Player Roster
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Waitlisted Players
Handle | H.I.™ | Team Id |
Brendan Hopps | 4.3 | 106 |
Brent Taylor | 8.0 | 89 |
Chris Evans | 4.9 | 97 |
Cliff Canfield | 8.7 | 86 |
David Creed | 4.1 | 87 |
Dillan Sheppard | 8.7 | 93 |
Herb Bone | 10.0 | 83 |
Jason Symonds | 5.7 | 92 |
Jason Wheat | 17.6 | 93 |
Joe Snook | 11.8 | 86 |
Kazuhito Koishida | 3.3 | 99 |
Kevin Lavery | 3.0 | 92 |
Kyle Fish | +0.9 | 87 |
Landon Russell | 2.2 | 85 |
Luke Russell | 5.4 | 85 |
Rikuya Koishida | 17.8 | 99 |
Sam Shelton | 5.6 | 83 |
Scott Gordon | 5.7 | 106 |
Steven Shroyer | 3.7 | 89 |
Todd Morris | 9.7 | 97 |