Player Roster
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Last Name | First Name | Affiliation | Handle |
Boothe | Tish | - | Tish Boothe |
Buckner | Renee | - | Renee Buckner |
Christians | Noreen | - | Noreen Christians |
Corkrean | Jennifer | - | Jennifer Corkrean |
Dethrow | Carroll | - | Carroll Dethrow |
Fairlie | Leeann | - | Leeann Fairlie |
Grimes | Kelly | - | Kelly Grimes |
Howell | Mary | - | Mary Howell |
Huser | Geri | - | Geri Huser |
Jones | Tina | - | Tina Jones |
Ketcham | Stacey | - | Stacey Ketcham |
Klein | Michelle | - | Michelle Klein |
Kubesheski | Rosalie | - | Rosalie Kubesheski |
Larocca | Leighann | - | Leighann Larocca |
Leszczynski | Laura | - | Laura Leszczynski |
Miller | Nicki | - | Nicki Miller |
Pilot | Claudia | - | Claudia Pilot |
Schwartzkopf | Janece | - | Janece Schwartzkopf |
Sievers | Lucy | - | Lucy Sievers |
Wanek | Elizabeth | - | Elizabeth Wanek |
Webb | Robin | - | Robin Webb |
Wilcox | Mindy | - | Mindy Wilcox |