2022 CGA Women's Mashie Championship Tee Sheet

Finals - Wed, May 25

Willis Case Golf Course
Time Hole Players Hole Players
7:30 AM 1
LaVerne Brookie (25) Homestead Weekend Women
Sherri Fields (26) LPGA Amateur Golf Association
Kay Boyle (24) Eagle Trace LGA-18
Kim Ellison (27) Eagle Trace LGA-18
Bunny Ambrose (27) Riverdale WGA
Sandra Schnitzer (24) Broadlands WGA 18
Marcia Hall (27) Overland Park WGC
Susie Goldberg (24) Overland Park WGC
7:40 AM 1
Brenda Chergo (23) West Woods WGA 18
Dee Martinez (27) West Woods WGA 18
Kathy Nold (27) Littleton LGC Women's 18
Patricia Graham (21) South Suburban LGA 18
Kim Buck (22) Fossil Trace WGA
Leticia Overholt (25) Fossil Trace WGA
Pat Gibson (25) Southridge Golf Course
Tammy Hitchens (19) Hyland Hills WGA 18
7:50 AM 1
Barbara Harrison (22) Foothills LGA-18
JoAnn Smith (19) Foothills LGA-18
Ro Troia (20) Broadlands WGA 18
Toni Mench (24) Broadlands WGA 18
Ann Priestman (23) Overland Park WGC
Heidi Cies (20) Overland Park WGC
Cher Tufly (24) Willis Case WGA
Laura Fischer (21) Willis Case WGA
8:00 AM 1
Marita Rhea (22) Omni Interlocken Resort WGA
Tracy Granucci (16) Omni Interlocken Resort WGA
Carol Iwata (20) Blackstone/Black Bear LGA
Terri Knight (19) LPGA Amateur Golf Association
Betty-Ann Wittenberg (21) Broken Tee Women's Saturday 18
Helen Robinette (18) South Suburban LGA 18
Mary Smith (18) Fox Hollow LGA-18
Suzanne Elkins (22) Fox Hollow Women's 9 Hole League
8:10 AM 1
Kerri Williams (16) Blackstone/Black Bear LGA
Sandra Miller (19) Blackstone/Black Bear LGA
Claudia Gallegos (14) South Suburban LGA 18
Harriet Daigle (20) Raccoon Creek Ladies 18
Paula Sinn-Penfold (19) Lake Valley WGA
Sharon Atcheson (17) Lake Valley WGA
Jenny Elliott (18) Foothills LGA-18
Nanette Neelan (18) Fox Hollow LGA-18
8:20 AM 1
Kathy Springer (18) Foothills LGA-18
Pam Schmidt (15) Broken Tee Women's Saturday 18
Lynn Skallerud (18) South Suburban LGA 18
Valerie Schulte (15) Littleton LGC Women's 18
Kay Geitner (18) Littleton LGC Women's 18
Nancy McGee (15) Lone Tree LGA-18
Cindy Ortega (15) Foothills LGA-18
Kathy Diehl (17) Broken Tee Women's Saturday 18
8:30 AM 1
Tammy Voegele (16) Highlands Ranch(Du) Tues LGA
Trudy Cocroft (15) Fox Hollow Women's 9 Hole League
Karen Lesko (16) Metro Denver eClub
Molly Huntsman (15) Broken Tee Women's Saturday 18
Linda Krikorian (15) Meadow Hills Working Women
Rosemary Smith (12) Commonground WGC
Linda Schippers (12) Heritage Eagle Bend WGA
Sherrie Gambrell (17) Heritage Eagle Bend WGA
8:40 AM 1
Kelly McCormick (11) Club at Inverness LGA
Paula Noonan (13) Inverness LGA
Gina DeLarber (15) Murphy Creek WGA
Tanya Saavedra (11) Foothills LGA-18
Annie Fox (14) Indian Peaks WGA
