 AM Parent Child Marshalek, John + Ross, Derek + Ross, Marc
Matteo, Christopher LuLu Country Club
11:00 AM Parent Child Griffaton, Benjamin + Griffaton, George + Matteo, Nicholas
Matteo, Nicholas LuLu Country Club
11:00 AM Parent Child Griffaton, Benjamin + Griffaton, George + Matteo, Christopher
McDonald, Collin Cedarbrook Country Club
10:10 AM Parent Child McDonald, James + Watson, Luke + Watson, Troy
McDonald, James Cedarbrook Country Club
10:10 AM Parent Child McDonald, Collin + Watson, Luke + Watson, Troy
McNamara, Sean Bent Creek Country Club
10:40 AM Parent Child Hollander, Jeff + Hollander, Taylor + McNamara, Steve
McNamara, Steve Bent Creek Country Club
10:40 AM Parent Child Hollander, Jeff + Hollander, Taylor + McNamara, Sean
Qawasmy, Jr., Roben Indian Valley Country Club
9:30 AM Parent Child Qawasmy, Roben + Schnur, Mike + Schnur, Nicholas
Qawasmy, Roben Indian Valley Country Club
9:30 AM Parent Child Qawasmy, Jr., Roben + Schnur, Mike + Schnur, Nicholas
Quirk, Jack Huntingdon Valley Country Club
10:20 AM Parent Child Quirk, John + Wiseman, Ben + Wiseman, John
Quirk, John Huntingdon Valley Country Club
10:20 AM Parent Child Quirk, Jack + Wiseman, Ben + Wiseman, John
Reilly, Jeffrey Galloway National Golf Club
9:20 AM Parent Child Fant, Jake + Fant, Terry + Reilly, Jeffrey1
Reilly, Jeffrey1 Galloway National Golf Club
9:20 AM Parent Child Fant, Jake + Fant, Terry + Reilly, Jeffrey
Roberts, Gary LuLu Country Club
9:40 AM Parent Child Kelly, Kevin + Kelly, Ryan + Roberts, Kevin
Roberts, Kevin LuLu Country Club
9:40 AM Parent Child Kelly, Kevin + Kelly, Ryan + Roberts, Gary
Ross, Derek Five Ponds Golf Club
8:30 AM Parent Child Marshalek, John + Marshalek, Stephen + Ross, Marc
Ross, Marc Bensalem Country Club
8:30 AM Parent Child Marshalek, John + Marshalek, Stephen + Ross, Derek
Schafer , Michael Llanerch Country Club
9:10 AM Parent Child Schafer, Mike + Templin, Jake + Templin, Joseph
Schafer, Mike Llanerch Country Club
9:10 AM Parent Child Schafer , Michael + Templin, Jake + Templin, Joseph
Schnur, Mike Whitemarsh Valley Country Club
9:30 AM Parent Child Qawasmy, Jr., Roben + Qawasmy, Roben + Schnur, Nicholas
Schnur, Nicholas Whitemarsh Valley Country Club
9:30 AM Parent Child Qawasmy, Jr., Roben + Qawasmy, Roben + Schnur, Mike
Smith, Greg Bidermann Golf Club
8:20 AM Parent Child LaRosa, Christopher + LaRosa, David + Smith, Matt
Smith, Matt Bidermann Golf Club
8:20 AM Parent Child LaRosa, Christopher + LaRosa, David + Smith, Greg
Speake, Jack Bala Golf Club
9:50 AM Parent Child Dzwonczyk , Thomas + Dzwonczyk, Thomas + Speake, Jim
Speake, Jim Tavistock Country Club
9:50 AM Parent Child Dzwonczyk , Thomas + Dzwonczyk, Thomas + Speake, Jack
Stagliano, Andrew Burlington Country Club
11:10 AM Parent Child Stagliano, Michael + Tierney, John + Tierney, Kevin
Stagliano, Michael Medford Village Country Club
11:10 AM Parent Child Stagliano, Andrew + Tierney, John + Tierney, Kevin
Stewart, Glenn Pinecrest Country Club
8:50 AM Parent Child Kantor, Eli + Kantor, Michael + Stewart, Patrick
Stewart, Patrick USGA/GAP GC
8:50 AM Parent Child Kantor, Eli + Kantor, Michael + Stewart, Glenn
Templin, Jake LedgeRock Golf Club
9:10 AM Parent Child Schafer , Michael + Schafer, Mike + Templin, Joseph
Templin, Joseph LedgeRock Golf Club
9:10 AM Parent Child Schafer , Michael + Schafer, Mike + Templin, Jake
Tierney, Jack Merchantville Country Club
8:00 AM Parent Child Tierney, John1
Tierney, John Merchantville Country Club
11:10 AM Parent Child Stagliano, Andrew + Stagliano, Michael + Tierney, Kevin
Tierney, John1 Merchantville Country Club
8:00 AM Parent Child Tierney, Jack
Tierney, Kevin Merchantville Country Club
11:10 AM Parent Child Stagliano, Andrew + Stagliano, Michael + Tierney, John
Watson, Luke RiverCrest GC & Preserve
10:10 AM Parent Child McDonald, Collin + McDonald, James + Watson, Troy
Watson, Troy Raven's Claw Golf Club
10:10 AM Parent Child McDonald, Collin + McDonald, James + Watson, Luke
Wiseman, Ben Talamore CC
10:20 AM Parent Child Quirk, Jack + Quirk, John + Wiseman, John
Wiseman, John Talamore Country Club
10:20 AM Parent Child Quirk, Jack + Quirk, John + Wiseman, Ben