Karen Deierhoi (13) Indian Peaks WGA
Lori Gude (10) Coyote Creek LGA
Paulette Jerpe (14) Fox Hollow LGA-18
8:50 AM 1
Leanna Rosenow (9) West Woods WGA 18
Trish Swanson (13) West Woods WGA 18
Patricia Sato (11) Ranch Country Club LGA
Wendy Atkinson (13) Ranch Country Club LGA
Deborah Tucker (11) Fox Hollow LGA-18
Tina Baca (13) South Suburban LGA 18
Patricia Hicks (13) Country Club of Colorado WGA
Sandra Young (7) Eisenhower WGA-18
9:00 AM 1
Jennifer Jacobsen (7) Glenmoor Country Club WGA
Rebecca Howard (10) Glenmoor Country Club WGA
Devra Ochs (6) Denver Country Club LGA
Patty Smogor (10) Blackstone/Black Bear LGA
Jane Ford (7) Hyland Hills WGA 18
Odette Kleidon (11) Hyland Hills WGA 18
Carla Stearns (7) Wellshire Women 18
Linda Raunig (9) Broken Tee Women's Saturday 18
9:10 AM 1
Janet Moore (1) Cherry Hills CC WGA
Susie Roh (1) Lakewood CC WGA
Beverly Hoffenberg (1) Columbine CC LGA
Louise Lyle (1) Patty Jewett WGC-18
Alison O'Connor (1) Collindale WGA
Tina Johnson (1) Mariana Butte WGA
Betty Bullington (1) Eisenhower WGA-18
Kelly Weil (1) Eisenhower WGA-18
Willis Case Golf Course
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Alison O'Connor (1) Collindale WGA
9:10 AM 10 W Match Navy Betty Bullington + Kelly Weil + Tina Johnson
Ann Priestman (23) Overland Park WGC
7:50 AM 10 W Match Red Cher Tufly + Heidi Cies + Laura Fischer
Annie Fox (14) Indian Peaks WGA
8:40 AM 10 W Match Red Karen Deierhoi + Lori Gude + Paulette Jerpe
Barbara Harrison (22) Foothills LGA-18
7:50 AM 1 W Match Red JoAnn Smith + Ro Troia + Toni Mench
Betty Bullington (1) Eisenhower WGA-18
9:10 AM 10 W Match Navy Alison O'Connor + Kelly Weil + Tina Johnson
Betty-Ann Wittenberg (21) Broken Tee Women's Saturday 18
8:00 AM 10 W Match Red Helen Robinette + Mary Smith + Suzanne Elkins
Beverly Hoffenberg (1) Columbine CC LGA
9:10 AM 1 W Match Navy Janet Moore + Louise Lyle + Susie Roh
Brenda Chergo (23) West Woods WGA 18
7:40 AM 1 W Match Red Dee Martinez + Kathy Nold + Patricia Graham
Bunny Ambrose (27) Riverdale WGA
7:30 AM 10 W Match Red Marcia Hall + Sandra Schnitzer + Susie Goldberg
Carla Stearns (7) Wellshire Women 18
9:00 AM 10 W Match Red Jane Ford + Linda Raunig + Odette Kleidon
Carol Iwata (20) Blackstone/Black Bear LGA
8:00 AM 1 W Match Red Marita Rhea + Terri Knight + Tracy Granucci
Cher Tufly (24) Willis Case WGA
7:50 AM 10 W Match Red Ann Priestman + Heidi Cies + Laura Fischer
Cindy Ortega (15) Foothills LGA-18
8:20 AM 10 W Match Red Kathy Diehl + Kay Geitner + Nancy McGee
Claudia Gallegos (14) South Suburban LGA 18
8:10 AM 1 W Match Red Harriet Daigle + Kerri Williams + Sandra Miller
Deborah Tucker (11) Fox Hollow LGA-18
8:50 AM 10 W Match Red Patricia Hicks + Sandra Young + Tina Baca
Dee Martinez (27) West Woods WGA 18
7:40 AM 1 W Match Red Brenda Chergo + Kathy Nold + Patricia Graham
Devra Ochs (6) Denver Country Club LGA
9:00 AM 1 W Match Red Jennifer Jacobsen + Patty Smogor + Rebecca Howard
Gina DeLarber (15) Murphy Creek WGA
8:40 AM 1 W Match Red Kelly McCormick + Paula Noonan + Tanya Saavedra
Harriet Daigle (20) Raccoon Creek Ladies 18
8:10 AM 1 W Match Red Claudia Gallegos + Kerri Williams + Sandra Miller
Heidi Cies (20) Overland Park WGC
7:50 AM 10 W Match Red Ann Priestman + Cher Tufly + Laura Fischer
Helen Robinette (18) South Suburban LGA 18
8:00 AM 10 W Match Red Betty-Ann Wittenberg + Mary Smith + Suzanne Elkins
Jane Ford (7) Hyland Hills WGA 18
9:00 AM 10 W Match Red Carla Stearns + Linda Raunig + Odette Kleidon
Janet Moore (1) Cherry Hills CC WGA
9:10 AM 1 W Match Navy Beverly Hoffenberg + Louise Lyle + Susie Roh
Jennifer Jacobsen (7) Glenmoor Country Club WGA
9:00 AM 1 W Match Red Devra Ochs + Patty Smogor + Rebecca Howard
Jenny Elliott (18) Foothills LGA-18
8:10 AM 10 W Match Red Nanette Neelan + Paula Sinn-Penfold + Sharon Atcheson
JoAnn Smith (19) Foothills LGA-18
7:50 AM 1 W Match Red Barbara Harrison + Ro Troia + Toni Mench
Karen Deierhoi (13) Indian Peaks WGA
8:40 AM 10 W Match Red Annie Fox + Lori Gude + Paulette Jerpe
Karen Lesko (16) Metro Denver eClub
8:30 AM 1 W Match Red Molly Huntsman + Tammy Voegele + Trudy Cocroft
Kathy Diehl (17) Broken Tee Women's Saturday 18
8:20 AM 10 W Match Red Cindy Ortega + Kay Geitner + Nancy McGee
Kathy Nold (27) Littleton LGC Women's 18
7:40 AM 1 W Match Red Brenda Chergo + Dee Martinez + Patricia Graham
Kathy Springer (18) Foothills LGA-18
8:20 AM 1 W Match Red Lynn Skallerud + Pam Schmidt + Valerie Schulte
Kay Boyle (24) Eagle Trace LGA-18
7:30 AM 1 W Match Red Kim Ellison + LaVerne Brookie + Sherri Fields
Kay Geitner (18) Littleton LGC Women's 18
8:20 AM 10 W Match Red Cindy Ortega + Kathy Diehl + Nancy McGee
Kelly McCormick (11) Club at Inverness LGA
8:40 AM 1 W Match Red Gina DeLarber + Paula Noonan + Tanya Saavedra
Kelly Weil (1) Eisenhower WGA-18
9:10 AM 10 W Match Navy Alison O'Connor + Betty Bullington + Tina Johnson
Kerri Williams (16) Blackstone/Black Bear LGA
8:10 AM 1 W Match Red Claudia Gallegos + Harriet Daigle + Sandra Miller
Kim Buck (22) Fossil Trace WGA
7:40 AM 10 W Match Red Leticia Overholt + Pat Gibson + Tammy Hitchens
Kim Ellison (27) Eagle Trace LGA-18
7:30 AM 1 W Match Red Kay Boyle + LaVerne Brookie + Sherri Fields
LaVerne Brookie (25) Homestead Weekend Women
7:30 AM 1 W Match Red Kay Boyle + Kim Ellison + Sherri Fields
Laura Fischer (21) Willis Case WGA
7:50 AM 10 W Match Red Ann Priestman + Cher Tufly + Heidi Cies
Leanna Rosenow (9) West Woods WGA 18
8:50 AM 1 W Match Red Patricia Sato + Trish Swanson + Wendy Atkinson
Leticia Overholt (25) Fossil Trace WGA
7:40 AM 10 W Match Red Kim Buck + Pat Gibson + Tammy Hitchens
Linda Krikorian (15) Meadow Hills Working Women
8:30 AM 10 W Match Red Linda Schippers + Rosemary Smith + Sherrie Gambrell
Linda Raunig (9) Broken Tee Women's Saturday 18
9:00 AM 10 W Match Red Carla Stearns + Jane Ford + Odette Kleidon
Linda Schippers (12) Heritage Eagle Bend WGA
8:30 AM 10 W Match Red Linda Krikorian + Rosemary Smith + Sherrie Gambrell
Lori Gude (10) Coyote Creek LGA
8:40 AM 10 W Match Red Annie Fox + Karen Deierhoi + Paulette Jerpe
Louise Lyle (1) Patty Jewett WGC-18
9:10 AM 1 W Match Navy Beverly Hoffenberg + Janet Moore + Susie Roh
Lynn Skallerud (18) South Suburban LGA 18
8:20 AM 1 W Match Red Kathy Springer + Pam Schmidt + Valerie Schulte
Marcia Hall (27) Overland Park WGC
7:30 AM 10 W Match Red Bunny Ambrose + Sandra Schnitzer + Susie Goldberg
Marita Rhea (22) Omni Interlocken Resort WGA
8:00 AM 1 W Match Red Carol Iwata + Terri Knight + Tracy Granucci
Mary Smith (18) Fox Hollow LGA-18
8:00 AM 10 W Match Red Betty-Ann Wittenberg + Helen Robinette + Suzanne Elkins
Molly Huntsman (15) Broken Tee Women's Saturday 18
8:30 AM 1 W Match Red Karen Lesko + Tammy Voegele + Trudy Cocroft
Nancy McGee (15) Lone Tree LGA-18
8:20 AM 10 W Match Red Cindy Ortega + Kathy Diehl + Kay Geitner
Nanette Neelan (18) Fox Hollow LGA-18
8:10 AM 10 W Match Red Jenny Elliott + Paula Sinn-Penfold + Sharon Atcheson
Odette Kleidon (11) Hyland Hills WGA 18
9:00 AM 10 W Match Red Carla Stearns + Jane Ford + Linda Raunig
Pam Schmidt (15) Broken Tee Women's Saturday 18
8:20 AM 1 W Match Red Kathy Springer + Lynn Skallerud + Valerie Schulte
Pat Gibson (25) Southridge Golf Course
7:40 AM 10 W Match Red Kim Buck + Leticia Overholt + Tammy Hitchens
Patricia Graham (21) South Suburban LGA 18
7:40 AM 1 W Match Red Brenda Chergo + Dee Martinez + Kathy Nold
Patricia Hicks (13) Country Club of Colorado WGA
8:50 AM 10 W Match Red Deborah Tucker + Sandra Young + Tina Baca
Patricia Sato (11) Ranch Country Club LGA
8:50 AM 1 W Match Red Leanna Rosenow + Trish Swanson + Wendy Atkinson
Patty Smogor (10) Blackstone/Black Bear LGA
9:00 AM 1 W Match Red Devra Ochs + Jennifer Jacobsen + Rebecca Howard
Paula Noonan (13) Inverness LGA
8:40 AM 1 W Match Red Gina DeLarber + Kelly McCormick + Tanya Saavedra
Paula Sinn-Penfold (19) Lake Valley WGA
8:10 AM 10 W Match Red Jenny Elliott + Nanette Neelan + Sharon Atcheson
Paulette Jerpe (14) Fox Hollow LGA-18
8:40 AM 10 W Match Red Annie Fox + Karen Deierhoi + Lori Gude
Rebecca Howard (10) Glenmoor Country Club WGA
9:00 AM 1 W Match Red Devra Ochs + Jennifer Jacobsen + Patty Smogor
Ro Troia (20) Broadlands WGA 18
7:50 AM 1 W Match Red Barbara Harrison + JoAnn Smith + Toni Mench
Rosemary Smith (12) Commonground WGC
8:30 AM 10 W Match Red Linda Krikorian + Linda Schippers + Sherrie Gambrell
Sandra Miller (19) Blackstone/Black Bear LGA
8:10 AM 1 W Match Red Claudia Gallegos + Harriet Daigle + Kerri Williams
Sandra Schnitzer (24) Broadlands WGA 18
7:30 AM 10 W Match Red Bunny Ambrose + Marcia Hall + Susie Goldberg
Sandra Young (7) Eisenhower WGA-18
8:50 AM 10 W Match Red Deborah Tucker + Patricia Hicks + Tina Baca
Sharon Atcheson (17) Lake Valley WGA
8:10 AM 10 W Match Red Jenny Elliott + Nanette Neelan + Paula Sinn-Penfold
Sherri Fields (26) LPGA Amateur Golf Association
7:30 AM 1 W Match Red Kay Boyle + Kim Ellison + LaVerne Brookie
Sherrie Gambrell (17) Heritage Eagle Bend WGA
8:30 AM 10 W Match Red Linda Krikorian + Linda Schippers + Rosemary Smith
Susie Goldberg (24) Overland Park WGC
7:30 AM 10 W Match Red Bunny Ambrose + Marcia Hall + Sandra Schnitzer
Susie Roh (1) Lakewood CC WGA
9:10 AM 1 W Match Navy Beverly Hoffenberg + Janet Moore + Louise Lyle
Suzanne Elkins (22) Fox Hollow Women's 9 Hole League
8:00 AM 10 W Match Red Betty-Ann Wittenberg + Helen Robinette + Mary Smith
Tammy Hitchens (19) Hyland Hills WGA 18
7:40 AM 10 W Match Red Kim Buck + Leticia Overholt + Pat Gibson
Tammy Voegele (16) Highlands Ranch(Du) Tues LGA
8:30 AM 1 W Match Red Karen Lesko + Molly Huntsman + Trudy Cocroft
Tanya Saavedra (11) Foothills LGA-18
8:40 AM 1 W Match Red Gina DeLarber + Kelly McCormick + Paula Noonan
Terri Knight (19) LPGA Amateur Golf Association
8:00 AM 1 W Match Red Carol Iwata + Marita Rhea + Tracy Granucci
Tina Baca (13) South Suburban LGA 18
8:50 AM 10 W Match Red Deborah Tucker + Patricia Hicks + Sandra Young
Tina Johnson (1) Mariana Butte WGA
9:10 AM 10 W Match Navy Alison O'Connor + Betty Bullington + Kelly Weil
Toni Mench (24) Broadlands WGA 18
7:50 AM 1 W Match Red Barbara Harrison + JoAnn Smith + Ro Troia
Tracy Granucci (16) Omni Interlocken Resort WGA
8:00 AM 1 W Match Red Carol Iwata + Marita Rhea + Terri Knight
Trish Swanson (13) West Woods WGA 18
8:50 AM 1 W Match Red Leanna Rosenow + Patricia Sato + Wendy Atkinson
Trudy Cocroft (15) Fox Hollow Women's 9 Hole League
8:30 AM 1 W Match Red Karen Lesko + Molly Huntsman + Tammy Voegele
Valerie Schulte (15) Littleton LGC Women's 18
8:20 AM 1 W Match Red Kathy Springer + Lynn Skallerud + Pam Schmidt
Wendy Atkinson (13) Ranch Country Club LGA
8:50 AM 1 W Match Red Leanna Rosenow + Patricia Sato + Trish Swanson